[[Oxygen Not Included| Oxygen Not Included]] 관련 문서 | ||||||
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Spaced Out! ⓢ | The Frosty Planet Pack ⓕ | The Bionic Booster Pack ⓑ | }}}}}}}}} |
- 229531 2017/08/24 ( Outbreak update - OU )
- 복제체들이 바위투성이의 감옥에 갇힌 채 우주를 떠도는 동안 콜로니에 새로운 위협이 나타났습니다. 세균이죠. 듀플리컨트들이 이 보이지 않는 적에게서 살아남을 수 있을까요? 그들은 과연 이 생물학적 재앙을 피할 수 있을까요? 아니면 배앓이의 수모에 굴복하고 말까요?
주요 특징*질병: 새로운 질병, 속성, 오버레이 등으로 새로워진 질병 시뮬레이션을 즐기세요.*농사: 농사 오버레이, 작물, 음식 조리법과 작물 요구 사항이 새로 추가되었습니다.*소행성 잔해: 주변 환경을 깊이 탐험하다 보면 무언가의 잔해를 찾을 수 있을지도 모릅니다.*새로운 생물과 건물: 새로운 빛벌레와 어스름갓: 빛벌레는 식민지에 빛을 가져다주는 친구입니다. 하지만 빛벌레가 어스름갓 농장에 가까이 가지 않도록 조심하세요. 어스름갓은 빛을 별로 좋아하지 않거든요.*새로운 액체 조절 장치: 액체를 냉각하는 신규 건물입니다. 하지만 엄청난 열기를 내뿜으니 조심하세요!*새로운 액체 병입 장치와 제거 장치: 듀플리컨트들이 허락 없이 액체를 가져가는 일이 없도록, 식민지의 식수원을 꽉 잡으세요!*새로운 복제체들: 아리, 진, 커밀, 애쉬칸을 만나 보세요.*기타: 많은 버그 수정, 밸런스 조정, 게임성 개선, 성능 개선 등이 이루어졌습니다!
업데이트 사항들
- 복제체들은 이제 액체를 수집할때 피처 펌프를 필요로 합니다.
- 번역 버튼을 통해 언어 우선순위를 설정할 수 있습니다.
- 세이브 파일의 위치가 변경되었습니다. 구버전의 세이브파일을 이용하려면 <User's home directory>/Klei/Oxygen Not Included 에서 <User's home directory>/Library/Application Support/Klei/Oxygen Not Included/ 으로 파일을 복사하십시오. [1]
- 새로운 질병 : 는지렁이허파 (Slimelung)
◦ 증상 : 호흡력 저하(숨 -1%/s), 운동력 저하
◦ 슬라임과 오염된 산소에서 증식
◦ 공기를 통해 전파됨
◦ 흡입시 병 유발
◦ 낮은 온도/깨끗한 산소/염소에 의해 사멸
- 새로운 질병 : 식중독 (Food poisioning))
◦ 증상: 구토
◦ 음식과 오염된 물에서 증식
◦ 화장실에서 균 생성
◦ 섭취를 통해 전파됨
◦ 높은 온도/염소에 의해 사멸
새로운 건조물들*광석 소독기 (Ore Scrubber)◦ 염소 필요◦ 듀플들이 지나갈때 운반하는 광석으로부터 균 제거
- 세면대 (Wash Basin)
◦ 듀플들이 손을 씻어 균 제거
- 새로운 건조물 : 액체 냉각기 (Thermo Aquatuner)
◦ 파이프로 들어온 액체를 냉각하지만 주변에 온도를 올립니다.
- 새로운 건조물: 피처 펌프 (Liquid Bottler)
◦ 듀플들이 액체를 퍼올려 물병에 담습니다. 듀플리칸트들은 물병에 담는 과정을 거치지 않고서는 물을 운반할 수 없습니다.
- 새로운 건조물 : 병 비우개 (Bottle Emptier)
◦ 듀플들이 물병을 비우도록 합니다.
새로운 생물
- 빛벌레 (Shine Bug)
새로운 식물들
- 어스름갓 (Dusk Cap))
◦ 성장주기: 40주기 / 10주기 (비료 필요)
◦ 적정기압: 150 - 10,000g
◦ 필요기체: 이산화탄소
◦ 적정체온: 5 - 35°C
◦ 적정밝기: 암흑
◦ 비료: 는지렁이 4000g / 주기
기존 식물들 변경점
- 센털꽃
◦ 성장주기: 16주기 / 4주기 (비료 필요)
◦ 적정기압: 150 - 10,000g
◦ 필요기체: 이산화탄소
◦ 적정체온: 5 - 23°C
◦ 적정밝기: 점화
◦ 관개: 물 80,000g / 주기
- 끼니나무
◦ 성장주기: 12주기 / 3주기 (비료 필요)
◦ 적정기압: 150 - 10,000g
◦ 필요기체: 산소, 오염된 산소, 이산화탄소
◦ 적정온도: 10-30°C
- 꼬집후추풀
◦ 성장주기: 88주기 / 22주기 (비료 필요)
◦ 적정기압: 150 - 10,000g
◦ 적정온도: 35 - 85°C
◦ 비료: 인광석 1000g / 주기
◦ 관개: 오염된 물 35,000g / 주기
- 골무갈대
◦ 성장주기: 8주기 / 2주기 (비료 필요)
◦ 필요기체: 산소, 오염된 산소, 이산화탄소 [2]
◦ 적정온도: 21.9 - 36.9°C
◦ 관개: 오염된물 160,000g / 주기
- 진눈깨비밀
◦ 성장주기: 80 주기 / 20 주기 (비료 필요)
◦ 적정기압: 150 - 10,000g
◦ 필요기체: 산소, 오염된 산소, 이산화탄소
◦ 적정온도: -55 - 5°C
◦ 비료: 비료 4000g / 주기
◦ 관개: 물 20,000g / 주기
새로운 오버레이
- 질병 오버레이
- 농사 오버레이
새로운 툴바 행동
- 살균
새로운 특성
- 면역력
새로운 소행성의 물건
- 폐허
◦ 듀플에게 희귀한 특성을 주는 장소를 발견하고 뒷이야기를 발견해보세요.
- 염소 간헐천
새로운 배경음악
업그레이드된 건조물
- 손 소독기
◦ 균 제거
◦ 더러운 손 효과 제거
- 의료침대
◦ 아픈 복제체가 진료를 받음
◦ 가까운 곳에 식량공급원와 화장실 필요
새로 바뀐점들
- 식물들은 더이상 유한한 수확횟수를 가지지 않음
- 식물들은 더이상 초기/수확 성장도 지속성을 가지지 않음
- 식물들은 죽거나 뿌리째 뽑힐 때 씨앗이 나옴
- 식물들은 수확마다 한 번씩 씨앗이 나옴
• 새로운 그림.
• 새로운 레시피: 튀긴 버섯.
• New Custom Settings Screen
• Duplicants now support job swapping for certain jobs. If a Dupe finishes their current job and they are closer to a Deconstruct/Dig/Construct/Harvest job than the currently assigned dupe, they will steal the job from that Dupe.
• Thermo/Hydro/Atmo Switches now support keyboard input for their thresholds
• Lavatories should no longer get stuck in the flushing state, preventing Dupes from going to the bathroom
• You should now be able to empty disabled buildings
• Several simulation systems such as pipes and electricity now take in a fixed timestep instead of a variable,which should make them behave more consistently at different game speeds or when framerate drops (Thanks Risu!)
• Hand Sanitizers should no longer get stuck licking the air if you save/load while it was licking a Dupe
• 파이프의 T자형태의 접합부가 어떠한 펌핑을 필요로 하지 않기 때문에 다루기 쉬워졌습니다
•닦아내기 작업의 위치에 대한 피드백이 추가되었습니다
• 분화하는 간헐천은 오직 액체와 기체만을 생성합니다
• 증기간헐천은 이제 물과 증기를 동시에 내뿜는 것 대신에 두 가지를 번갈아가면서 배출합니다
• 바이탈창이 열리기 전에 듀플이 죽을때 더 이상 바이탈창이 사라지지 않습니다
• 전기 그릴이 더 따뜻해 집니다.
• 더이상 많은물과함께 세포를 닦아낼 수 없습니다
• You can now forbid liquid delivery to Algae Terrariums
• 파괴적인 성향을 보이고 있는 듀플은 더 이상 단단하거나 부술 수 없는 표면을 파괴할 수 없습니다(전에는 뉴트로늄을 파괴하는 방법이 있었다)
• 닫힌 상태의 바닥이 없는 문은 더이상 듀플이 열 수 없습니다
• Dupes should no longer fall off of Ladders/Mesh Tiles on load
• 퇴비시설이 더 따뜻해 집니다 .
• Dupes will now sleep on the floor if their Cot is entombed/disabled
• Refrigerators should now cool their contents
• Food can now be marked for compost
• Storage contents are now selectable
• Material selection panel should now be wide enough to display all materials
• Should no longer be able to cheat plant growth by digging out the tile beneath your Planter Box
• (WINDOWS) game options should now be saved to a file instead of the registry
• The Jobs Screen box colors should update when Dupes catch a disease that affects their attributes
• I/O exceptions when trying to save the game should popup a dialog instead of crashing
• Hydrogen Generators should no longer let you control the battery refill threshold (it didn't do anything)
• Dupes should pickup ore from a slightly larger radius and deliver in a slightly larger radius when picking/delivering to multiple locations
• Construction jobs that are reachable for material delivery but not fully reachable to be dug out should now have a status item telling you so
• The Details Panel now shows the available use count for several buildings (Outhouse, Shower, Wash Basin)
• The Apothecary has been removed
• The Swamp Lily has been removed
• Unsubscribing from a language pack from Steam should cause it to uninstall from the game
• Outhouses are now 3 tiles high
• Fertilizer Synthesizers should no longer produce Polluted Oxygen from their storage
• Vomiting into a wall will now cause the vomit to spawn on top of the Dupe instead of getting destroyed
• Thought bubbles should properly follow a Dupe’s pivot
• Airflow Tiles should no longer take temperature damage (they can still melt, however)
• Wilted Bristle Briars should no longer improve decor
• Wilted Plants should no longer consume Water/Fertilizer
• Duplicant personality descriptions can now be seen in the Stats Panel
• (OSX) fixed issue with the game running on OSX 10.8
• (OSX) Save file location has been moved to a more appropriate location
• Bottle collision should better fit bottle art
• The “Move to location” visualizer should no longer be offset from its cursor
• Dupes should now have to complete delivering repair materials to a repair job before starting to repair it
• The Energy Panel should show up by default when selecting things in the Power Overlay
• Dupes should now die instead of getting incapacitated due to calorie loss
• Rotting food should now show up in the Reports as calories lost
• Reports should now list where Dupe time is spent
• Cells should no longer get permanently lit
• Meters should no longer appear behind buildings
• Deodorizers and Carbon Skimmers use less Sand
• Exiting/entering the main menu should no longer leak a substantial amount of memory
• Food should no longer rot inside of the Electrical Grill or Microbe Musher
• The “Show Navigation” button should now work properly when on Ladders
• You can now switch priorities using keyboard shortcuts through the Priority Tool
• Dupes who are working in front of buildings which have layering but are not actually interacting with that building should no longer have layering issued
• (OSX) Lighting/light beams should now render properly
• (OSX) Heat Overlay should now render properly
• Overloaded Wire Bridges should now overload the circuit they are connected to rather than the circuit they are spanning
• Ration Boxes and Storage Lockers now have maximum capacity limits
• All doors now have door access controls
• Debug painting tools now support disease and filling spaces
• Debug painting tools allow save/load of templates
• Fixed an issue where buildings could attempt to overdraw power if the game’s framerate dropped
• New Duplicant hairdos
• New Duplicant Blueprints
• Liquid bottles should now be tinted by the color of the liquid inside of them
• New colony name gen nouns and adjectives
• The Learning attribute should properly affect experience gain as specified in its tooltip
• The Learning attribute should properly affect research speed as specified in its tooltip
• Mopping should now produce bottles of liquid instead of destroying the liquid
• You should now be able to set the world gen seed in the options menu
• Clicking on the top left stress indicator will cycle through your Dupes. Right clicking will reset the cycle.
• Gas Plumbing buildings can now be found under the Ventilation category of the Build Menu
• A breakdown of travel time can now be found in the Reports Screen
• Plants should now have reasonable masses
• Diseases should properly save/load such that Dupes no longer get stuck with disease
• Electric Grills should now put out hot food
• The Early Bird trait should now affect Creativity and Immunity attributes
• Increased max zoom out level in screenshot mode
• Hovering over a damaged building should tell you its damage source
• Panning your camera should no longer cause your Deconstruct/Cancel filters to be changed
• Pipe content packets in overlays should now be scaled based on their mass
• Flatulence should produce more gas
• Dupe bladders should no longer be equally empty on game start
• Dupes should now consume Polluted Oxygen
• You should now be able to prioritize deconstruction on all buildings, not just ones which were already prioritizable
• Paintings and Sculpture should no longer be prioritizable once they’re completed
• The Prioritize tool now displays what priority you’re about to set
• Removed the Priority Overlay button. Priority visualization is now done only through the Prioritize Tool
• The Printing Pod now has a meter showing how long until the next Duplicant is available
• Fixed an issue where Binge Eaters would eat way more calories than they were supposed to
• Ladder art should properly tile
• The Assigned panel should no longer have an entry for “Relaxation Point”
• Unrefrigerated food warning should now have a little bit of a delay to prevent spamming
• Fixed an issue where being subscribed to a Steam Workshop translation with no preview image could cause framerate issues
• Trying to save a game when there isn’t enough disk space should popup a warning message instead of crashing
• Not having permission to write to your save folder should now popup a warning message instead of crashing
• Cooking Ingredients are now a separate category on the Refrigerator and Ration Box
• Increased the hit points of Wire Bridges
• Sort arrows should now work on the Assigned panel
• Dupes should default to fleeing from an aggressive creature instead of attacking it
• Fixed an issue where ore could hover in place if you dug out the cell beneath it
• Completed deconstruction now plays a sound
• Fixed an issue with UI scaling on 5:4 monitors
• Consumables, Stress, and tooltips columns should now update properly while a screen is open
• The translations button is now a part of the main menu
• Crash reports now give the player the option to upload a save file
• It is no longer possible to click past the “Send Metrics Data” options box
• Gas Bridges can now be built over Heavi-Watt Wire
• Fixed an issue with Hydrofans not properly cooling the area around them
• Dupes should now have a custom animation when dragging corpses to graves
• Building wires should no longer give you the option to rotate them since it didn’t do anything
• The Consumables Screen should now only show discovered items
• Several crash fixes