테일러 스위프트가 발매한 음반 중 가장 컨트리 색체가 짙은 음반이다. 이 음반 발매 이후, 컨트리 가수인 페이스 힐과 팀 맥그로의 Soul2Soul 2007 투어에 오프닝 가수로 무대에 올랐으며, 조지 스트레이트, 브래드 페이즐리, 래스컬 플래츠의 투어에서도 오프닝 가수로 활동했었다.
2007년 10월, 내슈빌 싱어송라이터 협회에서 테일러에게 올해의 싱어송라이터/아티스트 상을 줬는데, 이 부문에서 최연소로 상을 수여받았다.
He said the way my blue eyes shined 당신은 말했죠 내 빛나는 푸른 눈이 Put those Georgia stars to shame that night 조지아의 별들을 부끄럽게 만들 정도로 아름답다고 I said, "That's a lie" 나는 말했죠, "거짓말" Just a boy in a Chevy truck 셰비 트럭을 운전하고 That had a tendency of gettin' stuck 한밤중 도로를 달리는 것을 좋아했던 그 소년 On backroads at night 매일 밤 도로에서 And I was right there beside him all summer long 여름 내내 그 옆자리는 내 것이었는데 And then the time we woke up to find that summer gone 정신을 차려 보니 그 여름이 사라졌다는 것을 깨달았죠
But when you think Tim McGraw 하지만 Tim McGraw를 생각할 때 I hope you think my favorite song 내가 좋아하던 노래를 떠올려 주길 The one we danced to all night long 우리가 밤새 춤췄던 그 노래 The moon like a spotlight on the lake 호수 위의 달빛을 조명 삼아 When you think happiness 행복을 생각할 때 I hope you think that little black dress 내 작은 검정 드레스를 떠올려 주길 Think of my head on your chest 당신의 가슴팍 위에 기대오던 내 머리와 And my old faded blue jeans 색이 바랜 내 청바지도 When you think Tim McGraw Tim McGraw를 생각할 때 I hope you think of me 나를 떠올려 주길
September saw a month of tears 9월은 눈물로 보냈죠 And thanking God that you weren't here 당신이 내 곁에 없는 게 감사하다고 생각했죠 To see me like that 이런 내 모습을 보이긴 싫으니까 But in a box beneath my bed 하지만 내 침대 밑에 있는 상자 안에는 Is a letter that you never read 그에게 닿지 못한 편지가 있는데 From three summers back 3년 전 여름 It's hard not to find it all a little bittersweet 아무렇지 않은 척을 하는 것은 어렵죠 And lookin' back on all of that, it's nice to believe 지난날을 모두 돌아보니, 이렇게 생각하는 게 좋겠어요
When you think Tim McGraw Tim McGraw를 생각할 때 I hope you think my favorite song 내가 좋아하던 노래를 떠올려 주길 The one we danced to all night long 우리가 밤새 춤췄던 그 노래 The moon like a spotlight on the lake 호수 위의 달빛을 조명 삼아 When you think happiness 행복을 생각할 때 I hope you think that little black dress 내 작은 검정 드레스를 떠올려 주길 Think of my head on your chest 당신의 가슴팍 위에 기대오던 내 머리와 And my old faded blue jeans 색이 바랜 내 청바지도 When you think Tim McGraw Tim McGraw를 생각할 때 I hope you think of me 나를 떠올려 주길
And I'm back for the first time since then 그때 이후로 처음 이곳에 돌아온 나는 I'm standing on your street 그의 집 앞에 서있어요 And there's a letter left on your doorstep 문 앞에 편지를 놓아둘게요 And the first thing that you'll read 그대가 읽는다면 이렇게 쓰여 있겠죠
Is when you think Tim McGraw Tim McGraw를 생각할 때 I hope you think my favorite song 내가 좋아하던 노래를 떠올려 주길 Someday you'll turn your radio on 어느 날 라디오를 틀었을 때 I hope it takes you back to that place 그 노래가 너를 그 장소로 다시 데려다주었으면 하죠 When you think happiness 행복을 생각할 때 I hope you think that little black dress 내 작은 검정 드레스를 떠올려 주길 Think of my head on your chest 당신의 가슴팍 위에 기대오던 내 머리와 And my old faded blue jeans 색이 바랜 내 청바지도 When you think Tim McGraw Tim McGraw를 생각할 때 I hope you think of me 나를 떠올려 주길 Oh, think of me 나를 떠올려 주길 Mmm
He said the way my blue eyes shined 당신은 말했죠 내 빛나는 푸른 눈이 Put those Georgia stars to shame that night 조지아의 별들을 부끄럽게 만들 정도로 아름답다고 I said, "That's a lie" 나는 말했죠, "거짓말"
State the obvious 당연한 소리지만 I didn't get my perfect fantasy 나의 완벽한 환상은 아니었어 I realize you love yourself more than you could ever love me 넌 나보다 너 자신을 더 사랑하는 사람이라는 걸 깨달았거든 So go and tell your friends that I'm obsessive and crazy 그러니까 가서 네 친구들한테 내가 집착에 미쳤다고 말해 That's fine, you won't mind if I say 내가 뭐라 하든 넌 관심도 없을 테니까 상관 없어 By the way 근데
I hate that stupid old pickup truck you never let me drive 난 네가 절대 손도 못 대게 했던 그 낡아빠진 차가 싫었어 You're a redneck heartbreak who's really bad at lying 뭐 넌 거짓말이라고는 못하는 촌놈이었으니까 So watch me strike a match on all my wasted time 내가 여태 낭비해온 시간에 불 붙이는 걸 잘 봐 As far as I'm concerned, you're just another picture to burn 내가 생각하기엔 그저 내가 태워야 할 또 다른 사진일 뿐이야
There's no time for tears 눈물도 아깝지 I'm just sitting here planning my revenge 난 여기 앉아서 복수를 계획하고 있어 There's nothing stopping me 날 막을 수 있는 건 아무것도 없어 From going out with all of your best friends 네 친한 친구들이랑 놀러 갈 거니까 And if you come around saying sorry to me 그리고 네가 나한테 미안하다고 말한다면 My daddy's gonna show you how sorry you'll be 우리 아빠가 너한테 진짜 미안한 게 어떤 건지 보여줄 거야
'Cause I hate that stupid old pickup truck you never let me drive 난 네가 절대 손도 못 대게 했던 그 낡아빠진 차가 싫었어 You're a redneck heartbreak who's really bad at lying 뭐 넌 거짓말이라고는 못하는 촌놈이었으니까 So watch me strike a match on all my wasted time 내가 여태 낭비해온 시간에 불 붙이는 걸 잘 봐 As far as I'm concerned, you're just another picture to burn 내가 생각하기엔 그저 내가 태워야 할 또 다른 사진일 뿐이야
And if you're missing me, you'd better keep it to yourself 내가 그립다고 해도 마음속으로만 생각해 'Cause coming back around here would be bad for your health 다시 돌아오는 건 무덤으로 걸어오는 길이 될 테니까
'Cause I hate that stupid old pickup truck you never let me drive 난 네가 절대 손도 못 대게 했던 그 낡아빠진 차가 싫었어 You're a redneck heartbreak who's really bad at lying 뭐 넌 거짓말이라고는 못하는 촌놈이었으니까 So watch me strike a match on all my wasted time 내가 여태 낭비해온 시간에 불 붙이는 걸 잘 봐 In case you haven't heard 혹시 못 들었을까 봐 다시 말하는데 I really, really hate that stupid old pickup truck you never let me drive 난 네가 절대 손도 못 대게 했던 그 낡아빠진 차가 진짜 너무 싫었어 You're a redneck heartbreak who's really bad at lying 뭐 넌 거짓말이라고는 못하는 촌놈이었으니까 So watch me strike a match on all my wasted time 내가 여태 낭비해온 시간에 불 붙이는 걸 잘 봐 As far as I'm concerned, you're just another picture to burn 내가 생각하기엔 그저 내가 태워야 할 또 다른 사진일 뿐이야
Burn, burn, burn, baby, burn 다 태워버릴 거야 Just another picture to burn 그저 내가 태워야 할 또 다른 사진일 뿐이야 Baby, burn 다 태워버릴래
Drew looks at me 드류가 나를 봐요 I fake a smile so he won't see 난 그가 눈치채지 못하게 억지 미소를 지어요 That I want and I'm needing everything that we should be 우리가 함께하길 내가 간절히 바란다는 사실을요 I'll bet she's beautiful, that girl he talks about 그가 좋아하는 여자는 분명 아름답겠죠 And she's got everything that I have to live without 내가 가질 수 없는 걸 모두 가진 여자겠죠
Drew talks to me 드류가 내게 말을 거네요 I laugh 'cause it's just so funny 나는 너무 재미있어서 웃음을 터트려요 That I can't even see anyone when he's with me 그의 옆에 있을 땐 아무도 보이지 않는다는 사실이 말이죠 He says he's so in love, he's finally got it right 그가 사랑에 빠졌대요, 드디어 운명을 만났다고 I wonder if he knows he's all I think about at night 그는 내가 매일밤 자기를 생각한다는 걸 알까
He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar 그가 내가 기타 위에 눈물을 흘리는 이유에요 The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star 별에다 소원을 빌게 하는 유일한 존재죠 He's the song in the car I keep singing don't know why I do 그는 차 안에서 이유 없이 흥얼거리게 되는 노래죠
Drew walks by me 드류가 내 곁을 지나가네요 Can he tell that I can't breathe? 내가 숨을 못쉰다는 걸 알까요? And there he goes, so perfectly 그는 너무도 완벽하게 걸어가요 The kind of flawless I wish I could be 나는 가지지 못한 완벽함이죠 She better hold him tight, give him all her love 그녀가 그를 꼭 안아주고 사랑해주길 바라요 Look in those beautiful eyes and know she's lucky 'cause 그의 아름다운 눈을 가진 게 행운인 걸 알기를 바라요
He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar 그가 내가 기타 위에 눈물을 흘리는 이유에요 The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star 별에다 소원을 빌게 하는 유일한 존재죠 He's the song in the car I keep singing don't know why I do 그는 차 안에서 이유 없이 흥얼거리게 되는 노래죠
So I drive home alone 난 홀로 집으로 운전해오죠 As I turn out the light 불을 끄면서 I'll put his picture down 그의 사진을 내려놓으며 And maybe get some sleep tonight 잠을 청하겠어요
'Cause he's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar 그는 내가 기타 위에 눈물을 흘리는 이유니까요 The only one who's got enough of me to break my heart 내 마음을 아프게 할 수 있는 유일한 존재죠 He's the song in the car I keep singing don't know why I do 그는 차 안에서 이유 없이 흥얼거리게 되는 노래죠
He's the time taken up but there's never enough 그는 너무 아쉽게 흘러가버린 시간이자 And he's all that I need to fall into 나를 완전히 빠져버리게 하는 존재이죠
Drew looks at me 드류가 나를 봐요 I fake a smile so he won't see 난 그가 눈치채지 못하게 억지 미소를 지어요
I don't know what I want, so don't ask me 나도 내가 뭘 원하는지 모르니까 묻지마 'Cause I'm still trying to figure it out 계속 알아내는 중이니까 Don't know what's down this road 어디로 가는 길인지도 모른 채 I'm just walking 그냥 걷고 있어 Trying to see through the rain coming down 쏟아지는 빗속을 헤쳐나가려고 해 Even though I'm not the only one, who feels the way I do 나만 이렇게 느끼는게 아니더라도
I'm alone, on my own 난 혼자야 나의 길은 스스로 찾아야 해 And that's all I know 그게 내가 아는 전부야 I'll be strong, I'll be wrong 강해질거야, 틀리기도 하겠지 Oh, but life goes on 그래도 삶은 계속 돼 Oh, I'm just a girl 난 그저 한 소녀일뿐이야 Trying to find a place in this world 이 세상에서 내 자리를 찾고 있는
Got the radio on, my old blue jeans 라디오를 켜고 빛바랜 청바지를 입어 And I'm wearing my heart on my sleeve 내 마음을 숨김없이 드러낼거야 Feeling lucky today, got the sunshine 햇살이 내리쬐는 좋은 일이 있을 것 같은 오늘 Could you tell me what more do I need? 내게 뭐가 더 필요한지 말해줄래? And tomorrow's just a mystery, oh yeah 내일은 또 무슨 일이 펼쳐질지 모르겠지만 But that's okay 괜찮아
I'm alone, on my own 난 혼자야 나의 길은 스스로 찾아야 해 And that's all I know 그게 내가 아는 전부야 I'll be strong, I'll be wrong 강해질거야, 틀리기도 하겠지 Oh, but life goes on 그래도 삶은 계속 돼 Oh, I'm just a girl 난 그저 한 소녀일뿐이야 Trying to find a place in this world 이 세상에서 내 자리를 찾고 있는
Maybe I'm just a girl on a mission 아마 난 미션을 수행하는 소녀인가봐 But I'm ready to fly 비상할 준비가 됐어
I'm alone, on my own 난 혼자야 나의 길은 스스로 찾아야 해 And that's all I know 그게 내가 아는 전부야 I'll be strong, I'll be wrong 강해질거야, 틀리기도 하겠지 Oh, but life goes on 그래도 삶은 계속 돼 Oh, I'm just a girl 난 그저 한 소녀일뿐이야 Trying to find a place in this world 이 세상에서 내 자리를 찾고 있는
Oh, I'm just a girl 난 그저 한 소녀일뿐이야 Oh, I'm just a girl, oh, oh 난 그저 한 소녀일뿐이야 Oh, I'm just a girl 난 그저 한 소녀일뿐이야
조이 킹 주연의 영화 《Ramona and Beezus》에 삽입되었다. 라모나가 집에서 사고를 많이 쳐서 오해를 많이 받고 가출을 하면서 이 노래가 나오는데 가사가 상황에 들어맞아서 인상적이다.
You have a way of coming easily to me And when you take, you take the very best of me So I start a fight Cause I need to feel something And you do what you want Cause I'm not what you wanted
Oh, what a shame What a rainy ending given to a perfect day Just walk away Ain't no use defending words that you will never say And now that I'm sitting here thinking it through I've never been anywhere cold as you
You put up walls and paint them All a shade of grey And I stood there loving you And wished them all away And you come away with a great little story Of a mess of a dreamer With the nerve to adore you
Oh, what a shame What a rainy ending given to a perfect day Just walk away Ain't no use defending words that you will never say And now that I'm sitting here thinking it through I've never been anywhere cold as you
You never did give a damn thing, honey But I cried, cried for you And I know you wouldn't have told nobody If I died, died for you Died for you
Oh, what a shame What a rainy ending given to a perfect day Every smile you fake is so condescending Counting all the scars you made And now that I'm sitting here thinking it through I've never been anywhere cold as you
I didn't know what I would find When I went looking for a reason, I know I didn't read between the lines And, baby, I've got nowhere to go I tried to take the road less traveled by But nothing seems to work the first few times Am I right?
So how can I ever try to be better? Nobody ever lets me in I can still see you, this ain't the best view On the outside looking in I've been a lot of lonely places I've never been on the outside
You saw me there, but never knew I would give it all up to be A part of this, a part of you And now it's all too late so you see You could've helped if you had wanted to But no one notices until it's too Late to do anything
So how can I ever try to be better? Nobody ever lets me in I can still see you, this ain't the best view On the outside looking in I've been a lot of lonely places I've never been on the outside
So how can I ever try to be better? Nobody ever lets me in I can still see you, this ain't the best view On the outside looking in I've been a lot of lonely places I've never been on the outside
Seems the only one who doesn't see your beauty Is the face in the mirror looking back at you You walk around here thinking you're not pretty But that's not true, 'cause I know you
Hold on, baby, you're losing it The water's high, you're jumping into it And letting go and no one knows You cry, but you don't tell anyone That you might not be the golden one And you're tied together with a smile But you're coming undone
I guess it's true that love was all you wanted Cause you're giving it away like it's extra change Hoping it will end up in his pocket But he leaves you out like a penny in the rain Oh, 'cause it's not his price to pay It's not his price to pay
Hold on, baby, you're losing it The water's high, you're jumping into it And letting go and no one knows You cry, but you don't tell anyone That you might not be the golden one And you're tied together with a smile But you're coming undone
Hold on, baby, you're losing it The water's high, you're jumping into it And letting go and no one knows You cry, but you don't tell anyone That you might not be the golden one And you're tied together with a smile But you're coming undone
You're tied together with a smile But you're coming undone Goodbye, baby Goodbye, baby With a smile, baby, baby
Cory's eyes are like a jungle He smiles, it's like the radio He whispers songs into my window In words that nobody knows These pretty girls on every corner They watch him as he's walking home Saying, “Does he know?” Will you ever know?
You're beautiful Every little piece, love, don't you know You're really gonna be someone, ask anyone When you find everything you looked for I hope your life leads you back to my door Oh, but if it don't, stay beautiful
Cory finds another way to be The highlight of my day I'm taking pictures in my mind So I can save them for a rainy day It's hard to make conversation When he's taking my breath away I should say, “Hey, by the way…”
You're beautiful Every little piece, love, don't you know You're really gonna be someone, ask anyone When you find everything you looked for I hope your life leads you back to my door Oh, but if it don't, stay beautiful
If you and I are a story That never gets told If what you are is a daydream I'll never get to hold, at least you'll know
You're beautiful Every little piece, love, don't you know You're really gonna be someone, ask anyone When you find everything you looked for I hope your life leads you back to my door Oh, but if it don't
Will you stay beautiful, beautiful, beautiful Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, oh oh oh Oh oh oh Oh, but if it don't stay, beautiful Stay beautiful, na na na na na
It's strange to think the songs we used to sing 참 이상하지 우리가 같이 부른 곡들을 생각해보면 The smiles, the flowers, everything is gone 그 미소와 그 꽃들, 모든 게 떠나버렸어 Yesterday, I found out about you 어제 난 너에 관한 걸 알게 됐어 Even now, just lookin' at you feels wrong 이젠 널 바라보는 것조차 잘못된 기분이야
You say that you'd take it all back 넌 말하지 네가 다 되돌려 놓겠다고 기회를 얻은거야 Given one chance it was a moment of weakness and you said yes 잠시 마음이 약해졌던 거라 해놓고선, 넌 맞다고 대답했어
You should've said no 넌 아니라고 말했어야 했어 You should've gone home 집으로 가버렸어야 했어 You should've thought twice 'fore you let it all go 두 번은 생각했어야지 모든 걸 떠나버리기 전에 You should've known that word 넌 그걸 알았어야 했어 About what you did with her'd get back to me 네가 그녀와 저지른 짓들이 내게 어떤 말들로 돌아오는지
And I should've been there,In the back of your mind 그리고 난 거기 있었어야 했어 너의 마음 속 깊은 곳에 I shouldn't be asking myself why 난 스스로 왜일까 묻지 말았어야 했어 You shouldn't be begging for forgiveness at my feet 넌 내 발에 대고 용서를 빌지 말았어야 했어 You should've said no 넌 아니라고 말했어야 했어 Baby, and you might still have me 그리고 자기야 넌 날 가졌어야 했어
You can see that I've been crying 너도 알지 내가 그동안 얼마나 울어욌는지 And baby, you know all the right things to say 그리고 자기야 넌 무슨 말을 해야 맞는지도 알고 있잖아 But do you honestly expect me to believe 너 정말 솔직하게 내가 밀ㄷ어주길 바라는 거야? We could ever be the same? 우리가 전과 같아질거라고 말야
You say that the past is the past, You need one chance 네가 그랬지 과거는 과거니까 한번만 기회를 달라고 It was a moment of weakness And you said yes 잠시 마음이 약해졌던 거라 해놓고선, 넌 맞다고 대답했어
You should've said no 넌 아니라고 말했어야 했어 You should've gone home 집으로 가버렸어야 했어 You should've thought twice 'fore you let it all go 두 번은 생각했어야지 모든 걸 떠나버리기 전에 You should've known that word 넌 그걸 알았어야 했어 About what you did with her'd get back to me 네가 그녀와 저지른 짓들이 내게 어떤 말들로 돌아오는지
And I should've been there,In the back of your mind 그리고 난 거기 있었어야 했어 너의 마음 속 깊은 곳에 I shouldn't be asking myself why 난 스스로 왜일까 묻지 말았어야 했어 You shouldn't be begging for forgiveness at my feet 넌 내 발에 대고 용서를 빌지 말았어야 했어 You should've said no 넌 아니라고 말했어야 했어 Baby, and you might still have me 그리고 자기야 넌 날 가졌어야 했어
I can't resist before you go, tell me this 난 받아들여야겠지 그러니 네가 떠나기 전에 내게 말해줘 Was it worth it? 그럴만한 가치가 있었어? Was she worth this? 그녀에게 그럴만한 가치가 있던거야? No, no, no, no 아니, 아니야
You should've said no 넌 아니라고 말했어야 했어 You should've gone home 집으로 가버렸어야 했어 You should've thought twice 'fore you let it all go 두 번은 생각했어야지 모든 걸 떠나버리기 전에 You should've known that word 넌 그걸 알았어야 했어 About what you did with her'd get back to me 네가 그녀와 저지른 짓들이 내게 어떤 말들로 돌아오는지
And I should've been there,In the back of your mind 그리고 난 거기 있었어야 했어 너의 마음 속 깊은 곳에 I shouldn't be asking myself why 난 스스로 왜일까 묻지 말았어야 했어 You shouldn't be begging for forgiveness at my feet 넌 내 발에 대고 용서를 빌지 말았어야 했어 You should've said no 넌 아니라고 말했어야 했어 Baby, and you might still have me 그리고 자기야 넌 날 가졌어야 했어
She said I was seven and you were nine I looked at you like the stars that shined In the sky, the pretty lights And our daddies used to joke about the two of us Growing up and falling in love And our mamas smiled and rolled their eyes And said, "Oh, my, my, my"
Take me back to the house in the backyard tree Said you'd beat me up, you were bigger than me You never did, you never did Take me back when our world was one block wide I dared you to kiss me and ran when you tried Just two kids, you and I Oh, my, my, my, my
Well, I was sixteen when suddenly I wasn't that little girl you used to see But your eyes still shined like pretty lights And our daddies used to joke about the two of us They never believed we'd really fall in love And our mamas smiled and rolled their eyes And said, "Oh, my, my, my"
Take me back to the creek beds we turned up 2 a.m. riding in your truck And all I need is you next to me Take me back to the time we had our very first fight The slamming of doors 'stead of kissing goodnight You stayed outside 'til the morning light Oh, my, my, my, my
A few years had gone and come around We were sitting at our favorite spot in town And you looked at me, got down on one knee
Take me back to the time when we walked down the aisle Our whole town came and our mamas cried You said, "I do," and I did, too Take me home where we met so many years before We'll rock our babies on that very front porch After all this time, you and I
And I'll be eighty-seven, you'll be eighty-nine I'll still look at you like the stars that shine In the sky, oh, my, my, my
I was ridin' shotgun with my hair undone 난 헝클어진 머리로 In the front seat of his car 그의 차 조수석에 탔어 He's got a one-hand feel on the steering wheel 그는 한 손으로 핸들을 잡았고 The other on my heart 한편으로는 날 신경썼지
I look around, turn the radio down 내가 라디오 소리를 줄이고 두리번거리자, He says, "Baby, is something wrong?" 그는 말했지, “무슨 일 있어?” I say, "Nothin', I was just thinkin' 난 대답했어, “별 거 아냐, 그냥 How we don't have a song" 우리만의 노래가 없다는 생각을 했어.” And he says 그러자 그는 말해
Our song is the slamming screen door 우리 노래는 문을 닫는 소리야 Sneakin' out late, Tappin' on your window 창문을 두드리고 나누는 늦은 밤의 대화고 When we're on the phone, And you talk real slow 전화 할 때면 넌 느리게 말하지 'Cause it's late and your mama don't know 늦은 밤이고, 너희 엄마는 모르시니까
Our song is the way you laugh 우리 노래는 네 웃음이야 The first date, "Man, I didn't kiss her, and I should have" “키스할 걸 그랬어”라는 첫 데이트의 후회고 And when I got home, 'fore I said amen 그리고 집에 돌아와서, 신께 난 기도해 Askin' God if he could play it again 그와 계속되게 해달라고
I was walking up the front porch steps After everything that day Had gone all wrong or been trampled on And lost and thrown away Got to the hallway, well on my way To my lovin' bed I almost didn't notice all the roses And the note that said
Our song is the slamming screen door 우리 노래는 문을 닫는 소리야 Sneakin' out late, Tappin' on your window 창문을 두드리고 나누는 늦은 밤의 대화고 When we're on the phone And you talk real slow 전화할 때면 넌 느리게 말하지 'Cause it's late and your mama don't know 늦은 밤이고, 너희 엄마는 모르시니까
Our song is the way you laugh 우리 노래는 네 웃음이야 The first date, "Man, I didn't kiss her, and I should have" “키스할 걸 그랬어” 라는 첫 데이트의 후회고 And when I got home, 'fore I said amen 그리고 집에 돌아와서, 신께 난 기도해 Askin' God if he could play it again 그와 계속되게 해달라고 Da-da-da-da
I've heard every album, listened to the radio Waited for something to come along That was as good as our song 우리 노래만큼 좋더라
'Cause our song is the slamming screen door Sneakin' out late, Tappin' on his window When we're on the phone and he talks real slow 'Cause it's late and his mama don't know Our song is the way he laughs The first date, "Man, I didn't kiss her, and I should have" And when I got home, 'fore I said amen Askin' God if he could play it again
Play it again, oh, yeah 계속되게 해달라고 Oh, oh, yeah
I was ridin' shotgun with my hair undone 난 헝클어진 머리로 In the front seat of his car 그의 차 조수석에 탔어 I grabbed a pen and an old napkin 그리곤 펜을 들고 낡은 냅킨에 And I wrote down our song 우리 노래를 써내려갔어
Friday night beneath the stars In a field behind your yard You and I are painting pictures in the sky And sometimes, we don't say a thing Just listen to the crickets sing Everything I need is right here by my side
And I know everything about you I don't wanna live without you
I'm only up when you're not down Don't wanna fly if you're still on the ground It's like no matter what I do Well, you drive me crazy half the time The other half, I'm only tryin' to Let you know that what I feel is true And I'm only me when I'm with you
Just a small-town boy and girl Livin' in a crazy world Tryna figure out what is and isn't true And I don't try to hide my tears My secrets or my deepest fears Through it all, nobody gets me like you do
And you know everything about me You say that you can't live without me
I'm only up when you're not down Don't wanna fly if you're still on the ground It's like no matter what I do Well, you drive me crazy half the time The other half, I'm only tryin' to Let you know that what I feel is true And I'm only me when I'm with you
When I'm with anybody else It's so hard to be myself And only you can tell
That I'm only up when you're not down Don't wanna fly if you're still on the ground It's like no matter what I do Well, you drive me crazy half the time The other half, I'm only tryin' to Let you know that what I feel is true And I'm only me Who I wanna be Well, I'm only me when I'm with you
She can't see the way your eyes Light up when you smile She'll never notice how you stop and stare Whenever she walks by
And you can't see me wanting you the way you want her But you are everything to me
And I just wanna show you She don't even know you She's never gonna love you like I want to And you just see right through me But if you only knew me We could be a beautiful miracle, unbelievable Instead of just invisible Oh, yeah, oh
There's a fire inside of you That can't help but shine through She's never gonna see the light No matter what you do
And all I think about is how to make you think of me And everything that we could be
And I just wanna show you She don't even know you She's never gonna love you like I want to And you just see right through me But if you only knew me We could be a beautiful miracle, unbelievable Instead of just invisible
Like shadows in a faded light Oh, we're invisible I just wanna open your eyes And make you realize
I just wanna show you She don't even know you Baby, let me love you, let me want you You just see right through me But if you only knew me We could be a beautiful miracle, unbelievable Instead of just invisible
Oh, yeah She can't see the way your eyes Light up when you smile
Why would you wanna break A perfectly good heart? Why would you wanna take Our love and tear it all apart now? Why would you wanna make The very first scar? Why would you wanna break A perfectly good heart?
Maybe I should've seen the signs Should've read the writing on the wall And realized by the distance in your eyes That I would be the one to fall
No matter what you say I still can't believe that you would walk away It don't make sense to me, but
Why would you wanna break A perfectly good heart? Why would you wanna take Our love and tear it all apart now? Why would you wanna make The very first scar? Why would you wanna break A perfectly good heart?
It's not unbroken anymore (It's not unbroken anymore) How do I get it back the way it was before?
Why would you wanna break A perfectly good heart? Why would you wanna take Our love and tear it all apart now? Why would you wanna make The very first scar? Why would you wanna break— (Why) Would you wanna break it?
Why would you wanna break A perfectly good heart? Why would you wanna take Our love and tear it all apart now? Why would you wanna make The very first scar? Why would you wanna break A perfectly good heart? Mmm-hmm
Drew looks at me I fake a smile so he won't see That I want and I'm needing Everything that we should be
I'll bet she's beautiful That girl he talks about And she's got everything that I have to live without
Drew talks to me I laugh 'cause it's just so funny That I can't even see Anyone when he's with me
He says he's so in love He's finally got it right I wonder if he knows he's all I think about at night
He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star He's the song in the car I keep singing Don't know why I do
Drew walks by me Can he tell that I can't breathe? And there he goes, so perfectly The kind of flawless I wish I could be
She'd better hold him tight Give him all her love Look in those beautiful eyes and know she's lucky 'cause
He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star He's the song in the car I keep singing Don't know why I do
So I drive home alone As I turn off the light I'll put his picture down and maybe get some sleep tonight
'Cause he's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar The only one who's got enough for me to break my heart He's the song in the car I keep singing Don't know why I do (Why I do) He's the time taken up, but there's never enough And he's all that I need to fall into
Drew looks at me I fake a smile so he won't see
[CD] CD Only 버전으로 해당 수록곡은 추후 EP 《Beautiful Eyes》에 수록되었다.[Streaming] 현재 스트리밍 사이트에서 서비스 되고 있는 앨범 버전이다.[3] 북클릿에서 소문자로 적힌 글자를 모으면 나오는 시크릿 메세지이다.