하위 분류 A Appetite for Destruction D Dirt(앨리스 인 체인스) M Meteora "미국의 메탈 음반" 분류에 속하는 문서 9 9.0: Live ...And Justice for All .5: The Gray Chapter Ænima A A Dramatic Turn of Events A View from the Top of the World AB III All Hope Is Gone Altars of Madness Among the Living An Overdose of Death... Awake(드림 시어터) B Balance(음반) Black Clouds & Silver Linings Blackbird(Alter Bridge) C Christmas Eve and Other Stories Cocky Countdown to Extinction Cowboys from Hell Cryptic Writings D DEATH AWAITS Death Magnetic Degradation Trip Volumes 1 & 2 Dehumanizing Loneliness Devil Is Fine Devil without a Cause Distance over Time Dream Theater(음반) Dream Widow(음반) Dystopia E Earth 2: Special Low Frequency Version Endgame Evil Empire Extreme II: Pornograffitti F Fallen(음반) Falling into Infinity Focus Follow the Leader(Korn) Fortress(Alter Bridge) G Garage Inc. God's Country H Hardwired... to Self-Destruct Hellbilly Deluxe Holy Diver Hybrid Theory I I Like It When You Die Images and Words Iowa K Kill 'Em All Killing Is My Business... And Business Is Good! Korn(음반) L Life Is Peachy Live Shit: Binge & Purge Load Lulu M Master of Puppets Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat. Metallica Through the Never Metallica(음반) Metropolis Pt. 2: Scenes from a Memory Monolith of Inhumanity O Octavarium P Parasomnia Peace Sells... But Who's Buying? People Watching Piles of Festering Decomposition R Rage Against The Machine(앨범) Reign in Blood Reload(메탈리카) Ride the Lightning Roads to Judah Rust in Peace S S&M 2 S&M(음반) Sadness Will Prevail Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence Skid Row(음반) Slipknot So Far So Good... So What! Sounding the Seventh Trumpet Speak English or Die St. Anger Suicide Euphoria Sunbather Super Collider Symbolic(데스) Systematic Chaos T TH1RT3EN The Astonishing The End, So Far The Last Hero The Open Door The Sick The Dying... And The Dead! The Sick, the Dying... and the Dead! The System Has Failed The World Needs a Hero Together As None Train of Thought U United Abominations V VOL.3: (THE SUBLIMINAL VERSES) Violence Unimagined Vivid(리빙 컬러) Vulgar Display of Power W Waking the Fallen Walk the Sky We Are Not Your Kind When Dream and Day Unite White Pony Wisconsin Death Trip Wrong One to Fuck With white pony Y Youthanasia 분류 미국의 음반 메탈 음반