<colbgcolor=#000><colcolor=#fff> | |
DJ-Nate | |
본명 | Nathan Ingalls |
출생일 | 1991년 3월 5일[1] ([age(1991-03-05)]세), 미국 |
직업 | 작곡가 |
홈페이지 |
1. 개요
뉴그라운즈에서 활동하는 작곡가. 본명은 네이선 잉걸스(Nathan Ingalls)로 보인다.미국에서 출생했다. 또 뉴그라운즈의 팬은 4500명 정도. 그는 Geometry Dash의 아티스트로 유명한데, 이처럼 여러 프로젝트의 아티스트로도 활동한다고 한다.
주요 장르는 하우스와 덥스텝이며 Geometry Dash에서 사용된 곡은 Electrodynamix 외에는 모두 한 곡 내에서 하우스와 덥스텝을 오가는 곡들이다.
2. 음악 목록
2.1. 2006년
- A Late Christmas
- The Next Phase
- Song Drum N Bass
- Always Here 2 Demo Again
- Look at Me (Demo)
- On My Way
- Listen to Your Heart
- Come With Me [MiX]
- Maelstrom
- Evil
- Unfinished Trance
- Embers
- Sup3r Loop3r
- On Fire
- Orchestral Trance Dance
- Satisfaction Mega Mix
- GC - 2605 Days
- Satisfaction Mix PREVIEW
- Where'd You Go [RmX]
- Miracle
- Neue Böden
- Always Here [MiX]
- Elements of Trance
- Always Here
- Unreal T. Gun Song
- Trance-Tastic 2
- Trance-Tastic
- Battery Power 2
- Comcastic!
- Power Pace
- Techno Rage Final! [RmX]
- Are You Ready?
- Melody Madness
- Party at the Graveyard
- Phantoms Cure [Fixed Ver]
- Phantoms Cure
- Bassified [Not finished?]
- Raging Typhoon
- Escaping Hell
- Party Rave Fixed
- Source Gun Song
2.2. 2007년
- The Benni Loop
- Reminiscent
- Nexus Song [RmX]
- The Ending
- Xynth
- Deception [Demo]
- Raindrops No. 15 [MiX]
- The Beginning of Time
- Hidden Within
- Unresolved Resentment
- Not Alone [Remastered]
- Freedom of Trance 2
- Bitch Punch
- Evolution of Music
- The Euphoria
- I Love Cock/teh Ian And Drury!
- Orchestral Angels 2
- Behind These Hazel Eyes
- Colors of Harder Style
- Wish You Were Here -MiX?
- Trance It Up! [MiX]
- Lion King Remix!
- Tears In My Eyes [Full]
- Freedom of Trance
- Gabber Time
- Tears In My Eyes [MiX]
- Summer Night in Heaven
- Cool Random Midi Song
- Ekman - State Of Mind
- Isabella
- Orchestral Angels
- Synful Sub
- Sidechaining Test
- Listen to Your Heart RM
- Journey Into Sound
- After You
- HHC Muzak
- =-djN2007-=
- Take a Look [MiX]
- High Volume
- Intro's Serenade
2.3. 2008년
- Never Forget 2008
- KarBeansFX Mixdown!
- Our Morality
- & PF- Synergy
- Treat the Osc. [Loop]
- Treat the Oscillators
- Vector [Joke Sub.]
- Perfect Sunset
- Intercept 2
- Intercept
- Only One
- Club Jam
- What I found [RmX]
- Tears In My Eyes [RM]
- Scantraxx Hardstyle
- Euphoric Paradise
- Evil Loop
- Last Forever
- Free Your Mind
- Take a Look 2
- Sommaren Är Här Igen
- It's Your Fault [MiX]
- Neverland [RmX]
- Center of Existence
2.4. 2009년
- All's Lost [Full]
- Overcoming Hardship
- Song Classical
- Crying Soul [RmX]
- Dreamscape
- Come Clean
- Buddy
- WTTC [NG Cut]
- Skydivin'
- Roflcopter
- Fondle My Balls
- Vocal Contest Example
- Afterparty
- BPA Meetup
- Some Style
- Three Step
- The Power [Vox Mix]
- The Power
- Halloween FX Tribute
- In The Moment
- We Want Your Soul
2.5. 2010년
- Chiptune In My Pants
- Regret
- Electrodynamix
- Possessed LFO
- Fallen Angel
- Ambientronica
- A Mad Mess [MD2010]
- [MD2010] Indoctrinated
- Theory of Everything XL
- Theory of Everything
- adio Tunes
- Which One?
- Sidechained Momentum
- In Need of Vocalist
- Uncharted Worlds [RmX]
- Blacklights [Finished Promo]
- Orchestral Aura
- Multi-Mel
- The End of Time
2.6. 2011년
- F-777 Album (WTF WHA?!)
- Stop Crying.. [Remix]
- Werk Me [Remix]
- Rain Full
- Headbanger #1 Loop
- Rain Preview
- Sinusoidal Orchestra DM
- The O
- F-777 Collab [My Part]
- Nostalgia
- Robotic Nightmares
- TransformR
- My Mind [updated!!]
- ET Mash
- Song Drum N Bass
- My Mind
- Dirty Thumpn Saws
- Dirty Thumpin' Saws
- Under_Score
- Clubstep
2.7. 2012년
- halo4remix.com
- Indecision
- Navi
- Call the PoPo!
- Blacklights [FULL]
- Theory of Everything 2
- Fuck the Intro
- Beginning of Time {RmX}
- Example For Artists
2.8. 2014년
- Crystallizer
- Nexus 2
2.9. 2016년
- Wubalubadubdub
2.10. 2017년
- Mix This
- Geometry BounceUPDATE
- Thermodynamix
- The Universe Within Me ft. Russell Elliott
- Universe Within Me [Instrumental]
- Super Duper Remix
- Horny Sax
- Hypercharged
- Come Home
- Theory of Everything 3
- Fallen Angel (Remastered Full)
- Universe Within Me (no vox)
- Universe Within Me
- God Complex Remix
- Sounds From Scratch
- Mix of Melodies
- F-777 - Shanghai Lights (dj-Nate Remix)
- F-777 - Super Duper (dj-Nate Remix)
2.11. 2018년
- I Can't Believe It's Not Riddim!
- The Arp (W.I.P)
- Clubstep VIP
- Theory of Everything 2 (FULL)
- Memories
- Not Alone
- dj-Nate & F-777 - For Our Love ft. Russell Elliott
- Feeling Good
- Arson
2.12. 2019년
- Melodic Dubby Thingy
- Four to the Floor
- Chosen One
- Melodic Thingy
2.13. 2020년
- Mindfucky Triplets
- Fancy House
- Coming on Strong {WIP}
- Throb {WIP}
- Bouncy Boop
- Final Theory
- Bouncy (WIP)
- Always Here 3 [preview]
- Four to the Floor [full]
- Get Into It
2.14. 2021년
- ILY2
2.15. 2022년
- Impending Doom
- 4th Beat
3. 여담
- 그는 작곡가 외에 프로그래머 등의 일을 하고 있다.
- EDM 씬에 흔하지 않은 흑인이다.