BtW: Back to War DLC 필요 Pre: Pre-order DLC 필요 DotV: Death on the Vistula DLC 필요 tFoF: the Fate of Finland DLC 필요 D-Day: Tribute to D-Day DLC 필요 BS: Black Sunday DLC 필요 Nemesis #1: Nemesis #1 FLC 추가
Nemesis #2: Nemesis #2 DLC 필요 Nemesis #3: Nemesis #3 DLC 필요 BB: Burning Baltics DLC 필요 Nemesis #4: Nemesis #4 DLC 필요 Italy: Tribute to the Liberation of Italy DLC 예정 Nemesis #5: Nemesis #5 DLC 예정 Lucky 13: Lucky 13 FLC 추가 BFiT: Blood Feud in Transilvania DLC 필요 MoS: Men of Steel DLC 필요 Normandy : Tribute to Normandy 44 DLC 필요 Highway : Hell's Highway DLC 필요