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[[sekai NO oWARi(앨범)| sekai NO oWARi미니앨범]]
2009. / 2021.[[EARTH(SEKAI NO OWARI)| EARTH정규 1집]]
2012. 7. 18.[[Tree(SEKAI NO OWARI)| Tree정규 3집]]
2015. 1. 14.[[Eye/Lip| Eye/Lip정규 4/5집]]
2019. 2. 27.[[Chameleon(SEKAI NO OWARI)| ChameleonEOTW 1집]]
2020. 11. 27.[[SEKAI NO OWARI 2010-2019| SEKAI NO OWARI 2010-2019베스트 앨범]]
2021. 2. 10.[[scent of memory(SEKAI NO OWARI)| scent of memory정규 6집]]
2021. 7. 21.[[Nautilus(SEKAI NO OWARI)| Nautilus정규 7집]]
2024. 3. 13.[[Holy Bedroom| Holy BedroomEOTW 미니앨범]]
2024. ?. ?.
- 【싱글】
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[[幻の命|{{{#!wiki style="display: inline; margin-left: 0px; padding: 1px 4px; border-radius: 3px; background-color: white; font-size: 0.6em;"]]
2010. 2. 10.[[天使と悪魔/ファンタジー|{{{#!wiki style="display: inline; margin-left: 0px; padding: 1px 4px; border-radius: 3px; background-color: #213b92; font-size: 0.6em;"]]
2010. 11. 3.[[INORI(SEKAI NO OWARI)|{{{#!wiki style="display: inline; margin-left: 0px; padding: 1px 4px; border-radius: 3px; background-color: blue; font-size: 0.6em;"]]
2011. 8. 17.[[スターライトパレード|{{{#!wiki style="display: inline; margin-left: 0px; padding: 1px 4px; border-radius: 3px; background-color: #0a4474; font-size: 0.6em;"]]
2011. 11 .23.[[眠り姫(SEKAI NO OWARI)|{{{#!wiki style="display: inline; margin-left: 0px; padding: 1px 4px; border-radius: 3px; background-color: #eaf2f5; font-size: 0.7em;"]]
2012. 5. 30.[[RPG(SEKAI NO OWARI)|{{{#!wiki style="display: inline; margin-left: 0px; padding: 1px 4px; border-radius: 3px; background-color: #3a4a97; font-size: 0.6em;"]]
2013. 5. 1.[[Death Disco|{{{#!wiki style="display: inline; margin-left: 0px; padding: 1px 4px; border-radius: 3px; background-color: white; font-size: 0.6em;"]]
2013. 10. 30.[[スノーマジックファンタジー|{{{-4 {{{#!wiki style="display: inline; margin-left: 0px; padding: 1px 4px; border-radius: 3px; background-color: #515757;"]]
2014. 1. 22.[[炎と森のカーニバル|{{{#!wiki style="display: inline; margin-left: 0px; padding: 1px 4px; border-radius: 3px; background-color: lightgray; font-size: 0.6em;"]]
2014. 4. 9.[[Dragon Night|{{{#!wiki style="display: inline; margin-left: 0px; padding: 1px 4px; border-radius: 3px; background-color: black; font-size: 0.6em;"]]
2014. 10. 15.[[ANTI-HERO|{{{#!wiki style="display: inline; margin-left: 0px; padding: 1px 4px; border-radius: 3px; background-color: black; font-size: 0.6em;"]]
2015. 7. 29.[[SOS/プレゼント|{{{#!wiki style="display: inline; margin-left: 0px; padding: 1px 4px; border-radius: 3px; background-color: #d6e7ee; font-size: 0.6em;"]]
2015. 9. 25.[[Hey Ho|{{{#!wiki style="display: inline; margin-left: 0px; padding: 1px 4px; border-radius: 3px; background-color: #a7b3bf; font-size: 0.6em;"]]
2016. 10. 5.[[One More Night(SEKAI NO OWARI)|{{{#!wiki style="display: inline; margin-left: 0px; padding: 1px 4px; border-radius: 3px; background-color: black; font-size: 0.6em;"]]
2017. 4. 28.[[RAIN(SEKAI NO OWARI)|{{{#!wiki style="display: inline; margin-left: 0px; padding: 1px 4px; border-radius: 3px; background-color: #b69e84; font-size: 0.6em;"]]
2017. 7. 5.[[サザンカ|{{{#!wiki style="display: inline; margin-left: 0px; padding: 1px 4px; border-radius: 3px; background-color: #e2007e; font-size: 0.6em;"]]
2018. 2. 1.[[Stargazer(SEKAI NO OWARI)|{{{#!wiki style="display: inline; margin-left: 0px; padding: 1px 4px; border-radius: 3px; background-color: #000; font-size: 0.6em;"]]
2018. 2. 2.[[イルミネーション|{{{#!wiki style="display: inline; margin-left: 0px; padding: 1px 4px; border-radius: 3px; background-color: #836853; font-size: 0.6em;"]]
2018. 10. 11.[[Lost(SEKAI NO OWARI)|{{{#!wiki style="display: inline; margin-left: 0px; padding: 1px 4px; border-radius: 3px; background-image: linear-gradient(120deg, #00b5e1, #f14091, #23ad8c); font-size: 0.6em;"]]
2019. 7. 26.[[Eye/Lip#s-3|{{{#!wiki style="display: inline; margin-left: 0px; padding: 1px 4px; border-radius: 3px; background-color: #f7f08d; font-size: 0.6em;"]]
2019. 3. 15.[[Dropout|{{{#!wiki style="display: inline; margin-left: 0px; padding: 1px 4px; border-radius: 3px; background-color: #3f8a66; font-size: 0.6em;"]]
2020. 3. 31.[[umbrella(SEKAI NO OWARI)|{{{#!wiki style="display: inline; margin-left: 0px; padding: 1px 4px; border-radius: 3px; background-color: #fde6ee; font-size: 0.6em;"]]
2020. 6. 1.[[umbrella / Dropout|{{{#!wiki style="display: inline; margin-left: 0px; padding: 1px 4px; border-radius: 3px; background-color: #b91617; font-size: 0.6em;"]][[umbrella / Dropout|{{{#!wiki style="display: inline; margin-left: 0px; padding: 1px 4px; border-radius: 3px; background-color: #fff; font-size: 0.6em;"]][[umbrella / Dropout|{{{#!wiki style="display: inline; margin-left: 0px; padding: 1px 4px; border-radius: 3px; background-color: #3f8a66; font-size: 0.6em;"]]
2020. 6. 24.[[Over(SEKAI NO OWARI)|{{{#!wiki style="display: inline; margin-left: 0px; padding: 1px 4px; border-radius: 3px; background-color: #937077; font-size: 0.6em;"]]
2020. 7. 31.[[silent(SEKAI NO OWARI)|{{{#!wiki style="display: inline; margin-left: 0px; padding: 1px 4px; border-radius: 3px; background-color: #a7a7b3; font-size: 0.6em;"]]
2020. 10. 21. / 2020. 12. 16.[[Forever(SEKAI NO OWARI)|{{{#!wiki style="display: inline; margin-left: 0px; padding: 1px 4px; border-radius: 3px; background-image: linear-gradient(-80deg, #839cb0 50%, #bfbfbf 50%); font-size: 0.6em;"]]
2020. 11. 13.[[バードマン(SEKAI NO OWARI)|{{{#!wiki style="display: inline; margin-left: 0px; padding: 1px 4px; border-radius: 3px; background-color: #42acd9; font-size: 0.6em;"]]
2021. 5. 20.[[tears(SEKAI NO OWARI)|{{{#!wiki style="display: inline; margin-left: 0px; padding: 1px 4px; border-radius: 3px; background-color: #189ab1; font-size: 0.6em;"]]
2021. 7. 2.[[Silver Lining|{{{#!wiki style="display: inline; margin-left: 0px; padding: 1px 4px; border-radius: 3px; background-color: #83d0ef; font-size: 0.6em;"]]
2021. 7. 16.[[In My Dream(SEKAI NO OWARI)|{{{#!wiki style="display: inline; margin-left: 0px; padding: 1px 4px; border-radius: 3px; background-color: #9f9784; font-size: 0.6em;"]]
2021. 9. 3.[[End of the World(음악)|{{{#!wiki style="display: inline; margin-left: 0px; padding: 1px 4px; border-radius: 3px; background-color: #057ca6; font-size: 0.6em;"]]
2021. 10. 15.[[Diary(SEKAI NO OWARI)|{{{#!wiki style="display: inline; margin-left: 0px; padding: 1px 4px; border-radius: 3px; background-color: #482510; font-size: 0.6em;"]]
2021. 12. 14. / 2022. 2. 9.[[Big Dreams(SEKAI NO OWARI)|{{{#!wiki style="display: inline; margin-left: 0px; padding: 1px 4px; border-radius: 3px; background-image: linear-gradient(90deg, #618db5, #f08114); font-size: 0.6em;"]]
2022. 6. 10.[[Habit|{{{#!wiki style="display: inline; margin-left: 0px; padding: 1px 4px; border-radius: 3px; background-color: #c79c96; font-size: 0.6em;"]]
2022. 4. 28. / 2022. 6. 22.[[サラバ|{{{#!wiki style="display: inline; margin-left: 0px; padding: 1px 4px; border-radius: 3px; background-color: #e9dec6; font-size: 0.6em;"]]
2023. 4. 19.[[ターコイズ(SEKAI NO OWARI)|{{{#!wiki style="display: inline; margin-left: 0px; padding: 1px 4px; border-radius: 3px; background-color: #00adab; font-size: 0.6em;"]]
2023. 5. 16.[[ターコイズ/サラバ/バタフライエフェクト|{{{#!wiki style="display: inline; margin-left: 0px; padding: 1px 4px; border-radius: 3px; background-color: #00adab; font-size: 0.6em;"]][[ターコイズ/サラバ/バタフライエフェクト|{{{#!wiki style="display: inline; margin-left: 0px; padding: 1px 4px; border-radius: 3px; background-color: #fff; font-size: 0.6em;"]][[ターコイズ/サラバ/バタフライエフェクト|{{{#!wiki style="display: inline; margin-left: 0px; padding: 1px 4px; border-radius: 3px; background-color: #e9dec6; font-size: 0.6em;"]][[ターコイズ/サラバ/バタフライエフェクト|{{{#!wiki style="display: inline; margin-left: 0px; padding: 1px 4px; border-radius: 3px; background-color: #fff; font-size: 0.6em;"]][[ターコイズ/サラバ/バタフライエフェクト|{{{#!wiki style="display: inline; margin-left: 0px; padding: 1px 4px; border-radius: 3px; background-color: #FFD700; font-size: 0.6em;"]]
2023. 6. 28.[[ROBO(SEKAI NO OWARI)|{{{#!wiki style="display: inline; margin-left: 0px; padding: 1px 4px; border-radius: 3px; background-color: #7d928f; font-size: 0.6em;"]]
2023. 8. 22.[[最高到達点|{{{#!wiki style="display: inline; margin-left: 0px; padding: 1px 4px; border-radius: 3px; background-color: #0598b9; font-size: 0.6em;"]]
2023. 9. 17.[[タイムマシン(SEKAI NO OWARI)|{{{#!wiki style="display: inline; margin-left: 0px; padding: 1px 4px; border-radius: 3px; background-color: #5fcda6; font-size: 0.6em;"]]
2024. 3. 5.[[Romantic(SEKAI NO OWARI)|{{{#!wiki style="display: inline; margin-left: 0px; padding: 1px 4px; border-radius: 3px; background-color: #d2ad43; font-size: 0.6em;"]]
2024. 5. 10.
1. 개요
일본의 록밴드 SEKAI NO OWARI[1]의 싱글이며, End of the World 명의로 발매되는 Chameleon 앨범의 수록곡이다.인도네시아의 싱어송라이터 NIKI가 피쳐링을 맡았다.
2. 음원
Forever (feat. NIKI) |
3. 가사
I will love you When the spark leaves your eyes When your heart has changed its mind And you wake with someone new I will need you When you need somebody else In a mansion, in a cell I’d still be hooked on you If you saw it coming would you run from, run from the avalanche? If you saw me running would you follow And take hold of my hand? I will love you Forever, forever, forever, forever for ayy Once you’re here the world was Never the, never the, never the, never the same No question You the sun in my eyes Light me up burn it bright Forever, forever, forever, forever for ayy I will want you When the war falls asleep When the sky gets off its knees Like a law, like a truth And I still choose you (Still choose you) When your back’s fully turned When there’s no flame left to burn I will be here win or lose, yeah Forever, forever, forever, forever for ayy Once you’re here the world was Never the, never the, never the, never the same (Never the same) No question You the sun in my eyes Light me up burn it bright Forever, forever, forever, forever for ayy When I felt seen Whoever I’ve been When the pain got in the way (When the pain got in the way) You saved me every day When I felt seen Whoever I’ve been When the pain got in the way (When the pain got in the way) You saved me every day Forever, forever, forever, forever for ayy (Oh) I will owe you Forever, forever, forever, forever for ayy (Ayy) Never the, never the, never the, never the same I will show you (Oh, I can show you) Forever, forever, forever, forever for ayy Forever |
[1] 해외 활동명은 End of the World