"매직 더 개더링/카드/Lorwyn-Shadowmoor" 분류에 속하는 문서 B Boggart Ram-Gang Burrenton Forge-Tender C Cairn Wanderer Changeling Berserker Command Cryptic Command Cursecatcher D Demigod of Revenge Deus of Calamity Devoted Druid Doran, the Siege Tower E Elvish Champion Enchanted Evening Everlasting Torment F Figure of Destiny Flame Javelin Flamekin Harbinger Fulminator Mage G Gaddock Teeg Greater Auramancy Guile H Hallowed Burial Helix Pinnacle Heritage Druid Horde of Notions K Kinsbaile Borderguard Kitchen Finks Knight of Meadowgrain L Last Gasp Liege Light from Within M Makeshift Mannequin Manamorphose Mirror Entity Mistbind Clique Murderous Redcap N Nath of the Gilt-Leaf Nettle Sentinel O Obsidian Battle-Axe Oona's Prowler Oona, Queen of the Fae Oversoul of Dusk P Painter's Servant Pestermite Plumeveil Prismatic Omen Q Quillspike R Raven's Crime Reveillark Rhys the Exiled S Sanity Grinding Scion of Oona Shield of the Oversoul Shorecrasher Mimic Shriekmaw Slippery Bogle Snakeform Sower of Temptation Spectral Procession Spellstutter Sprite Stillmoon Cavalier Swans of Bryn Argoll Sygg, River Cutthroat T Tarfire Timberwatch Elf Torrent of Souls Tutor U Umbral Mantle V Vexing Shusher Vivid(매직 더 개더링) W Wake Thrasher Wilt-Leaf Cavaliers Wilt-Leaf Liege Wizened Cenn ㄱ 갑떠돌이 고블린 왕 극악한 칙명 ㄹ 릴리아나 베스 ㅁ 마나 섬광 ㅂ 반사의 연못 벤딜리온 무리 비옥한 대지 ㅆ 씁쓸한 꽃 ㅈ 자연화 정의의 집정관 종족 대지 ㅊ 최면 스펙터 ㅋ 카멜레온 거상 ㅌ 특공 ㅍ 풍경 변화 분류 매직 더 개더링/카드