<colbgcolor=#1a91fc> 전술공군사령부 Tactical Air Command | ||||||
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창설일 | 1946년 3월 21일 | |||||
해체일 | 1992년 6월 1일 | |||||
소속 | 미국 공군 | |||||
모토 | Vigilance for Freedom | |||||
초대 사령관 | 엘우드 퀘사다 중장 | |||||
마지막 사령관 | 존 로 대장 |
1. 개요
Tactical Air Command, 전술공군사령부는 1946년에 창설되어 1992년까지 존재했던 미국 공군의 주요 사령부(Major Command)로, 전투기, 전폭기, 공격기 및 지원 부대를 관리했다.2. 역사
전술공군사령부는 1946년 3월 21일, 버지니아주의 랭글리 비행장에서 창설되었고, 예하에 제3공군, 제9공군, 제12공군이 배치되었다. 창설 당시 전술공군사령부의 임무는 항공차단, 근접항공지원, 전술정찰, 육군 공수부대에 대한 수송지원이었다.하지만 제2차 세계 대전이 종전되고 나서 군축이 진행되었고, 전술공군사령부는 공군의 우선순위에서 전략공군사령부에 밀려나, 1948년에는 대륙공군사령부 예하의 작전 사령부로 격하되기도 했었다. 그러나 한국 전쟁이 일어나면서 전술기의 수요가 증가하자, 전술공군사령부도 다시 주요 사령부로 격상되었다.
냉전이 격화되면서 전술공군사령부는 세계 각국에 신속히 전술기 부대를 배치하는 데 집중했다. 전술공군사령부는 제2차 대만 해협 위기와 베를린 봉쇄에서 작전 수행역량을 입증했고, 베트남 전쟁에도 참전했다.
베트남 전쟁 이후 전술공군사령부는 4세대 전투기를 확보하고, 레드 플래그 훈련으로 조종사의 역량을 끌어올리면서 작전 수행역량을 강화해 나갔다. 그리고 냉전 종식 이후, 미군이 대대적으로 개편되면서 전술공군사령부는 전략공군사령부의 예하 부대를 흡수해, 1992년 6월 1일, 공군전투사령부로 재편되었다.
==# 편제 #==
===# 1989년 #===
- 본부, 전술공군사령부(랭글리 공군기지)
Headquarters, Tactical Air Command (Langley Air Force Base)
- 전술공군 전투작전참모부
Tactical Air Combat Operations Staff
- 제4525전투응용대대
4525th Combat Applications Squadron
- 제4545보안지원관리대대
4545th Security Assistance Management Squadron
- 제4400전술통제대대(전술공군상호운용전대)
4400th Tactical Control Squadron (Tactical Air Forces Interoperability Group)
- 제4444작전대대(운용시험개발)
4444th Operations Squadron (Operational Test and Development) - 제1분견대, 제4444작전대대(운용시험개발)(루크 공군기지)
Detachment 1, 4444th Operations Squadron (Operational Test and Development) (Luke Air Force Base) - 제2분견대, 제4444작전대대(운용시험개발)(캐넌 공군기지)
Detachment 2, 4444th Operations Squadron (Operational Test and Development) (Cannon Air Force Base) - 제3분견대, 제4444작전대대(운용시험개발)(조지 공군기지)
Detachment 3, 4444th Operations Squadron (Operational Test and Development) (George Air Force Base)
- 제4700작전지원대대
4700th Operations Support Squadron - 제1분견대, 제4700작전지원대대(오타와)
Detachment 1, 4700th Operations Support Squadron (Ottawa)
- 제4400기동지원편대(로빈스 공군기지)
4400th Mobility Support Flight (Robins Air Force Base)
- 제4400정비훈련편대(힐 공군기지)
4400th Maintenance Training Flight (Hill Air Force Base)
- 제4500학교대대(전술공군사령부 하사관학교)
4500th School Squadron (Tactical Air Command Non-Commissioned Officer Academy) - 제1분견대, 제4500학교대대(전술공군사령부 하사관학교)(틴달 공군기지)
Detachment 1, 4500th School Squadron (Tactical Air Command Non-Commissioned Officer Academy) (Tyndall Air Force Base) - 제2분견대, 제4500학교대대(전술공군사령부 하사관학교)(버그스트롬 공군기지)
Detachment 2, 4500th School Squadron (Tactical Air Command Non-Commissioned Officer Academy) (Bergstrom Air Force Base)
- 제4400관리공학대대
4400th Management Engineering Squadron - 제1분견대, 제4400관리공학대대
Detachment 1, 4400th Management Engineering Squadron - 제4분견대, 제4400관리공학대대(시모어 존슨 공군기지)
Detachment 4, 4400th Management Engineering Squadron (Seymour Johnson Air Force Base) - 제23분견대, 제4400관리공학대대(잉글랜드 공군기지)
Detachment 23, 4400th Management Engineering Squadron (England Air Force Base) - 제24분견대, 제4400관리공학대대(하워드 공군기지)
Detachment 24, 4400th Management Engineering Squadron (Howard Air Force Base) - 제27분견대, 제4400관리공학대대(캐넌 공군기지)
Detachment 27, 4400th Management Engineering Squadron (Cannon Air Force Base) - 제28분견대, 제4400관리공학대대(팅커 공군기지)
Detachment 28, 4400th Management Engineering Squadron (Tinker Air Force Base) - 제31분견대, 제4400관리공학대대(홈스테드 공군기지)
Detachment 31, 4400th Management Engineering Squadron (Homestead Air Force Base) - 제33분견대, 제4400관리공학대대(이글린 공군기지)
Detachment 33, 4400th Management Engineering Squadron (Eglin Air Force Base) - 제37분견대, 제4400관리공학대대(토노파 시험장 비행장)
Detachment 37, 4400th Management Engineering Squadron (Tonopah Test Range Airfield) - 제56분견대, 제4400관리공학대대(맥딜 공군기지)
Detachment 56, 4400th Management Engineering Squadron (MacDill Air Force Base) - 제67분견대, 제4400관리공학대대(버그스트롬 공군기지)
Detachment 67, 4400th Management Engineering Squadron (Bergstrom Air Force Base) - 제325분견대, 제4400관리공학대대(틴달 공군기지)
Detachment 325, 4400th Management Engineering Squadron (Tyndall Air Force Base) - 제347분견대, 제4400관리공학대대(무디 공군기지)
Detachment 347, 4400th Management Engineering Squadron (Moody Air Force Base) - 제354분견대, 제4400관리공학대대(머틀 비치 공군기지)
Detachment 354, 4400th Management Engineering Squadron (Myrtle Beach Air Force Base) - 제363분견대, 제4400관리공학대대(쇼 공군기지)
Detachment 363, 4400th Management Engineering Squadron (Shaw Air Force Base) - 제366분견대, 제4400관리공학대대(마운틴 홈 공군기지)
Detachment 366, 4400th Management Engineering Squadron (Mountain Home Air Force Base) - 제388분견대, 제4400관리공학대대(힐 공군기지)
Detachment 388, 4400th Management Engineering Squadron (Hill Air Force Base) - 제554분견대, 제4400관리공학대대(넬리스 공군기지)
Detachment 554, 4400th Management Engineering Squadron (Nellis Air Force Base) - 제831분견대, 제4400관리공학대대(조지 공군기지)
Detachment 831, 4400th Management Engineering Squadron (George Air Force Base) - 제832분견대, 제4400관리공학대대(루크 공군기지)
Detachment 832, 4400th Management Engineering Squadron (Luke Air Force Base) - 제833분견대, 제4400관리공학대대(홀로맨 공군기지)
Detachment 833, 4400th Management Engineering Squadron (Holloman Air Force Base) - 제836분견대, 제4400관리공학대대(데이비스-몬탄 공군기지)
Detachment 836, 4400th Management Engineering Squadron (Davis-Monthan Air Force Base) - 제4450분견대, 제4400관리공학대대(넬리스 공군기지)
Detachment 4450, 4400th Management Engineering Squadron (Nellis Air Force Base)
- 제4400계약대대
4400th Contracting Squadron
- 제4500야전인쇄대대
4500th Field Printing Squadron
- 제1전술지역병원
1st Tactical Regional Hospital
- 제564공군군악대
564th Air Force Band
- 제2항공기배송전대
2nd Aircraft Delivery Group - 본부, 제2항공기배송전대
Headquarters, 2nd Aircraft Delivery Group - 제1분견대, 본부, 제2항공기배송전대(히캄 공군기지)
Detachment 1, Headquarters, 2nd Aircraft Delivery Group (Hickam Air Force Base) - 제2분견대, 본부, 제2항공기배송전대(매클렐런 공군기지)
Detachment 2, Headquarters, 2nd Aircraft Delivery Group (McClellan Air Force Base) - 제3분견대, 본부, 제2항공기배송전대(로빈스 공군기지)
Detachment 3, Headquarters, 2nd Aircraft Delivery Group (Robins Air Force Base) - 제4분견대, 본부, 제2항공기배송전대(피스 공군기지)
Detachment 4, Headquarters, 2nd Aircraft Delivery Group (Pease Air Force Base) - 제5분견대, 본부, 제2항공기배송전대(라헤스 비행장)
Detachment 5, Headquarters, 2nd Aircraft Delivery Group (Lajes Field) - 제6분견대, 본부, 제2항공기배송전대(라인마인 공군기지)
Detachment 6, Headquarters, 2nd Aircraft Delivery Group (Rhein Main Air Base) - 제7분견대, 본부, 제2항공기배송전대(쇼 공군기지)
Detachment 7, Headquarters, 2nd Aircraft Delivery Group (Shaw Air Force Base) - 제11분견대, 본부, 제2항공기배송전대(앤더슨 공군기지)
Detachment 11, Headquarters, 2nd Aircraft Delivery Group (Andersen Air Force Base) - 제12분견대, 본부, 제2항공기배송전대(가데나 공군기지)
Detachment 12, Headquarters, 2nd Aircraft Delivery Group (Kadena Air Base) - 제14분견대, 본부, 제2항공기배송전대(토레혼 공군기지)
Detachment 14, Headquarters, 2nd Aircraft Delivery Group (Torrejon Air Base)
- 제480정찰기술전대
480th Reconnaissance Technical Group - 본부, 제480정찰기술전대
Headquarters, 480th Reconnaissance Technical Group - 제1분견대, 본부, 제480정찰기술전대(하워드 공군기지)
Detachment 1, Headquarters, 480th Reconnaissance Technical Group (Howard Air Force Base)
- 공군전술공중전센터(이글린 공군기지)
U.S. Air Force Tactical Air Warfare Center (Eglin Air Force Base) - 본부, 공군전술공중전센터(시애틀)
Headquarters, U.S. Air Force Tactical Air Warfare Center (Seattle) - 제1분견대, 본부, 공군전술공중전센터
Detachment 1, Headquarters, U.S. Air Force Tactical Air Warfare Center - 제2분견대, 본부, 공군전술공중전센터(데이비스-몬탄 공군기지)
Detachment 2, Headquarters, U.S. Air Force Tactical Air Warfare Center (Davis-Monthan Air Force Base) - 제3분견대, 본부, 공군전술공중전센터(에드워즈 공군기지)
Detachment 3, Headquarters, U.S. Air Force Tactical Air Warfare Center (Edwards Air Force Base) - 제4분견대, 본부, 공군전술공중전센터(커틀랜드 공군기지)
Detachment 4, Headquarters, U.S. Air Force Tactical Air Warfare Center (Kirtland Air Force Base) - 제4441전술훈련전대(블루 플래그)
4441st Tactical Training Group (Blue Flag) - 본부, 제4441전술훈련전대(블루 플래그)
Headquarters, 4441st Tactical Training Group (Blue Flag) - 제4442전술통제전대(헐버트 비행장)
4442nd Tactical Control Group (Hurlburt Field) - 본부, 제4442전술통제전대
Headquarters, 4442nd Tactical Control Group - 제727전술통제대대(시험)
727th Tactical Control Squadron (Test) - 공군공지작전학교
U.S. Air Force Air Ground Operations School - 제4443시험평가전대
4443rd Test and Evaluation Group - 본부, 제4443시험평가전대
Headquarters, 4443rd Test and Evaluation Group
제3분견대, 본부, 제4443시험평가전대(마운틴 홈 공군기지)1×EF-111A
Detachment 3, 4443rd Test and Evaluation Group (Mountain Home Air Force Base)
제5분견대, 본부, 제4443시험평가전대(조지 공군기지)3×F-4G
Detachment 4, Headquarters, 4443rd Test and Evaluation Group (George Air Force Base) - 제4484시험대대(틴달 공군기지)
4484th Test Squadron (Tyndall Air Force Base) - 제4485시험비행대대7×F-4E, 4×RF-4C, 1×F-15A, 4×F-15C, 2×F-16A, 3×F-16C, 3×A-10A
4485th Test Squadron - 제4486전투무기대대
4486th Fighter Weapons Squadron
- 공군전술전투무기센터(넬리스 공군기지)
U.S. Air Force Tactical Fighter Weapons Center (Nellis Air Force Base) - 제4477공군기지대대(토노파 시험장 비행장)
4477th Air Base Squadron (Tonopah Test Range Airfield) - 제57전투무기비행단(넬리스 공군기지)
57th Fighter Weapons Wing (Nellis Air Force Base) - 본부, 제57전투무기비행단
Headquarters, 57th Fighter Weapons Wing
제1분견대, 본부, 제57전투무기비행단(그룸 레이크)1×F-117A
Detachment 1, Headquarters, 57th Fighter Weapons Wing (Groom Lake) - 공군특수비행대대9×F-16A, 2×F-16B
U.S. Air Force Air Demonstration Squadron - 공군전투무기학교10×F-15C, 2×F-15D, 12×F-16C, 2×F-16D, 6×A-10A
U.S. Air Force Fighter Weapons School
제2분견대, 공군전투무기학교(캐넌 공군기지)
Detachment 2, U.S. Air Force Fighter Weapons School (Cannon Air Force Base) - 제64가상적기비행대대12×F-16C/D
64th Aggressor Squadron - 제65가상적기비행대대21×F-5E
65th Aggressor Squadron - 제422시험평가비행대대4×F-15C, 1×F-15D, 4×F-15E, 4×F-16A, 2×F-16B, 7×F-16C, 8×A-10A
422nd Test and Evaluation Squadron - 제431시험평가비행대대(매클렐런 공군기지)2×F-111A, 2×F-111D, 2×F-111E, 3×F-111F
431st Test and Evaluation Squadron (McClellan Air Force Base) - 제4477시험평가비행대대3×YF-110B(MiG-21F-13), 12×YF-110C(J-7B), 16×YF-110D(MiG-21MF), 2×YF-113B(MiG-23BN), 6×YF-113E(MiG-23MS), 3×AT-38B, 2×T-38A
4477th Test and Evaluation Squadron - 제4440전술전투훈련전대(레드 플래그)
4440th Tactical Fighter Training Group (Red Flag)
본부, 제4440전술전투훈련전대(레드 플래그)
Headquarters, 4440th Tactical Fighter Training Group (Red Flag) - 제4513적군위협훈련전대
4513th Adversary Threat Training Group
본부, 제4513적군위협훈련전대
Headquarters, 4513th Adversary Threat Training Group - 제57항공기생성대대
57th Aircraft Generation Squadron
64th Aircraft Maintenance Unit
422nd Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제57부품수리대대
57th Component Repair Squadron - 제57장비정비대대
57th Equipment Maintenance Squadron - 제554작전지원비행단(넬리스 공군기지)
554th Operations Support Wing (Nellis Air Force Base) - 본부, 제554작전지원비행단
Headquarters, 554th Operations Support Wing - 제554시험장전대
554th Range Group
본부, 제554시험장전대
Headquarters, 554th Range Group - 제554전투지원전대
554th Combat Support Group
본부, 제554전투지원전대
Headquarters, 554th Combat Support Group
554th Security Police Squadron
554th Security Support Squadron
554th Mission Support Squadron
554th Services Squadron
4554th Ground Combat Training Squadron - 제554토목공학작전대대
554th Civil Engineering Operations Squadron - 제554토목공학지원대대
554th Civil Engineering Support Squadron - 제554공급대대
554th Supply Squadron - 제554수송대대
554th Transportation Squadron - 제554감사대대
554th Comptroller Squadron - 제554의무전대
554th Medical Group
====# 제28항공사단 #====
28th Air Division
- 본부, 제28항공사단(팅커 공군기지)
Headquarters, 28th Air Division (Tinker Air Force Base)
- 제7공중지휘통제비행대대(키슬러 공군기지)7×EC-130E
7th Airborne Command and Control Squadron (Keesler Air Force Base)
- 제960공중경보통제비행대대(케플라비크 해군항공기지)2×E-3B/C
960th Airborne Warning and Control Squadron (Naval Air Station Keflavik)
- 제961공중경보통제비행대대(가데나 공군기지)3×E-3B/C
961st Airborne Warning and Control Squadron (Kadena Air Base)
- 제962공중경보통제비행대대(엘멘도르프 공군기지)2×E-3B/C
962nd Airborne Warning and Control Squadron (Elmendorf Air Force Base)
- 제41전자전투비행대대9×EC-130H
41st Electronic Combat Squadron
- 제552공중경보통제비행단(팅커 공군기지)25×E-3B, 9×E-3C, 2×TC-18E
552nd Airborne Warning and Control Wing (Tinker Air Force Base) - 본부, 제552공중경보통제비행단
Headquarters, 552nd Airborne Warning and Control Wing - 제963공중경보통제비행대대
963rd Airborne Warning and Control Squadron - 제964공중경보통제비행대대
964th Airborne Warning and Control Squadron - 제965공중경보통제비행대대
965th Airborne Warning and Control Squadron - 제966공중경보통제비행대대
966th Airborne Warning and Control Squadron - 제552전술훈련대대
552nd Tactical Training Squadron - 제552항공기생성대대
552nd Aircraft Generation Squadron - 제552부품수리대대
552nd Component Repair Squadron - 제552장비정비대대
552nd Equipment Maintenance Squadron
====# 제830항공사단 #====
830th Air Division
- 본부, 제830항공사단(하워드 공군기지)
Headquarters, 830th Air Division (Howard Air Force Base) - 제1분견대, 본부, 제830항공사단(테구시갈파)
Detachment 1, 830th Air Division (Tegucigalpa) - 제2분견대, 본부, 제830항공사단
Detachment 2, 830th Air Division
- 제630항공기통제경보대대
630th Aircraft Control and Warning Squadron
- 제4402지원대대(임시)(호세 엔리케 소토 카노 공군기지)
4402nd Support Squadron (Provisional) (Base aérea José Enrique Soto Cano)
- 미주공군아카데미(앨브룩 공군기지)
Inter-American Air Forces Academy (Albrook Air Force Station)
- 제24복합비행단(하워드 공군기지)
24th Composite Wing (Howard Air Force Base) - 본부, 제24복합비행단
Headquarters, 24th Composite Wing - 제24전술항공지원비행대대18×OA-37B
24th Tactical Air Support Squadron - 제24통합항공기정비대대
24th Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron - 제24전투지원전대
24th Combat Support Group - 제24공군기지조작대대
24th Air Base Operability Squadron - 제24군사경찰대대
24th Security Police Squadron - 제24토목공학대대
24th Civil Engineering Squadron - 제24임무지원대대
24th Mission Support Squadron - 제24근무대대
24th Services Squadron - 제4400항공우편대대(앨브룩 공군기지)
4400th Air Postal Squadron (Albrook Air Force Station) - 제24공급대대
24th Supply Squadron - 제24수송대대
24th Transportation Squadron - 제24감사대대
24th Comptroller Squadron - 제24의무전대
24th Medical Group
====# 제1공군 #====
First Air Force
- 본부, 제1공군(랭글리 공군기지)
Headquarters, First Air Force (Langley Air Force Base)
- 방공 전투작전참모부
Air Defense Combat Operations Staff
- 제4702컴퓨터근무대대(틴달 공군기지)
4702nd Computer Services Squadron (Tyndall Air Force Base) - 제1분견대, 제4702컴퓨터근무대대(마운틴 홈 공군기지)
Detachment 1, 4702nd Computer Services Squadron (Mountain Home Air Force Base)
- 제4722지원대대(노스 베이 공군기지)
4722nd Support Squadron (Canadian Forces Base North Bay)
- 주아이슬란드 공군(케플라비크 해군항공기지)
Air Forces Iceland (Naval Air Station Keflavik) - 본부, 주아이슬란드 공군
Headquarters, Air Forces Iceland - 제57전투요격비행대대18×F-15C/D
57th Fighter Interceptor Squadron - 제667항공기통제경보대대(회픈 공군기지)
667th Aircraft Control and Warning Squadron (Hofn Air Station) - 제932방공대대
932nd Air Defense Squadron - 아이슬란드 지역작전통제센터
Iceland Region Operations Control Center - 제4557군사경찰대대
4557th Security Police Squadron - 제4557공급대대
4557th Supply Squadron
- 공군방공무기센터(틴달 공군기지)
U.S. Air Force Air Defense Weapons Center(Tyndall Air Force Base) - 제325전투지원전대
325th Combat Support Group - 본부, 제325전투지원전대
Headquarters, 325th Combat Support Group - 제325군사경찰대대
325th Security Police Squadron - 제325토목공학대대
325th Civil Engineering Squadron - 제325임무지원대대
325th Mission Support Squadron - 제325근무대대
325th Services Squadron - 제325공급대대
325th Supply Squadron - 제325수송대대
325th Transportation Squadron - 제325감사대대
325th Comptroller Squadron - 제475무기평가전대(틴달 공군기지)
475th Weapons Evaluation Group (Tyndall Air Force Base) - 본부, 제475무기평가전대2×E-9A
Headquarters, 475th Weapons Evaluation Group
제1분견대, 본부, 제475무기평가전대
Detachment 1, Headquarters, 475th Weapons Evaluation Group - 제81시험장통제대대
81st Range Control Squadron - 제82전술공중표적대대
82nd Tactical Aerial Targets Squadron - 제83전투무기대대
83rd Fighter Weapons Squadron - 제84레이더평가대대(힐 공군기지)
84th Radar Evaluation Squadron (Hill Air Force Base) - 제325전술훈련비행단(틴달 공군기지)
325th Tactical Training Wing (Tyndall Air Force Base) - 본부, 제325전술훈련비행단
Headquarters, 325th Tactical Training Wing - 제1전술전투훈련비행대대22×F-15A, 6×F-15B
1st Tactical Fighter Training Squadron - 제2전술전투훈련비행대대18×F-15A, 9×F-15B
2nd Tactical Fighter Training Squadron - 제95전술전투훈련비행대대24×F-15A, 6×F-15B
95th Tactical Fighter Training Squadron - 제325전술훈련대대
325th Tactical Training Squadron - 제325무기통제사훈련대대
325th Weapons Controller Training Squadron - 제325항공기생성대대
325th Aircraft Generation Squadron
1st Aircraft Maintenance Unit
2nd Aircraft Maintenance Unit
95th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제325부품수리대대
325th Component Repair Squadron - 제325장비정비대대
325th Equipment Maintenance Squadron - 제325정비훈련대대
325th Maintenance Training Squadron - 제325의무전대
325th Medical Group
=====# 제24항공사단 #=====
24th Air Division
- 본부, 제24항공사단(그리피스 공군기지)
Headquarters, 24th Air Division (Griffiss Air Force Base)
- 북동부 방공구역(그리피스 공군기지)
Northeast Air Defense Sector (Griffiss Air Force Base) - 본부, 북동부 방공구역
Headquarters, Northeast Air Defense Sector - 북동부 방공구역 작전통제센터
Northeast Sector Operations Control Center - 제776레이더대대(뱅거 공군주방위군기지)
776th Radar Squadron (Bangor Air National Guard Base)
- 남동부 방공구역(틴달 공군기지)
Southeast Air Defense Sector (Tyndall Air Force Base) - 본부, 남동부 방공구역
Headquarters, Southeast Air Defense Sector - 남동부 방공구역 작전통제센터
Southeast Sector Operations Control Center - 제1분견대, 본부, 남동부 방공구역(케이프 커내버럴 공군기지)AN/DPS-5(TARS)
Detachment 1, Headquarters, Southeast Air Defense Sector (Cape Canaveral Air Force Station) - 제3분견대, 본부, 남동부 방공구역(커조 케이 공군기지)AN/DPS-5(TARS)
Detachment 3, Headquarters, Southeast Air Defense Sector (Cudjoe Key Air Force Station) - 제48전투요격비행대대(랭글리 공군기지)18×F-15A/B
48th Fighter Interceptor Squadron (Langley Air Force Base)
=====# 제25항공사단 #=====
25th Air Division
- 본부, 제25항공사단(맥코드 공군기지)
Headquarters, 25th Air Division (McChord Air Force Base)
- 제25방공대대
25th Air Defense Squadron
- 북서부 방공구역(맥코드 공군기지)
Northwest Air Defense Sector (McChord Air Force Base) - 본부, 북서부 방공구역
Headquarters, Northwest Air Defense Sector - 북서부 방공구역 작전통제센터
Northwest Sector Operations Control Center - 제777레이더대대(마운틴 홈 공군기지)OTH-B
777th Radar Squadron (Mountain Home Air Force Base)
- 남서부 방공구역
Southwest Air Defense Sector - 본부, 남서부 방공구역
Headquarters, Southwest Air Defense Sector - 남서부 방공구역 작전통제센터
Southwest Sector Operations Control Center
====# 제9공군 #====
Ninth Air Force
- 본부, 제9공군(쇼 공군기지)
Headquarters, Ninth Air Force (Shaw Air Force Base)
- 제9공군 전투작전참모부
Ninth Air Force Combat Operations Staff
- 제823신속기술전개중작업수리공병토목공학대대(헐버트 비행장)
823rd Rapid Engineer Deployable Heavy Operational Repair Squadron Engineer Civil Engineering Squadron (Hurlburt Field)
- 제4448기동지원대대
4448th Mobility Support Squadron
- 제4401항공우편대대
4401st Air Postal Squadron - 제1분견대, 제4401항공우편대대(다란 국제공항)
Detachment 1, Air Postal Squadron (Dhahran International Airport)
- 제1전술전투비행단(랭글리 공군기지)
1st Tactical Fighter Wing (Langley Air Force Base) - 본부, 제1전술전투비행단
Headquarters, 1st Tactical Fighter Wing - 제27전술전투비행대대24×F-15C/D
27th Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제71전술전투비행대대24×F-15C/D
71st Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제94전술전투비행대대24×F-15C/D
94th Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제6공중지휘통제비행대대4×EC-135P
6th Airborne Command and Control Squadron - 제4401헬리콥터비행편대3×UH-1N
4401st Helicopter Flight - 제1항공기생성대대
1st Aircraft Generation Squadron - 제27항공기정비부대
27th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제71항공기정비부대
71st Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제94항공기정비부대
94th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제1부품수리대대
1st Component Repair Squadron - 제1장비정비대대
1st Equipment Maintenance Squadron - 제1전투지원전대
1st Combat Support Group - 본부, 제1전투지원전대
Headquarters, 1st Combat Support Group - 제1공군기지조작대대
1st Air Base Operability Squadron - 제1군사경찰대대
1st Security Police Squadron - 제1토목공학대대
1st Civil Engineering Squadron - 제1임무지원대대
1st Mission Support Squadron - 제1근무대대
1st Services Squadron - 제1공급대대
1st Supply Squadron - 제1수송대대
1st Transportation Squadron - 제4410수송편대
4410th Transportation Flight - 제1감사대대
1st Comptroller Squadron - 제1의무전대
1st Medical Group
- 제4전술전투비행단(시모어 존슨 공군기지)
4th Tactical Fighter Wing (Seymour Johnson Air Force Base) - 본부, 제4전술전투비행단
Headquarters, 4th Tactical Fighter Wing - 제334전술전투비행대대24×F-4E
334th Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제335전술전투비행대대24×F-4E
335th Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제336전술전투비행대대24×F-4E
336th Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제4항공기생성대대
4th Aircraft Generation Squadron - 제334항공기정비부대
334th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제335항공기정비부대
335th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제336항공기정비부대
336th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제4부품수리대대
4th Component Repair Squadron - 제4장비정비대대
4th Equipment Maintenance Squadron - 제4전투지원전대
4th Combat Support Group - 본부, 제4전투지원전대
Headquarters, 4th Combat Support Group - 제4공군기지조작대대
4th Air Base Operability Squadron - 제4군사경찰대대
4th Security Police Squadron - 제4토목공학대대
4th Civil Engineering Squadron - 제4임무지원대대
4th Mission Support Squadron - 제4근무대대
4th Services Squadron - 제4공급대대
4th Supply Squadron - 제4수송대대
4th Transportation Squadron - 제4감사대대
4th Comptroller Squadron - 제4의무전대
4th Medical Group - 제4전술병원
4th Tactical Hospital
- 제23전술전투비행단(잉글랜드 공군기지)
23rd Tactical Fighter Wing (England Air Force Base) - 본부, 제23전술전투비행단
Headquarters, 23rd Tactical Fighter Wing - 제74전술전투비행대대24×A-10A
74th Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제75전술전투비행대대24×A-10A
75th Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제76전술전투비행대대24×A-10A
76th Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제23항공기생성대대
23rd Aircraft Generation Squadron - 제74항공기정비부대
74th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제75항공기정비부대
75th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제76항공기정비부대
76th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제23부품수리대대
23rd Component Repair Squadron - 제23장비정비대대
23rd Equipment Maintenance Squadron - 제23전투지원전대
23rd Combat Support Group - 본부, 제23전투지원전대
Headquarters, 23rd Combat Support Group - 제23공군기지조작대대
23rd Air Base Operability Squadron - 제23군사경찰대대
23rd Security Police Squadron - 제23토목공학대대
23rd Civil Engineering Squadron - 제23임무지원대대
23rd Mission Support Squadron - 제23근무대대
23rd Services Squadron - 제23공급대대
23rd Supply Squadron - 제23수송대대
23rd Transportation Squadron - 제23감사대대
23rd Comptroller Squadron - 제23의무전대
23rd Medical Group - 제23전술병원
23rd Tactical Hospital
- 제31전술전투비행단(홈스테드 공군기지)
31st Tactical Fighter Wing (Homestead Air Force Base) - 본부, 제31전술전투비행단
Headquarters, 31st Tactical Fighter Wing - 제307전술전투비행대대24×F-16A/B
30th Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제308전술전투비행대대24×F-16A/B
308th Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제309전술전투비행대대24×F-16A/B
309th Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제31항공기생성대대
31st Aircraft Generation Squadron - 제307항공기정비부대
307th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제308항공기정비부대
308 Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제309항공기정비부대
309th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제31부품수리대대
31st Component Repair Squadron - 제31장비정비대대
31st Equipment Maintenance Squadron - 제31전투지원전대
31st Combat Support Group - 본부, 제31전투지원전대
Headquarters, 31st Combat Support Group - 제31공군기지조작대대
31st Air Base Operability Squadron - 제31군사경찰대대
31st Security Police Squadron - 제31토목공학대대
31st Civil Engineering Squadron - 제31임무지원대대
31st Mission Support Squadron - 제31근무대대
31st Services Squadron - 제31공급대대
31st Supply Squadron - 제31수송대대
31st Transportation Squadron - 제31감사대대
31st Comptroller Squadron - 제31의무전대
31st Medical Group - 제31전술병원
31st Tactical Hospital
- 제33전술전투비행단(이글린 공군기지)
33rd Tactical Fighter Wing (Eglin Air Force Base) - 본부, 제33전술전투비행단
Headquarters, 33rd Tactical Fighter Wing - 제58전술전투비행대대24×F-15C/D
58th Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제59전술전투비행대대24×F-15C/D
59th Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제60전술전투훈련대대24×F-15C/D
60th Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제33항공기생성대대
33rd Aircraft Generation Squadron - 제58항공기정비부대
58th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제59항공기정비부대
59th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제60항공기정비부대
60th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제33부품수리대대
33rd Component Repair Squadron - 제33장비정비대대
33rd Equipment Maintenance Squadron
- 제347전술전투비행단(무디 공군기지)
347th Tactical Fighter Wing (Moody Air Force Base) - 본부, 제347전술전투비행단
Headquarters, 347th Tactical Fighter Wing - 제68전술전투비행대대24×F-16A/B
68th Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제69전술전투비행대대24×F-16A/B
69th Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제70전술전투비행대대24×F-16A/B
70th Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제347항공기생성대대
347th Aircraft Generation Squadron - 제68항공기정비부대
68th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제69항공기정비부대
69th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제70항공기정비부대
70th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제347부품수리대대
347th Component Repair Squadron - 제347장비정비대대
347th Equipment Maintenance Squadron - 제347전투지원전대
347th Combat Support Group - 본부, 제347전투지원전대
Headquarters, 347th Combat Support Group - 제347공군기지조작대대
347th Air Base Operability Squadron - 제347군사경찰대대
347th Security Police Squadron - 제347토목공학대대
347th Civil Engineering Squadron - 제347임무지원대대
347th Mission Support Squadron - 제347근무대대
347th Services Squadron - 제347공급대대
347th Supply Squadron - 제347수송대대
347th Transportation Squadron - 제347감사대대
347th Comptroller Squadron - 제347의무전대
347th Medical Group - 제347전술병원
347th Tactical Hospital
- 제354전술전투비행단(머틀 비치 공군기지)
354th Tactical Fighter Wing (Myrtle Beach Air Force Base) - 본부, 제354전술전투비행단
Headquarters, 354th Tactical Fighter Wing - 제353전술전투비행대대24×A-10A
353rd Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제355전술전투비행대대24×A-10A
355th Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제356전술전투훈련대대24×A-10A
356th Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제354항공기생성대대
354th Aircraft Generation Squadron - 제353항공기정비부대
353rd Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제355항공기정비부대
355th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제356항공기정비부대
356th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제354부품수리대대
354th Component Repair Squadron - 제354장비정비대대
354th Equipment Maintenance Squadron - 제354전투지원전대
354th Combat Support Group - 본부, 제354전투지원전대
Headquarters, 354th Combat Support Group - 제354공군기지조작대대
354th Air Base Operability Squadron - 제354군사경찰대대
354th Security Police Squadron - 제354토목공학대대
354th Civil Engineering Squadron - 제354임무지원대대
354th Mission Support Squadron - 제354근무대대
354th Services Squadron - 제354공급대대
354th Supply Squadron - 제354수송대대
354th Transportation Squadron - 제354감사대대
354th Comptroller Squadron - 제354의무전대
354th Medical Group - 제354전술병원
354th Tactical Hospital
- 제363전술전투비행단(쇼 공군기지)
363rd Tactical Fighter Wing (Shaw Air Force Base) - 본부, 제363전술전투비행단
Headquarters, 363rd Tactical Fighter Wing - 제17전술전투비행대대24×F-16C/D
17th Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제19전술전투비행대대24×F-16C/D
19th Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제33전술전투비행대대24×F-16C/D
33rd Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제363항공기생성대대
363rd Aircraft Generation Squadron - 제17항공기정비부대
17th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제19항공기정비부대
19th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제33항공기정비부대
33rd Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제363부품수리대대
363rd Component Repair Squadron - 제363장비정비대대
363rd Equipment Maintenance Squadron - 제363전투지원전대
363rd Combat Support Group - 본부, 제363전투지원전대
Headquarters, 363rd Combat Support Group - 제363공군기지조작대대
363rd Air Base Operability Squadron - 제363군사경찰대대
363rd Security Police Squadron - 제363토목공학대대
363rd Civil Engineering Squadron - 제363임무지원대대
363rd Mission Support Squadron - 제363근무대대
363rd Services Squadron - 제363공급대대
363rd Supply Squadron - 제363수송대대
363rd Transportation Squadron - 제363감사대대
363rd Comptroller Squadron - 제363의무전대
363rd Medical Group - 제1분견대, 제363의무전대(올버니 해병대군수기지)
Detachment 1, 363rd Medical Group (Marine Corps Logistics Base Albany) - 제363전술병원
363rd Tactical Hospital
- 제56전술훈련비행단(맥딜 공군기지)
56th Tactical Training Wing (MacDill Air Force Base) - 본부, 제56전술훈련비행단
Headquarters, 56th Tactical Training Wing - 제61전술전투훈련비행대대12×F-16A, 8×F-16B
61st Tactical Fighter Training Squadron - 제62전술전투훈련비행대대12×F-16A, 8×F-16B
62nd Tactical Fighter Training Squadron - 제63전술전투훈련비행대대16×F-16C, 12×F-16D
63rd Tactical Fighter Training Squadron - 제72전술전투훈련비행대대12×F-16A, 8×F-16B
72nd Tactical Fighter Training Squadron - 제56전술훈련대대
56th Tactical Training Squadron - 제56항공기생성대대
56th Aircraft Generation Squadron - 제61항공기정비부대
61st Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제62항공기정비부대
62nd Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제4456항공기생성대대
4456th Aircraft Generation Squadron - 제63항공기정비부대
63rd Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제72항공기정비부대
72nd Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제56부품수리대대
56th Component Repair Squadron - 제56장비정비대대
56th Equipment Maintenance Squadron - 제56전투지원전대
56th Combat Support Group - 본부, 제56전투지원전대
Headquarters, 56th Combat Support Group - 제56군사경찰대대
56th Security Police Squadron - 제56토목공학대대
56th Civil Engineering Squadron - 제56임무지원대대
56th Mission Support Squadron - 제56근무대대
56th Services Squadron - 제56전투지원대대(아본 파크 공군기지)
56th Combat Support Squadron (Avon Park Air Force Station) - 제56공급대대
56th Supply Squadron - 제56수송대대
56th Transportation Squadron - 제56감사대대
56th Comptroller Squadron - 제56의무전대
56th Medical Group - 제56전술병원
56th Tactical Hospital
- 제507전술항공통제비행단(쇼 공군기지)
507th Tactical Air Control Wing (Shaw Air Force Base) - 본부, 제507전술항공통제비행단
Headquarters, 507th Tactical Air Control Wing - 제1분견대, 본부, 제507전술항공통제비행단(포트 브래그)
Detachment 1, Headquarters, 507th Tactical Air Control Wing (Fort Bragg) - 제2분견대, 본부, 제507전술항공통제비행단(포트 스튜어트)
Detachment 2, Headquarters, 507th Tactical Air Control Wing (Fort Stewart) - 제3분견대, 본부, 제507전술항공통제비행단(포트 녹스)
Detachment 3, Headquarters, 507th Tactical Air Control Wing (Fort Knox) - 제4분견대, 본부, 제507전술항공통제비행단(포트 베닝)
Detachment 4, Headquarters, 507th Tactical Air Control Wing (Fort Benning) - 제5분견대, 본부, 제507전술항공통제비행단(포트 캠벨)
Detachment 5, Headquarters, 507th Tactical Air Control Wing (Fort Campbell) - 제6분견대, 본부, 제507전술항공통제비행단(포트 포크)
Detachment 6, Headquarters, 507th Tactical Air Control Wing (Fort Polk) - 제7분견대, 본부, 제507전술항공통제비행단(포트 라일리)
Detachment 7, Headquarters, 507th Tactical Air Control Wing (Fort Riley) - 제8분견대, 본부, 제507전술항공통제비행단(포트 드럼)
Detachment 8, Headquarters, 507th Tactical Air Control Wing (Fort Drum) - 제507전술항공통제센터대대
507th Tactical Air Control Center Squadron - 제682항공지원작전센터대대
682nd Air Support Operations Center Squadron - 제9전술정보대대
9th Tactical Intelligence Squadron - 제21전술항공지원비행대대14×OV-10A
21st Tactical Air Support Squadron - 제803전술항공지원비행대대4×CH-3E
703rd Tactical Air Support Squadron - 제71전술통제대대(맥딜 공군기지)AN/TPS-43E
71st Tactical Control Squadron (MacDill Air Force Base) - 제72전술통제편대(전방항공통제지점)(포트 먼로)AN/TPS-43E
72nd Tactical Control Flight (Forward Air Control Posts) (Fort Monroe) - 제73전술통제대대(머틀 비치 공군기지)AN/TPS-43E
73rd Tactical Control Squadron (Myrtle Beach Air Force Base) - 제74전술통제대대(랭글리 공군기지)AN/TPS-43E
74th Tactical Control Squadron (Langley Air Force Base) - 제726전술통제대대(홈스테드 공군기지)AN/TPS-43E
726th Tactical Control Squadron (Homestead Air Force Base) - 제728전술통제대대(통제보고센터)(듀크 비행장)AN/TPS-43E
728th Tactical Control Squadron (Control and Reporting Center) (Duke Field) - 제4445전술훈련대대(리틀록 공군기지)
4446th Tactical Training Squadron (Little Rock Air Force Base) - 제4507통합항공기정비대대
4507th Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
====# 제12공군 #====
Twelfth Air Force
- 본부, 제12공군(버그스트롬 공군기지)
Headquarters, Twelfth Air Force (Bergstrom Air Force Base)
- 제12공군 전투작전참모부
Twelfth Air Force Combat Operations Staff
- 제820신속기술전개중작업수리공병토목공학대대(넬리스 공군기지)
820th Rapid Engineer Deployable Heavy Operational Repair Squadron Engineer Civil Engineering Squadron (Nellis Air Force Base)
- 제27전술전투비행단(캐넌 공군기지)
27th Tactical Fighter Wing (Cannon Air Force Base) - 본부, 제27전술전투비행단
Headquarters, 27th Tactical Fighter Wing - 제522전술전투비행대대24×F-111D
522nd Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제523전술전투비행대대24×F-111D
523rd Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제428전술전투훈련비행대대18×F-111G
428th Tactical Fighter Training Squadron - 제524전술전투훈련비행대대14×F-111D
524th Tactical Fighter Training Squadron - 제27항공기생성대대
27th Aircraft Generation Squadron - 제428항공기정비부대
428th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제522항공기정비부대
522nd Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제523항공기정비부대
523rd Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제524항공기정비부대
524th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제27부품수리대대
27th Component Repair Squadron - 제27장비정비대대
27th Equipment Maintenance Squadron - 제27전투지원전대
27th Combat Support Group - 본부, 제27전투지원전대
Headquarters, 27th Combat Support Group - 제27공군기지조작대대
27th Air Base Operability Squadron - 제27군사경찰대대
27th Security Police Squadron - 제27토목공학대대
27th Civil Engineering Squadron - 제27임무지원대대
27th Mission Support Squadron - 제27근무대대
27th Services Squadron - 제27공급대대
27th Supply Squadron - 제27수송대대
27th Transportation Squadron - 제27감사대대
27th Comptroller Squadron - 제27의무전대
27th Medical Group - 제27전술병원
27th Tactical Hospital
- 제37전술전투비행단(토노파 시험장 비행장)
37th Tactical Fighter Wing (Tonopah Test Range Airfield) - 본부, 제37전술전투비행단
Headquarters, 37th Tactical Fighter Wing - 제415전술전투비행대대18×F-117A
415th Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제416전술전투비행대대18×F-117A
416th Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제417전술전투훈련비행대대3×F-117A, 8×AT-38B
417th Tactical Fighter Training Squadron - 제37항공기생성대대
37th Aircraft Generation Squadron - 제37항공기정비부대
37th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제415항공기정비부대
415th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제416항공기정비부대
416th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제417항공기정비부대
417th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제37부품수리대대
37th Component Repair Squadron - 제37장비정비대대
37th Equipment Maintenance Squadron - 제37전투지원전대
37th Combat Support Group - 본부, 제37전투지원전대
Headquarters, 37th Combat Support Group - 제37군사경찰대대
37th Security Police Squadron - 제37토목공학대대
37th Civil Engineering Squadron - 제37공급대대
37th Supply Squadron - 제37수송대대
37th Transportation Squadron - 제37의무대대
37th Medical Squadron
- 제366전술전투비행단(마운틴 홈 공군기지)
366th Tactical Fighter Wing (Mountain Home Air Force Base) - 본부, 제366전술전투비행단
Headquarters, 366th Tactical Fighter Wing - 제389전술전투훈련비행대대17×F-111A
389th Tactical Fighter Training Squadron - 제390전자전투비행대대23×EF-111A
390th Electronic Combat Squadron - 제391전술전투비행대대18×F-111A
391st Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제392전자전시험장대대
392nd Electronic Combat Range Squadron - 제366항공기생성대대
366th Aircraft Generation Squadron - 제389항공기정비부대
389th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제390항공기정비부대
390th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제391항공기정비부대
391st Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제366부품수리대대
366th Component Repair Squadron - 제366장비정비대대
366th Equipment Maintenance Squadron - 제366전투지원전대
366th Combat Support Group - 본부, 제366전투지원전대
Headquarters, 366th Combat Support Group - 제366공군기지조작대대
366th Air Base Operability Squadron - 제366군사경찰대대
366th Security Police Squadron - 제366토목공학대대
366th Civil Engineering Squadron - 제366임무지원대대
366th Mission Support Squadron - 제366근무대대
366th Services Squadron - 제366공급대대
366th Supply Squadron - 제366수송대대
366th Transportation Squadron - 제366의무전대
366th Medical Group - 제366감사대대
366th Comptroller Squadron - 제366전술병원
366th Tactical Hospital
- 제388전술전투비행단(힐 공군기지)
388th Tactical Fighter Wing (Hill Air Force Base) - 본부, 제388전술전투비행단
Headquarters, 388th Tactical Fighter Wing - 제4전술전투비행대대24×F-16A/B
4th Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제34전술전투비행대대24×F-16A/B
34th Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제421전술전투비행대대24×F-16A/B
421st Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제388항공기생성대대
388th Aircraft Generation Squadron - 제4항공기정비부대
4th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제34항공기정비부대
34th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제421항공기정비부대
421st Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제388부품수리대대
388th Component Repair Squadron - 제388장비정비대대
388th Equipment Maintenance Squadron
- 제474전술전투비행단(넬리스 공군기지)
474th Tactical Fighter Wing (Nellis Air Force Base) - 본부, 제474전술전투비행단
Headquarters, 474th Tactical Fighter Wing - 제428전술전투비행대대24×F-16A/B
428th Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제429전술전투비행대대24×F-16A/B
429th Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제430전술전투비행대대24×F-16A/B
430th Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제474항공기생성대대
474th Aircraft Generation Squadron - 제428항공기정비부대
428th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제429항공기정비부대
429th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제430항공기정비부대
430th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제474부품수리대대
474th Component Repair Squadron - 제474장비정비대대
474th Equipment Maintenance Squadron
- 제67전술정찰비행단(버그스트롬 공군기지)
67th Tactical Reconnaissance Wing (Bergstrom Air Force Base) - 본부, 제67전술정찰비행단
Headquarters, 67th Tactical Reconnaissance Wing - 제12전술정찰비행대대18×RF-4C
12th Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron - 제91전술정찰비행대대18×RF-4C
91st Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron - 제67전술훈련대대
67th Tactical Training Squadron - 제67항공기생성대대
67th Aircraft Generation Squadron - 제12항공기정비부대
12th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제91항공기정비부대
91st Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제67부품수리대대
67th Component Repair Squadron - 제67장비정비대대
67th Equipment Maintenance Squadron - 제67전투지원전대
67th Combat Support Group - 본부, 제67전투지원전대
Headquarters, 67th Combat Support Group - 제67공군기지조작대대
67th Air Base Operability Squadron - 제67군사경찰대대
67th Security Police Squadron - 제67토목공학대대
67th Civil Engineering Squadron - 제67임무지원대대
67th Mission Support Squadron - 제67근무대대
67th Services Squadron - 제67공급대대
67th Supply Squadron - 제67수송대대
67th Transportation Squadron - 제67감사대대
67th Comptroller Squadron - 제67의무전대
67th Medical Group - 제67전술병원
67th Tactical Hospital - 공군지역부식통제시설
U.S. Air Force Regional Corrosion Control Facility
=====# 제831항공사단 #=====
831st Air Division
- 본부, 제831항공사단(조지 공군기지)
Headquarters, 831st Air Division (George Air Force Base)
- 제831전투지원전대
831st Combat Support Group - 본부, 제831전투지원전대
Headquarters, 831st Combat Support Group - 제831공군기지조작대대
831st Air Base Operability Squadron - 제831임무지원대대
831st Mission Support Squadron - 제831군사경찰대대
831st Security Police Squadron - 제831토목공학대대
831st Civil Engineering Squadron - 제831근무대대
831st Services Squadron
- 제831공급대대
831st Supply Squadron
- 제831수송대대
831st Transportation Squadron
- 제831감사대대
831st Comptroller Squadron
- 제831의무전대
831st Medical Group
- 제35전술전투비행단(조지 공군기지)
35th Tactical Fighter Wing (George Air Force Base) - 본부, 제35전술훈련비행단
Headquarters, 35th Tactical Training Wing - 제20전술전투비행대대18×F-4E
20th Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제21전술전투훈련비행대대30×F-4E
21st Tactical Fighter Training Squadron - 제561전술전투비행대대24×F-4G
561st Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제562전술전투훈련비행대대7×F-4E, 12×F-4G
562nd Tactical Fighter Training Squadron - 제35전술훈련대대
35th Tactical Training Squadron - 제4443전술훈련전대(에어 워리어)
4443rd Tactical Training Group (Air Warrior) - 본부, 제4443전술훈련전대(에어 워리어)
Headquarters, 4443rd Tactical Training Group (Air Warrior) - 제4443전술훈련대대
4443rd Tactical Training Squadron - 제4445전술훈련대대(포트 어윈)
4445th Tactical Training Squadron (Fort Irwin) - 제35항공기생성대대
35th Aircraft Generation Squadron - 제20항공기정비부대
20th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제21항공기정비부대
21st Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제561항공기정비부대
561st Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제562항공기정비부대
562nd Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제35부품수리대대
35th Component Repair Squadron - 제35장비정비대대
35th Equipment Maintenance Squadron - 제35전술병원
35th Tactical Hospital
=====# 제832항공사단 #=====
832nd Air Division
- 본부, 제832항공사단(루크 공군기지)
Headquarters, 832nd Air Division (Luke Air Force Base)
- 제832전투지원전대
832nd Combat Support Group - 본부, 제832전투지원전대
Headquarters, 832nd Combat Support Group - 제832군사경찰대대
832nd Security Police Squadron - 제832토목공학대대
832nd Civil Engineering Squadron - 제832임무지원대대
832nd Mission Support Squadron - 제832근무대대
832nd Services Squadron - 제832전투지원대대(길라 벤드 공군기지)
832nd Combat Support Squadron (Gila Bend Air Force Station)
- 제832공급대대
832nd Supply Squadron
- 제832수송대대
832nd Transportation Squadron
- 제832감사대대
832nd Comptroller Squadron
- 제832의무전대
832nd Medical Group
- 제832전술병원
832nd Tactical Hospital
- 제58전술훈련비행단(루크 공군기지)
58th Tactical Training Wing (Luke Air Force Base) - 본부, 제58전술훈련비행단
Headquarters, 58th Tactical Training Wing - 제310전술전투훈련비행대대12×F-16A, 6×F-16B
310th Tactical Fighter Training Squadron - 제311전술전투훈련비행대대12×F-16A, 9×F-16B
311th Tactical Fighter Training Squadron - 제312전술전투훈련비행대대16×F-16C, 12×F-16D
312th Tactical Fighter Training Squadron - 제314전술전투훈련비행대대16×F-16C, 12×F-16D
314th Tactical Fighter Training Squadron - 제58전술훈련대대
56th Tactical Training Squadron - 제58항공기생성대대
58th Aircraft Generation Squadron - 제310항공기정비부대
310th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제311항공기정비부대
311th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제312항공기정비부대
312th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제314항공기정비부대
314th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제58부품수리대대
58th Component Repair Squadron - 제58장비정비대대
58th Equipment Maintenance Squadron
- 제405전술훈련비행단(루크 공군기지)
405th Tactical Training Wing - 본부, 제405전술훈련비행단
Headquarters, 405th Tactical Training Wing (Luke Air Force Base) - 제426전술전투훈련비행대대
426th Tactical Fighter Training Squadron - 제461전술전투훈련비행대대15×F-15E
461st Tactical Fighter Training Squadron - 제550전술전투훈련비행대대15×F-15E
550th Tactical Fighter Training Squadron - 제555전술전투훈련비행대대
555th Tactical Fighter Training Squadron - 제405전술훈련대대
405th Tactical Training Squadron - 제405항공기생성대대
405th Aircraft Generation Squadron - 제426항공기정비부대
426th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제461항공기정비부대
461st Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제550항공기정비부대
550th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제405부품수리대대
405th Component Repair Squadron - 제405장비정비대대
405th Equipment Maintenance Squadron
=====# 제833항공사단 #=====
833rd Air Division
- 본부, 제833항공사단(홀로맨 공군기지)
Headquarters, 833rd Air Division (Holloman Air Force Base)
- 제833전투지원전대
833rd Combat Support Group - 본부, 제833전투지원전대
Headquarters, 833rd Combat Support Group - 제833군사경찰대대
833rd Security Police Squadron - 제833토목공학대대
833rd Civil Engineering Squadron - 제833공군기지조작대대
833rd Air Base Operability Squadron - 제833임무지원대대
833rd Mission Support Squadron - 제833근무대대
833rd Services Squadron
- 제833공급대대
833rd Supply Squadron
- 제833수송대대
833rd Transportation Squadron
- 제833감사대대
833rd Comptroller Squadron
- 제833의무전대
833rd Medical Group
- 제833전술병원
833rd Tactical Hospital
- 제4449기동지원대대
4449th Mobility Support Squadron
- 제49전술전투비행단(홀로맨 공군기지)
49th Tactical Fighter Wing (Holloman Air Force Base) - 본부, 제49전술전투비행단
Headquarters, 49th Tactical Fighter Wing - 제7전술전투비행대대24×F-15A/B
7th Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제8전술전투비행대대24×F-15A/B
8th Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제9전술전투비행대대24×F-15A/B
9th Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제49항공기생성대대
49th Aircraft Generation Squadron - 제7항공기정비부대
7th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제8항공기정비부대
8th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제9항공기정비부대
9th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제49부품수리대대
49th Component Repair Squadron - 제49장비정비대대
49th Equipment Maintenance Squadron
- 제479전술훈련비행단(홀로맨 공군기지)111×AT-38B, 14×T-38A
479th Tactical Training Wing (Holloman Air Force Base) - 본부, 제479전술전투비행단
Headquarters, 479th Tactical Fighter Wing - 제433전술전투훈련비행대대
433rd Tactical Fighter Training Squadron - 제434전술전투훈련비행대대
434th Tactical Fighter Training Squadron - 제435전술전투훈련비행대대
435th Tactical Fighter Training Squadron - 제436전술전투훈련비행대대
436th Tactical Fighter Training Squadron - 제465전술훈련대대
465th Tactical Training Squadron
=====# 제836항공사단 #=====
836th Air Division
- 본부, 제836항공사단(데이비스-몬탄 공군기지)
Headquarters, 836th Air Division (Davis-Monthan Air Force Base)
- 제836전투지원전대
836th Combat Support Group - 본부, 제836전투지원전대
Headquarters, 836th Combat Support Group - 제836공군기지조작대대
836th Air Base Operability Squadron - 제836군사경찰대대
836th Security Police Squadron - 제836토목공학대대
836th Civil Engineering Squadron - 제836임무지원대대
836th Mission Support Squadron - 제836근무대대
836th Services Squadron
- 제836공급대대
836th Supply Squadron
- 제836수송대대
836th Transportation Squadron
- 제836감사대대
836th Comptroller Squadron
- 제836의무전대
836th Medical Group
- 제355전술훈련비행단(데이비스-몬탄 공군기지)
355th Tactical Training Wing (Davis-Monthan Air Force Base) - 본부, 제355전술훈련비행단
Headquarters, 355th Tactical Training Wing - 제333전술전투훈련비행대대24×A-10A
333rd Tactical Fighter Training Squadron - 제357전술전투훈련비행대대24×A-10A
357th Tactical Fighter Training Squadron - 제358전술전투훈련비행대대24×A-10A
358th Tactical Fighter Training Squadron - 제355전술훈련대대
355th Tactical Training Squadron - 제355항공기생성대대
355th Aircraft Generation Squadron - 제333항공기정비부대
333rd Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제357항공기정비부대
357th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제358항공기정비부대
358th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제355부품수리대대
355th Component Repair Squadron - 제355장비정비대대
355th Equipment Maintenance Squadron
- 제602전술항공통제비행단(데이비스-몬탄 공군기지)
602nd Tactical Air Control Wing (Davis-Monthan Air Force Base) - 본부, 제602전술항공통제비행단
Headquarters, 602nd Tactical Air Control Wing - 제1분견대, 본부, 제602전술항공통제비행단(포트 후드)
Detachment 1, Headquarters, 602nd Tactical Air Control Wing (Fort Hood) - 제3분견대, 본부, 제602전술항공통제비행단(포트 카슨)
Detachment 3, Headquarters, 602nd Tactical Air Control Wing (Fort Carson) - 제5분견대, 본부, 제602전술항공통제비행단(포트 오드)
Detachment 5, Headquarters, 602nd Tactical Air Control Wing (Fort Ord) - 제6분견대, 본부, 제602전술항공통제비행단(포트 루이스)
Detachment 6, Headquarters, 602nd Tactical Air Control Wing (Fort Lewis) - 제7분견대, 본부, 제602전술항공통제비행단(포트 블리스)
Detachment 7, Headquarters, 602nd Tactical Air Control Wing (Fort Bliss) - 제22전술항공지원훈련비행대대14×OV-10A
22nd Tactical Air Support Training Squadron - 제23전술항공지원비행대대24×OA-10A
23rd Tactical Air Support Squadron - 제27전술항공지원비행대대(조지 공군기지)14×OV-10A
27th Tactical Air Support Squadron (George Air Force Base) - 제602전술항공통제전대
602nd Tactical Air Control Group - 제602전술항공통제센터대대
602nd Tactical Air Control Center Squadron - 제712항공지원작전센터대대
712th Air Support Operations Center Squadron - 제12전술정보대대
12th Tactical Intelligence Squadron - 제82전술통제편대(전방항공통제지점)(홀로맨 공군기지)AN/TPS-43E
82nd Tactical Control Flight (Forward Air Control Posts) (Holloman Air Force Base) - 제83전술통제대대(홀로맨 공군기지)AN/TPS-43E
83rd Tactical Control Squadron (Holloman Air Force Base) - 제729전술통제대대(힐 공군기지)AN/TPS-43E
729th Tactical Control Squadron (Hill AFB ) - 제607전술통제훈련대대(루크 공군기지)
607th Tactical Training Squadron (Luke Air Force Base) - 제23통합항공기정비대대
23rd Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron