1. 개요2. 서론3. 무슨 일이 벌어지고 있는 거죠?4. 화면에 이게 다 뭐에요?5. 상태 표시줄 (하단)6. 상태 표시줄 (상단)7. 지도 (화면의 나머지)8. 명령어9. 방과 통로10. 몬스터11. 물체
11.1. 저주와 축복11.2. 무기11.3. 갑옷11.4. 식품11.5. 두루마리11.6. 물약11.7. 지팡이11.8. 반지11.9. Spellbooks11.10. 도구
12. 컨덕트13. 옵션11.10.1. 용기(容器)
11.11. 부적11.12. 보석11.13. Large rocks11.14. 금화11.15. 물체의 지속13.1. 옵션 설정하기13.2. configuration 파일 이용하기13.3. NETHACKOPTIONS 환경 변수 이용하기13.4. 커스터마이징13.5. 플랫폼별 커스터마이징13.6. Regular Expressions13.7. Autopickup 예외 설정하기13.8. 키 설정 바꾸기13.9. 메시지 타입 설정13.10. 메뉴 색 설정하기13.11. 유저 사운드 설정하기13.12. 상태 강조 설정하기13.13. NetHack 문자 변경하기13.14. 시각장애인용 NetHack 설정13.15. 시스템 관리자용 범용 설정
14. 스코어링15. 탐사 모드15.1. 디버그 모드
16. 크레딧16.1. SPECIAL THANKS
1. 개요
Guidebook.txtNetHack의 게임 파일 내에 있는 텍스트 파일.
이름에서 알 수 있듯이 일종의 설명서다.
공포의 미궁으로의 안내 (NetHack을 위한 안내서) 원판 - 에릭 S. 레이몬드 (마이크 스테펜슨과 여러 사람들의 도움으로 3.6 판에 맞게 수정 및 보충됨) 2020년 1월 27일 |
2. 서론
최근, 당신은 매일의 일상이 실망스럽고 아득하게 느껴지기 시작했다.많은 날 동안 탐험하거나 훔치고, 전쟁을 벌인다거나 싸우는 이상한 꿈들이 당신의 꿈에서 떠나지 않고 있지만, 당신은 그 이유를 확신하지 못한다.
당신은 한평생 이러한 꿈들을 꾸고 있었지만, 지금까지 무슨 이유에서인지 이것들을 잊어버릴 수 있었던 것이 아니었을까 하고 생각한다.
어떤 날 밤 당신은 꿈 속에서 던전의 구석구석에 도사리고 있는 기이하고 강력한 생명체들의 생생한 모습에, 겁에 질려 갑자기 깨어나 비명을 지른다.
혹시 당신의 꿈을 괴롭히는 이러한 것들이 진짜일까?
하루가 지날 때마다, 당신은 유적 근처의 불가사의한 동굴에 들어가고 싶은 욕망이 커져감을 느낀다. 하지만, 매일 아침 당신은 이전에 동굴에 들어갔다가 돌아오지 않은 자들의 이야기를 떠올리며 그 생각을 재빨리 머릿속에서 지운다.
결국 당신은 꿈에 나온 환상적인 장소를 찾아내고픈 갈망을 견디지 못하게 된다.
어쨌든, 동굴에서 시간을 보내고 난 다음 이 길로 돌아온 다른 여행자들은 처음 지나왔을 때보다는 대개 더 나아 보였으니까.
그리고 돌아오지 않은 자들이 가는 것을 멈추었다고 누가 그러던가?
수소문 끝에, 당신은 찾을 수만 있다면 엄청난 부를 가져다 준다는, 옌도르의 부적이라는 싸구려 장식에 대해 어떤 사람들로부터 듣게 된다.
심지어 당신은 어느 한 전설에서 부적을 찾는 이는 신들로부터 영생을 얻게 된다는 것도 듣게 된다.
소문에 의하면 부적은 공포의 미궁 안쪽 깊숙히 있는 게헨놈의 골짜기 너머 어딘가에 있다고 한다.
그 전설들을 듣자마자, 당신은 자신이 동굴에 내려가 그들이 말하는 부적을 찾아야 하는 데에 심오하고 알려지지 않은 이유가 있었다는 것을 깨닫는다.
만일 부적의 힘에 대한 소문이 거짓이라 할지라도, 당신은 적어도 자신의 모험담을 마을의 음유시인들에게 상당한 금액에 팔 수 있을 거라고 결심한다.
여정 중에 꿈에서 나온 무시무시하고 불가사의한 생명체들을 맞닥뜨렸다면 더더욱.
당신은 마을 여관에서 용기를 돋우며 마지막 밤을 보내지만, 여관의 벽에 자신의 성공이 써붙혀질 가능성이 계속 낮아지는 것을 보며 덩달아 우울해진다.
아침이 되고, 당신은 잠에서 깨어나 소지품을 챙겨 던전으로 출발한다.
며칠간의 순조로운 여행 끝에, 당신은 공포의 미궁으로의 입구를 가리키는 고대 유적에 도달했다. 밤이 깊었으므로, 당신은 입구에 야영지를 만들고 광활한 하늘 아래서 밤을 보낸다. 다시 아침이 밝아오자 당신은 장비를 챙겨 밖에서의 마지막이 될 지도 모르는 식사를 먹고는 던전에 들어간다...
3. 무슨 일이 벌어지고 있는 거죠?
당신은 이제 막 NetHack의 게임을 시작했습니다.당신의 목표는 가능한 많은 보물을 모으고, 옌도르의 부적을 되찾아 공포의 미궁에서 살아나오는 것입니다.
모험의 위험을 맞닥뜨릴 당신의 능력과 힘은, 당신의 배경과 훈련에 따라 다를 것입니다:
* 고고학자 (Archeologist)
고고학자들은 던전을 매우 잘 이해합니다; 이것은 그들로 하여금 빠르게 움직이고 현지의 더러운 괴물들에게 은밀히 다가갈 수 있게 합니다. 이들은 적절한 과학적 탐사를 위한 도구들을 착용한 채로 시작합니다.- 야만인 (Barbarian)
- 원시인 (Cavemen)
- 치유사 (Healer)
* 기사 (Knight)
- 수도승 (Monk)
- 사제 (Priest)
- 레인저 (Ranger)
- 도적 (Rogue)
- 사무라이 (Samurai)
- 관광객 (Tourist)
- 발키리 (Valkyrie)
- 마법사(Wizard)
당신은 또한 캐릭터의 종족을 선택할 수 있습니다 (제한 내에서 가능합니다; 대부분의 직업들은 어떤 종족이 그것들에 적합한지에 대한 제한사항을 가집니다.):
- 드워프 (Dwarf)
- 엘프 (Elf)
- 노움 (Gnome)
- 인간 (Human)
- 오크 (Orc)
4. 화면에 이게 다 뭐에요?
화면에는 당신이 현재 던전 레벨에서 어디에 있었고 무엇을 보았는지에 대한 지도가 표시됩니다; 이는 당신이 레벨을 탐사함에 따라 화면에 나타납니다.NetHack의 선조 Rogue가 처음 등장했을 때, 그것의 화면 배치는 컴퓨터 판타지 게임들 사이에서는 거의 유일하다시피 했습니다. 그때 이후로, 화면 배치는 예외라기보다는 하나의 기준으로 자리잡았습니다; NetHack은 이 좋은 전통을 이어가고 있습니다. 가짜-영어 문장으로 명령어를 인식하고, 결과를 단어로 설명하는 텍스트 어드벤처 게임들과는 다르게, NetHack의 명령어들은 전부 하나 또는 두개의 키를 누르는 것이며, 결과는 화면에 그래픽으로 표시될 것입니다. 최소 화면 크기로는 높이 24줄 x 너비 80칸[2]이 권장됩니다; 만일 화면이 이보다 더 클 경우, 오직 21x80의 부분만이 지도로 쓰이게 될 것입니다.
NetHack은 맹인인 플레이어들조차도 점자 리더나 음성 합성 프로그램의 도움을 받아 플레이할 수 있습니다. 맹인을 위해 NetHack을 설정하는 방법은 이 문서의 뒷부분에 나와 있습니다.
NetHack은 매번 당신이 플레이할 때마다 새로운 던전을 생성합니다; 심지어 제작자들조차 여러 번 승리했음에도 불구하고 이를 즐겁고 흥미진진한 게임으로 생각하고 있습니다.
NetHack은 다양한 디스플레이 옵션을 제공합니다. 당신이 이용할 수 있는 옵션은 포트별로, 당신의 하드웨어나 소프트웨어의 기량별로, 그리고 당신의 게임 파일이 생성될 때 다양한 컴파일-타임 옵션이 설정되었는지에 따라 다를 것입니다. 가능한 세 가지 디스플레이 옵션으로는: 흑백 문자 인터페이스, 색깔 문자 인터페이스, 그리고 '타일'이라고 불리는 작은 그림들을 사용하는 그래픽 인터페이스가 있습니다. 두가지의 문자 인터페이스는 글꼴을 다른 문자들로 대체시키는 것을 허용하지만, 기본 지정으로는 모든 것을 표시할 때 표준 ASCII를 사용하게끔 되어 있습니다. 게임플레이에 있어 여러 디스플레이 옵션 간에는 차이점이 전혀 없습니다. 저희가 가이드북에서 타일이나 색깔을 재현할 수 없을 뿐더러, 모든 포트에 공통적으로 존재하기 때문에, 당신이 게임 중에 화면에서 보게 될 것들을 가리킬 때에는 흑백 문자 화면에서의 기본 ASCII 문자를 사용할 것입니다.
NetHack에서 무슨 일이 벌어지고 있는지 이해하기 위해선, 먼저 당신은 NetHack이 화면에서 무엇을 하고 있는지를 이해해야 합니다. NetHack의 화면은 텍스트 어드벤처 게임에서의 "You see ..." (당신은 ~을 보고 있습니다) 설명을 대체합니다. 그림 1은 NetHack의 화면이 어떻게 생겼는지에 대한 견본입니다. 당신의 플랫폼에 따라 화면은 다르게 보일 것입니다.
5. 상태 표시줄 (하단)
화면 아래의 두 줄에는 당신의 현재 상태를 설명하는 몇가지 짧은 정보들이 있습니다. 둘 중 어느 한 줄이라도 화면의 너비보다 길어지면, 다 보이지 않을 수도 있습니다. 이하는 각 항목들이 무엇을 의미하는지에 대한 설명입니다 (당신의 설정에 따라 이하의 항목들이 다 보이지 않을 수도 있습니다):- 등급 (Rank)
- 힘 (Strength / St)
- 민첩 (Dexterity / Dx)
- 체력 (Constitution / Co)
Constitution affects your ability to recover from injuries
and other strains on your stamina. When strength is low or
modest, constitution also affects how much you can carry.
With sufficiently high strength, the contribution to carrying capacity from your constitution no longer matters.
- 지능 (Intelligence / In)
Intelligence affects your ability to cast spells and read spellbooks.
- 지혜 (Wisdom / Wi)
Wisdom comes from your practical experience (especially when
dealing with magic). It affects your magical energy.
- 카리스마 (Charisma / Ch)
- 성향
- Dungeon Level
어떤 레벨은 특별하기에 숫자 대신 이름이 표기됩니다. Amulet of Yendor는 대략 20층 아래 어딘가에 있다고 알려져 있습니다.
How deep you are in the dungeon. You start at level one and the number increases as you go deeper into the dungeon.
Some levels are special, and are identified by a name and not a number. The Amulet of Yendor is reputed to be somewhere beneath the twentieth level.
- 금화 ($)
The number of gold pieces you are openly carrying. Gold which you have concealed in containers is not counted.
- 체력 (HP)
- Power
Spell points. This tells you how much mystic energy (mana) you have available for spell casting. Again, resting will regenerate the amount available.
당신의 방어구가 얼마나 효과적으로 적대적인 생물의 공격을 막는지를 나타냅니다. 수치가 낮을수록 방어구는 효과적입니다; 음수값을 갖는 것 역시 가능합니다.
A measure of how effectively your armor stops blows from unfriendly creatures. The lower this number is, the more effective the armor; it is quite possible to have negative armor class.
- 경험치 (Experience / Xp)
- 시간 (Time)
- 상태
- Encumbrance: an indication of how what you are carrying affects your ability to move. Values are Unencumbered, Encumbered, Stressed, Strained, Overtaxed, and Overloaded. Not shown when Unencumbered.
- Fatal conditions: Stone (aka Petrifying, turning to stone),
- Non-fatal conditions: Blind (can't see), Deaf (can't hear),
- Movement modifiers: Lev (levitating), Fly (flying), Ride
Other conditions and modifiers exist, but there isn't enough room to display them with the other status fields. The `^X' command shows all relevant status conditions.
6. 상태 표시줄 (상단)
3.2. The message line (top)The top line of the screen is reserved for messages that describe things that are impossible to represent visually. If you
see a "
To change how and what messages are shown on the message line, see "Configuring Message Types" and the verbose option.
7. 지도 (화면의 나머지)
3.3. The map (rest of the screen)The rest of the screen is the map of the level as you have explored it so far. Each symbol on the screen represents something. You can set various graphics options to change some of
the symbols the game uses; otherwise, the game will use default symbols. Here is a list of what the default symbols mean:
- 와 | | 방의 벽 또는 열린 문 또는 무덤 (|). |
. | 방의 바닥 또는 얼음 또는 문 없는 출입구. |
# | 통로 또는 철창 또는 나무 또는 싱크대 (만약 당신의 던전에 싱크대가 있다면) 또는 도개교. |
\> | 내려가는 계단: 다음 레벨로 향하는 길입니다. |
< | 올라가는 계단: 이전 레벨로 향하는 길입니다. |
+ | 닫힌 문 또는 당신이 배울 수 있을수도 있는 주문이 담긴 주문서. |
@ | 당신의 캐릭터 또는 인간. |
$ | 금화 더미. |
^ | 함정 (감지한 후). |
) | 무기 |
[ | 옷 또는 갑옷 |
% | 무언가 먹을 수 있는 것 (반드시 먹어도 안전한 것은 아님) |
? | 두루마리 |
/ | 지팡이 |
= | 반지 |
! | 물약 |
( | 유용한 아이템 (곡괭이, 열쇠, 램프 등) |
" | 부적 또는 거미줄 |
* | 보석 또는 돌 (가치가 있을 수도, 없을 수도 있습니다) |
` | 바위 또는 조각상 |
0 | 철공 |
_ | 제단 또는 쇠사슬 |
{ | 분수 |
} | 물웅덩이 또는 해자 또는 용암 웅덩이 |
\ | 화려한 왕좌 |
a-zA-Z | 이외의 다른 기호들 Letters and certain other symbols represent the various inhabitants of the Mazes of Menace. Watch out, they can be nasty and vicious. Sometimes, however, they can be helpful. I This marks the last known location of an invisible or otherwise unseen monster. Note that the monster could have moved. The `F' and `m' commands may be useful here. You need not memorize all these symbols; you can ask the game what any symbol represents with the `/' command (see the next section for more info). |
8. 명령어
명령어는 해당 명령어가 지정된 하나 혹은 두 개의 문자를 누르거나, 확장 명령어 입력란에 명령어의 이름을 넣음으로써 발동할 수 있습니다."search"(탐색)를 비롯한 일부 명령어들은 NetHack에서 추가적인 정보를 요구하지 않습니다. 하지만 다른 명령어들은 방향이나, 사용할 물건 등의 추가적인 정보를 필요로 할 수도 있습니다.
이렇듯 추가적인 정보를 필요로 하는 명령어들에 대해서는, NetHack은 당신에게 선택지의 메뉴 또는 명령줄 프롬프트를 제시할 것입니다. 당신에게 무엇이 주어질 지는 당신이 menustyle 옵션을 어떻게 설정했냐에 따라 달라질 것입니다.
예시로, 흔한 질문인 "What do you want to use? [a-zA-Z ?*]" (무엇을 사용하시겠습니까?)의 경우, 당신이 소지중인 물건을 고르라고 묻습니다.
여기서, "a-zA-Z"는 당신이 입력할 수 있는 소지품의 문자를 의미합니다.
?를 입력하면 당신으로 하여금 각 글자가 무엇을 가리키고 있는지 볼 수 있도록 소지품 목록을 보여줍니다.
이 예시에서, *은 당신이 무언가 예상 밖의 것을 사용하고 싶을 때, 목록에 없는 물건을 고를 수 있게 해줍니다. *를 누르면 당신의 모든 소지품을 열거하여, 가지고 있는 모든 물건 목록의 문자를 볼 수 있게 됩니다.
마지막으로, 당신의 생각이 바뀌어 이 명령어를 실행하고 싶지 않다면, ESC를 눌러 명령어를 취소할 수 있습니다.
당신은 일부 명령어 앞에 숫자를 넣음으로써 해당 숫자만큼 반복할 수 있습니다; 예를 들어, "10s"는 탐색을 10번 수행할 것입니다.
만약 당신이 number_pad 옵션을 설정해뒀다면, 횟수 앞에 접두사로 'n'을 붙여야 하므로 상기 예시 대신 "n10s"라고 입력해야 합니다. 횟수의 의미가 없는 명령어의 경우에는 무시될 것입니다. 또한, 이동 명령어의 경우 큰 이동을 위해 접두사가 붙을 수 있습니다 (하단을 참고하십시오).
횟수나 접두사를 취소하고 싶다면, ESC를 누르십시오.
명령어의 목록은 꽤나 길지만, 게임 중 어느 때나 '?' 명령어를 통해 도움이 되는 글들의 메뉴에 접근할 수 있습니다.
여기 당신이 참고할 만한 기본 키 목록이 있습니다:
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- ||<width=7%> ? || 도움 메뉴 :
이용 가능한 도움말 중 하나를 출력합니다. ||/ "whatis" 명령어 :
해당 문자가 무엇을 가리키는지 알려줍니다. 당신은 위치를 지정하거나 문자를 (혹은 단어를 통째로) 입력함으로써 설명할 것을 선택할 수 있습니다.
장소를 지정하는 것은, 커서를 지도의 특정 위치에 이동시킨 다음, . (마침표) / , (쉼표) / ; (쌍반점) / : (쌍점)을 입력하는 것으로 행할 수 있습니다.
.는 선택된 위치에 있는 문자를 설명할 것이며, help 옵션이 켜져 있는지에 따라 "More info?" (추가 정보를 원하십니까?)라고 묻습니다. 이후 당신은 다른 위치를 고르라는 메시지를 보게 될 것입니다;
,는 해당 문자를 설명하지만, 추가 정보를 생략합니다.
그러고 나서 다른 위치를 고르라고 할 것입니다.
;는 추가 정보를 생략할 것이며, 확인할 다른 위치를 선택하라고 묻지도 않을 것입니다.
:는 만약 추가 정보가 존재한다면 확인을 묻지 않고 바로 보여줄 것입니다.
위치를 선택할 때, ESC를 누르면 이 명령어를 취소하게 되지만,
?를 입력하면 이 명령어가 어떻게 작동하는지에 대한 짧은 조언이 뜰 것입니다.
만약 autodescribe (자동 설명) 옵션이 켜져 있다면,
당신이 커서를 이동함에 따라 각 위치에서 보게 되는 것에 대한 짧은 설명이 뜰 것입니다.
위치를 선택하는 중에 #을 누르면 이 옵션을 키거나 끄게 됩니다.
whatis_coord (좌표 확인) 옵션은 짧은 설명에 지도의 좌표를 포함시킬지를 결정합니다.
위치 대신 이름을 제시하면, 항상 그 이름에 대한 추가적인 정보가 주어질 것입니다.
또한 당신은 근처의 몬스터나, 현재 표시된 모든 몬스터들, 근처의 물건들, 또는 모든 물건들에 대한 설명을 요청할 수도 있습니다.
여기에서도 whatis_coord 옵션으로 해당 설명에 지도의 좌표를 포함시킬지를 결정할 수 있습니다.& 해당 명령어의 기능이 무엇인지 알려줍니다. < 이전 층으로 올라갑니다. (당신이 계단이나 사다리에 있을 때에 한정) > 다음 층으로 내려갑니다. (당신이 계단이나 사다리에 있을 때에 한정) yu
표기된 방향으로 한걸음 이동합니다 (그림 2를 참고하십시오). 만일 당신이 그곳에서 몬스터를 감지하거나 기억하고 있다면, 당신은 이동하는 대신 그 몬스터와 싸우게 될 것입니다. 오직 이 한걸음-이동만이 몬스터와 싸우게 될 것이며, 다른 이동법은 '안전함'으로 취급됩니다.YU
당신이 벽이나 다른 무언가에 부딪히기 전까지 그 방향으로 이동합니다. m
bn접두사 : 물건을 집거나 싸우지 않고 이동합니다 (당신이 그곳의 몬스터를 기억하고 있다고 해도).
일부의 비-이동 명령어는 메뉴를 통한 동작을 요청하기 위해서 'm' 접두사를 사용합니다 (일시적으로 menustyle:Traditional 옵션을 무시하기 위함). 주로 단 한 종류의 물건만 존재할 때 , (집기) 명령어에 유용합니다 ("what kinds of objects? (무슨 종류의 물건 말인가요?)"라는 메시지가 뜨지 않을 것이므로, 해당 상황에서는 m을 누를 필요가 없습니다).
다른 일부의 명령어들도 'm' 접두사를 사용합니다. 예를 들어 '음식 섭취, 제물 번제, 캔따개 사용'은 현재 바닥에 적용 가능한 물건이 있는지 확인하는 것을 건너뛰고 곧장 소지품 확인으로 넘어갈 때 사용하며, '안장을 벗기기 위해 "#loot" (약탈하기)를 사용하는 경우'에는 보관함들을 건너뛰고 곧장 인접한 몬스터에게 이동할 때 사용합니다. 이 접두사는 "#travel" (이동하기) 명령어로 하여금 시야에 들어오는 흥미로운 대상들의 메뉴를 띄우게 합니다. 디버그 모드 ("위자드 모드"라고도 부릅니다)에서는 'm' 접두사가 "#teleport" (순간이동)과 "#wizlevelport" (위자드 모드 층계 순간이동) 명령어에도 쓰일 수 있습니다.F
bn접두사 : 몬스터와 싸웁니다 (그곳에 한 마리밖에 존재하지 않는다고 생각해도 말입니다). M
bn접두사 : 물건을 집지 않고 멀리 이동합니다. g
bn접두사 : 무언가 흥미로운 것을 발견할 때까지 이동합니다. G
<CONTROL->[yuhjklbn]접두사 : 'g'와 동일하지만, 통로의 갈림길을 흥미로운 것으로 고려하지 않습니다. _ 최단거리 알고리듬을 통해 지도의 위치로 이동합니다.
영웅이 알고 있는 지도의 위치 (예를 들어, 봤거나 기존에 지나갔던 길)에 최단거리를 계산합니다. 알고 있는 길이 없을 경우, 추측이 대신 제기됩니다. 대부분의 경우 'G' 명령어와 동일한 상황에서 멈추지만, 'M' 명령어와 비슷하게 아이템을 줍지 않습니다. 포팅한 운영체제에서 마우스를 지원하는 경우, 현재 위치 이외의 다른 곳을 클릭할 경우 이 명령어가 실행됩니다.. 기다리거나 휴식합니다. 한 턴 동안 아무것도 하지 않습니다. a 도구를 적용(사용)합니다 (곡괭이, 열쇠, 램프 등).
지팡이에 실행했을 경우, 해당 완드는 부러뜨려지고, 가지고 있던 마법을 모두 방출하게 됩니다. 확인을 필요로 합니다.A 착용하고 있던 물건들 (갑옷 등)을 벗습니다. 갑옷을 하나만 벗고 싶으면 'T' (벗기)를, 장신구를 하나만 빼고 싶으면 'R' (빼기) 명령어를 사용하십시오. c 문을 닫습니다. C 한 종류의 몬스터나, 물건, 또는 물건의 종류를 다른 명칭으로 부릅니다 (이름 붙이기).
확장 명령어 "#name" (이름 붙이기)과 동일한 기능을 가집니다.^C 패닉 버튼입니다. 게임을 종료합니다. d 무언가를 떨어뜨립니다. 예를 들어 "d7a"는 물건 a를 7개 떨어뜨림을 의미합니다. D 여러 가지를 떨어뜨립니다.
"What kinds of things do you want to drop? [!%= BUCXaium]" (어떤 종류의 물건들을 떨어뜨리겠습니까?) 라는 질문에 대해서,
you should type zero or more object symbols possibly followed by `a' and/or `i' and/or `u' and/or `m'. In addition,one or more of the blessed/uncursed/cursed groups may be typed.- DB - 알고 있는 모든 축복받은 물건들을 떨어뜨립니다.
- DU - 알고 있는 모든 저주받지 않은 물건들을 떨어뜨립니다.
- DC - 알고 있는 모든 저주받은 물건들을 떨어뜨립니다.
- DX - 축복/비저주/저주 상태가 불확실한 모든 물건들을 떨어뜨립니다.
- Da - 확인을 묻지 않고, 모든 물건들을 떨어뜨립니다.
- Di - 무언가를 떨어뜨리기 전에 당신의 소지품을 검사합니다.
- Du - 계산하지 않은 물건들만 떨어뜨립니다 (상점 내에서).
- Dm - 메뉴를 사용해 어떤 물건(들)을 떨어뜨릴 건지 선택합니다.
- D%u - 계산하지 않은 음식만 떨어뜨립니다.
The last example shows a combination. There are three categories of object filtering: class (`!' for potions, `?' forscrolls, and so on), shop status (`u' for unpaid, in other words, owned by the shop), and bless/curse state (`B', `U', `C', and `X' as shown above). If you specify more than one value in a category (such as "!?" for potions and scrolls or "BU" for blessed and uncursed), an inventory object will meet the criteria if it matches any of the specified values (so "!?" means `!' or `?'). If you specify more than one category, an inventory object must meet each of the category criteria (so "%u" means class `%' and unpaid `u'). Lastly, you may specify multiple values within multiple categories: "!?BU" will select all potions and scrolls which are known to be blessed or uncursed. (In versions prior to 3.6, filter combinations behaved differently.)e 음식을 먹습니다.
Normally checks for edible item(s) on the floor, then if none are found or none are chosen, checks for edible item(s) in inventory. Precede `e' with the `m' prefix to bypass attempting to eat anything off the floor.
If you attempt to eat while already satiated, you might choke to death. If you risk it, you will be asked whether to "continue eating?" if you survive the first bite. You can set the paranoid_confirmation:eating option to require a response of yes instead of just y.E 바닥에 메시지를 새깁니다.
E- 를 누르게 되면 손가락으로 먼지에 쓰게 됩니다.
단어 "Elbereth" (엘베레스)를 새길 경우 대부분의 몬스터들은 백병전으로는 공격하지 않을 것입니다 (만약 당신이 공격하면, 당신은 글자를 문질러서 지워버릴 것입니다); 이것은 한숨 돌리고자 할 때 종종 유용합니다.f Fire (shoot or throw) one of the objects placed in your quiver (or quiver sack, or that you have at the ready). You may select ammunition with a previous `Q' command, or let the computer pick something appropriate if autoquiver is true.
더욱 일반적인 던지기와 발사에 대해서는 't' (던지기)를 참고하십시오.I 소지품을 나열합니다 (당신이 가지고 있는 모든 것). ^A List selected parts of your inventory, usually be specifying the character for a particular set of objects, like `\[' for armor or `!' for potions. I* - list all gems in inventory;
Iu - list all unpaid items;
Ix - list all used up items that are on your shopping bill;
IB - list all items known to be blessed;
IU - list all items known to be uncursed;
IC - list all items known to be cursed;
IX - list all items whose bless/curse status is unknown;
I$ - count your money.o 문을 엽니다. O Set options. A menu showing the current option values will be displayed.
You can change most values simply by selecting the menu en-
try for the given option (ie, by typing its letter or click-
ing upon it, depending on your user interface). For the
non-boolean choices, a further menu or prompt will appear
once you've closed this menu. The available options arelisted later in this Guidebook. Options are usually set be-
fore the game rather than with the `O' command; see the sec-
tion on options below.^O Show overview.
Shortcut for "#overview": list interesting dungeon levels visited.
(Prior to 3.6.0, `^O' was a debug mode command which listed the placement of all special levels. Use "#wizwhere" to run that command.)p 쇼핑 계산서를 지불합니다. P Put on an accessory (ring, amulet, or blindfold).
This command may also be used to wear armor. The prompt for which inventory item to use will only list accessories, but choosing an unlisted item of armor will attempt to wear it. (See the `W' command below. It lists armor as the inventory choices but will accept an accessory and attempt to put that on.)^P 이전 메시지를 반복합니다.
Subsequent `^P's repeat earlier messages. For some interfaces, the behavior can be varied via the msg_window option.q 무언가 (물약, 물, 기타 등등)를 마십니다. Q Select an object for your quiver, quiver sack, or just generally at the ready (only one of these is available at a time). You can then throw this (or one of these) using the `f' command.
(In versions prior to 3.3 this was the command to quit the game, which has been moved to "#quit".)r 두루마리나 주문서를 읽습니다. R Remove a worn accessory (ring, amulet, or blindfold).
If you're wearing more than one, you'll be prompted for which one to remove. When you're only wearing one, then by default it will be removed without asking, but you can set the paranoid_confirmation option to require a prompt.
This command may also be used to take off armor. The prompt for which inventory item to remove only lists worn accessories, but an item of worn armor can be chosen. (See the `T' command below. It lists armor as the inventory choices but will accept an accessory and attempt to remove it.)^R Redraw the screen. s Search for secret doors and traps around you. It usually takes several tries to find something.
Can also be used to figure out whether there is still a monster at an adjacent "remembered, unseen monster" marker.S Save the game (which suspends play and exits the program).
The saved game will be restored automatically the next time you play using the same character name.
In normal play, once a saved game is restored the file used to hold the saved data is deleted. In explore mode, once restoration is accomplished you are asked whether to keep or delete the file. Keeping the file makes it feasible to play for a while then quit without saving and later restore again.
There is no "save current game state and keep playing" command, not even in explore mode where saved game files can bekept and re-used.t Throw an object or shoot a projectile.
There's no separate "shoot" command. If you throw an arrow while wielding a bow, you are shooting that arrow and any weapon skill bonus or penalty for bow applies. If you throw an arrow while not wielding a bow, you are throwing it by hand and it will generally be less effective than when shot.
See also `f' (fire) for throwing or shooting an item pre-selected via the `Q' (quiver) command.T Take off armor.
If you're wearing more than one piece, you'll be prompted for which one to take off. (Note that this treats a cloak covering a suit and/or a shirt, or a suit covering a shirt, as if the underlying items weren't there.) When you're only wearing one, then by default it will be taken off without asking, but you can set the paranoid_confirmation option to require a prompt.
This command may also be used to remove accessories. The prompt for which inventory item to take off only lists worn armor, but a worn accessory can be chosen. (See the `R' command above. It lists accessories as the inventory choices but will accept an item of armor and attempt to take it off.)^T 순간이동합니다. 해당 능력이 있다면 말입니다. v 현재 버전 정보를 표시합니다. V 게임의 역사를 표시합니다. w Wield weapon.
w- - wield nothing, use your bare (or gloved) hands.
Some characters can wield two weapons at once; use the `X' command (or the "#twoweapon" extended command) to do so.W Wear armor.
This command may also be used to put on an accessory (ring, amulet, or blindfold). The prompt for which inventory item to use will only list armor, but choosing an unlisted accessory will attempt to put it on. (See the `P' command above. It lists accessories as the inventory choices but will accept an item of armor and attempt to wear it.)x Exchange your wielded weapon with the item in your alternate weapon slot.
The latter is used as your secondary weapon when engaging in two-weapon combat. Note that if one of these slots is empty, the exchange still takes place.X Toggle two-weapon combat, if your character can do it. Also available via the "#twoweapon" extended command.
(In versions prior to 3.6 this was the command to switch from normal play to "explore mode", also known as "discovery mode", which has now been moved to "#exploremode".)^X Display basic information about your character.
Displays name, role, race, gender (unless role name makes
that redundant, such as Caveman or Priestess), and align-
ment, along with your patron deity and his or her opposi-
tion. It also shows most of the various items of informa-
tion from the status line(s) in a less terse form, including
several additional things which don't appear in the normal
status display due to space considerations.
In normal play, that's all that `^X' displays. In explore
mode, the role and status feedback is augmented by the in-
formation provided by enlightenment magic.z Zap a wand.
z. - to aim at yourself, use `.' for the direction.Z Zap (cast) a spell.
Z. - to cast at yourself, use `.' for the direction.^Z Suspend the game (UNIX(R) versions with job control only). : 여기에 무엇이 있는지 봅니다. ; Show what type of thing a visible symbol corresponds to. , Pick up some things from the floor beneath you.
May be preceded by `m' to force a selection menu.@ Toggle the autopickup option on and off. ^ Ask for the type of an adjacent trap you found earlier. ) Tell what weapon you are wielding. [ Tell what armor you are wearing. \= Tell what rings you are wearing. " Tell what amulet you are wearing. ( Tell what tools you are using. * Tell what equipment you are using.
Combines the preceding five type-specific commands into one.$ Count your gold pieces. + List the spells you know.
Using this command, you can also rearrange the order in
which your spells are listed, either by sorting the entire
list or by picking one spell from the menu then picking an-
other to swap places with it. Swapping pairs of spells
changes their casting letters, so the change lasts after the
current `+' command finishes. Sorting the whole list is
temporary. To make the most recent sort order persist be-
yond the current `+' command, choose the sort option again
and then pick "reassign casting letters". (Any spells
learned after that will be added to the end of the list
rather than be inserted into the sorted ordering.)\ Show what types of objects have been discovered. ` Show discovered types for one class of objects. ! Escape to a shell.
확장 명령어와 추가 명령어의 목록은 다음과 같습니다:
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- # 확장 명령어를 수행합니다.보시다시피, NetHack의 제작자들은 모든 문자를 사용했으므로, 이는 덜 자주 사용되는 명령어를 소개하기 위한 방법입니다. 무슨 확장 명령어를 사용할 수 있는지의 여부는 게임이 컴파일된 기기가 무엇을 지원하는지에 따라 다릅니다.
#adjust Adjust inventory letters (most useful when the fixinv option is "on"). Autocompletes. Default key is `M-a'.
This command allows you to move an item from one particular inventory slot to another so that it has a letter which is more meaningful for you or that it will appear in a particular location when inventory listings are displayed. You can move to a currently empty slot, or if the destination is occupiedand won't mergethe item there will swap slots with the one being moved. "#adjust" can also be used to split a stack of objects; when choosing the item to adjust, enter a count prior to its letter.
Adjusting without a count used to collect all compatible stacks when moving to the destination. That behavior has been changed; to gather compatible stacks, "#adjust" a stack into its own inventory slot. If it has a name assigned, other stacks with the same name or with no name will merge provided that all their other attributes match. If it does not have a name, only other stacks with no name are eligible. In either case, otherwise compatible stacks with a different name will not be merged. This contrasts with using "#adjust" to move from one slot to a different slot. In that situation, moving (no count given) a compatible stack will merge if either stack has a name when the other doesn't and give that name to the result, while splitting (count given) will ignore the source stack's name when deciding whether to merge with the destination stack.#annotate Allows you to specify one line of text to associate with the current dungeon level. All levels with annotations are displayed by the "#overview" command. Autocompletes. Default key is `M-A', and also `^N' if number_pad is on. #apply Apply (use) a tool such as a pick-axe, a key, or a lamp.
Default key is `a'.
If the tool used acts on items on the floor, using the `m' prefix skips those items.
If used on a wand, that wand will be broken, releasing its magic in the process. Confirmation is required.#attributes Show your attributes. Default key is `^X'. #autopickup Toggle the autopickup option on/off. Default key is `@'. #call Call (name) a monster, or an object in inventory, on the
floor, or in the discoveries list, or add an annotation for
the current level (same as "#annotate"). Default key is `C'.#cast Cast a spell. Default key is `Z'. #chat Talk to someone. Default key is `M-c'. #close Close a door. Default key is `c'. #conduct List voluntary challenges you have maintained. Autocompletes. Default key is `M-C'.
See the section below entitled "Conduct" for details.#dip Dip an object into something. Autocompletes. Default key is `M-d'. #down Go down a staircase. Default key is `>'. #drop Drop an item. Default key is `d'. #droptype Drop specific item types. Default key is `D'. #eat Eat something. Default key is `e'. The `m' prefix skips eating items on the floor. #engrave Engrave writing on the floor. Default key is `E'. #enhance Advance or check weapon and spell skills. Autocompletes. Default key is `M-e'. #exploremode Enter the explore mode.
Requires confirmation; default response is n (no). To really switch to explore mode, respond with y. You can set theparanoid_confirmation:quit option to require a response of yes instead.#fire Fire ammunition from quiver. Default key is `f'. #force Force a lock. Autocompletes. Default key is `M-f'. #glance Show what type of thing a map symbol corresponds to. Default key is `;'. #help Show the help menu. Default key is `?', and also `h' if number_pad is on. #herecmdmenu Show a menu of possible actions in your current location. #history Show long version and game history. Default key is `V'. #inventory Show your inventory. Default key is `i'. #inventtype Inventory specific item types. Default key is `I'. #invoke Invoke an object's special powers. Autocompletes. Default key is `M-i'. #jump Jump to another location. Autocompletes. Default key is `M-j', and also `j' if number_pad is on. #kick Kick something. Default key is `^D', and `k' if number_pad is on. #known Show what object types have been discovered. Default key is `\'. #knownclass Show discovered types for one class of objects. Default key is ``'. #levelchange Change your experience level. Autocompletes. Debug mode only. #lightsources Show mobile light sources. Autocompletes. Debug mode only. #look Look at what is here, under you. Default key is `:'. #loot Loot a box or bag on the floor beneath you, or the saddle from a steed standing next to you. Autocompletes. Precede with the `m' prefix to skip containers at your location and go directly to removing a saddle. Default key is `M-l', and also `l' if number_pad is on. #monster Use a monster's special ability (when polymorphed into monster form). Autocompletes. Default key is `M-m'. #name Name a monster, an individual object, or a type of object. Same as "#call". Autocompletes. Default keys are `N', `M-n', and `M-N'. #offer Offer a sacrifice to the gods. Autocompletes. Default key is `M-o'.
You'll need to find an altar to have any chance at success.
Corpses of recently killed monsters are the fodder of choice.
The `m' prefix skips offering any items which are on the altar.#open Open a door. Default key is `o'. #options Show and change option settings. Default key is `O'. #overview Display information you've discovered about the dungeon.
Any visited level (unless forgotten due to amnesia) with an
annotation is included, and many things (altars, thrones,
fountains, and so on; extra stairs leading to another dun-
geon branch) trigger an automatic annotation. If dungeon
overview is chosen during end-of-game disclosure, every vis-
ited level will be included regardless of annotations. Au-
tocompletes. Default keys are `^O', and `M-O'.#panic Test the panic routine. Terminates the current game. Autocompletes. Debug mode only.
Asks for confirmation; default is n (no); continue playing.
To really panic, respond with y. You can set the para-
noid_confirmation:quit option to require a response of yes instead.#pay Pay your shopping bill. Default key is `p'. #pickup Pick up things at the current location. Default key is `,'. The `m' prefix forces use of a menu. #polyself Polymorph self. Autocompletes. Debug mode only. #pray Pray to the gods for help. Autocompletes. Default key is `M-p'.
Praying too soon after receiving prior help is a bad idea.
(Hint: entering the dungeon alive is treated as having re-
ceived help. You probably shouldn't start off a new game by
praying right away.) Since using this command by accident
can cause trouble, there is an option to make you confirm
your intent before praying. It is enabled by default, and
you can reset the paranoid_confirmation option to disable it.#prevmsg Show previously displayed game messages. Default key is `^P'. #puton Put on an accessory (ring, amulet, etc). Default key is `P'. #quaff Quaff (drink) something. Default key is `q'. #quit Quit the program without saving your game. Autocompletes.
Default key is `M-q'.
Since using this command by accident would throw away the
current game, you are asked to confirm your intent before
quitting. Default response is n (no); continue playing. To
really quit, respond with y. You can set the paranoid_con-
firmation:quit option to require a response of yes instead.#quiver Select ammunition for quiver. Default key is `Q'. #read 두루마리 또는 주문서 또는 다른 무언가를 읽습니다. 기본 키는 r입니다. #redraw Redraw the screen. Default key is `^R', and also `^L' if number_pad is on. #remove Remove an accessory (ring, amulet, etc). Default key is `R'. #ride Ride (or stop riding) a saddled creature. Autocompletes. Default key is `M-R'. #rub Rub a lamp or a stone. Autocompletes. Default key is `M-r'. #save Save the game and exit the program. Default key is `S'. #search Search for traps and secret doors around you. Default key is `s'. #seeall Show all equipment in use. Default key is `*'. #seeamulet Show the amulet currently worn. Default key is `"'. #seearmor Show the armor currently worn. Default key is `['. #seegold Count your gold. Default key is `$'. #seenv Show seen vectors. Autocompletes. Debug mode only. #seerings Show the ring(s) currently worn. Default key is `\='. #seespells List and reorder known spells. Default key is `+'. #seetools Show the tools currently in use. Default key is `('. #seetrap Show the type of an adjacent trap. Default key is `^'. #seeweapon Show the weapon currently wielded. Default key is `)'. #shell Do a shell escape. Default key is `!'. #sit Sit down. Autocompletes. Default key is `M-s'. #stats Show memory usage statistics. Autocompletes. Debug mode only. #suspend Suspend the game. Default key is `^Z'. #swap Swap wielded and secondary weapons. Default key is `x'. #takeoff Take off one piece of armor. Default key is `T'. #takeoffall Remove all armor. Default key is `A'. #teleport Teleport around the level. Default key is `^T'. #terrain Show bare map without displaying monsters, objects, or traps. Autocompletes. #therecmdmenu Show a menu of possible actions in a location next to you. #throw Throw something. Default key is `t'. #timeout Look at the timeout queue. Autocompletes. Debug mode only. #tip Tip over a container (bag or box) to pour out its contents.
Autocompletes. Default key is `M-T'. The `m' prefix makes the command use a menu.#travel Travel to a specific location on the map. Default key is
`_'. Using the "request menu" prefix shows a menu of inter-
esting targets in sight without asking to move the cursor.
When picking a target with cursor and the autodescribeoption is on, the top line will show "(no travel path)" ifyour character does not know of a path to that location.#turn Turn undead away. Autocompletes. Default key is `M-t'. #twoweapon
Toggle two-weapon combat on or off. Autocompletes. Default
key is `X', and also `M-2' if number_pad is off.
Note that you must use suitable weapons for this type of
combat, or it will be automatically turned off.#untrap Untrap something (trap, door, or chest). Default key is `M-u', and `u' if number_pad is on.
In some circumstances it can also be used to rescue trapped monsters.#up Go up a staircase. Default key is `<'. #vanquished List vanquished monsters. Autocompletes. Debug mode only. #version Print compile time options for this version of NetHack. Autocompletes. Default key is `M-v'. #versionshort Show version string. Default key is `v'. #vision Show vision array. Autocompletes. Debug mode only. #wait Rest one move while doing nothing. Default key is `.', and also ` ' if rest_on_space is on. #wear Wear a piece of armor. Default key is `W'. #whatdoes Tell what a key does. Default key is `&'. #whatis Show what type of thing a symbol corresponds to. Default key is `/'. #wield Wield a weapon. Default key is `w'. #wipe Wipe off your face. Autocompletes. Default key is `M-w'. #wizbury Bury objects under and around you. Autocompletes. Debug mode only. #wizdetect Search for hidden things (secret doors or traps or unseen monsters) within a modest radius. Autocompletes. Debug mode only. Default key is `^E'. #wizgenesis Create a monster. May be prefixed by a count to create more than one. Autocompletes. Debug mode only. Default key is `^G'. #wizidentify Identify all items in inventory. Autocompletes. Debug mode only. Default key is `^I'. #wizintrinsic Set one or more intrinsic attributes. Autocompletes. Debug mode only. #wizlevelport Teleport to another level. Autocompletes. Debug mode only. Default key is `^V'. #wizmap Map the level. Autocompletes. Debug mode only. Default key is `^F'. #wizrumorcheck Verify rumor boundaries. Autocompletes. Debug mode only. #wizsmell Smell monster. Autocompletes. Debug mode only. #wizwhere Show locations of special levels. Autocompletes. Debug mode only. #wizwish Wish for something. Autocompletes. Debug mode only. Default key is `^W'. #wmode Show wall modes. Autocompletes. Debug mode only. #zap Zap a wand. Default key is `z'. #? Help menu: get the list of available extended commands. 메타 키If your keyboard has a meta key (which, when pressed in combination with another key, modifies it by setting the "meta" [8th, or "high"] bit), you can invoke many extended commands by meta-ing the first letter of the command.
In NT, OS/2, PC and ST NetHack, the "Alt" key can be used in this fashion; on the Amiga, set the altmeta option to get this behavior. On other systems, if typing "Alt" plus another key transmits a two character sequence consisting of an Escape followed by the other key, you may set the altmeta option to have NetHack combine them into meta+key.M-? #? (not supported by all platforms) M-2 #twoweapon (unless the number_pad option is enabled) M-a #adjust M-A #annotate M-c #chat M-C #conduct M-d #dip M-e #enhance M-f #force M-i #invoke M-j #jump M-l #loot M-m #monster M-n #name M-o #offer M-O #overview M-p #pray M-q #quit M-r #rub M-R #ride M-s #sit M-t #turn M-T #tip M-u #untrap M-v #version M-w #wipe
만약 number_pad (숫자 패드) 설정이 켜져 있으면, 일부의 추가적인 문자 명령어를 사용할 수 있습니다:
h | #help |
j | #jump |
k | #kick |
l | #loot |
N | #name |
u | #untrap |
9. 방과 통로
던전에 있는 방과 통로는 불이 켜져 있거나 어두운 상태입니다.당신의 시야 내의 불이 켜진 곳은 화면에 표시될 것입니다; 어두운 구역의 경우, 그것들이 당신과 한 칸 이내에 있을 때에만 화면에 표시됩니다.
벽과 통로의 경우, 당신이 탐사함에 따라 화면에 표시된 채로 남아있을 것입니다.
비밀 통로는 숨겨져 있습니다. 당신은 's' (탐색) 명령어로 그것들을 찾을 수 있습니다.
9.1. 출입구
5.1. DoorwaysDoorways connect rooms and corridors. Some doorways have no
doors; you can walk right through. Others have doors in them,
which may be open, closed, or locked. To open a closed door, use
the `o' (open) command; to close it again, use the `c' (close)
You can get through a locked door by using a tool to pick
the lock with the `a' (apply) command, or by kicking it open with
the `^D' (kick) command.
Open doors cannot be entered diagonally; you must approach
them straight on, horizontally or vertically. Doorways without
doors are not restricted in this fashion.
Doors can be useful for shutting out monsters. Most monsters cannot open doors, although a few don't need to (for example, ghosts can walk through doors).
Secret doors are hidden. You can find them with the `s' (search) command. Once found they are in all ways equivalent to normal doors.
9.2. 함정
5.2. Traps (`^')There are traps throughout the dungeon to snare the unwary delver. For example, you may suddenly fall into a pit and be stuck for a few turns trying to climb out. Traps don't appear on your map until you see one triggered by moving onto it, see something fall into it, or you discover it with the `s' (search) command. Monsters can fall prey to traps, too, which can be a very useful defensive strategy.
There is a special pre-mapped branch of the dungeon based on the classic computer game "Sokoban." The goal is to push the boulders into the pits or holes. With careful foresight, it is possible to complete all of the levels according to the traditional rules of Sokoban. Some allowances are permitted in case the player gets stuck; however, they will lower your luck.
9.3. 계단과 사다리
5.3. Stairs and ladders (`<', `>')In general, each level in the dungeon will have a staircase going up (`<') to the previous level and another going down (`>') to the next level. There are some exceptions though. For instance, fairly early in the dungeon you will find a level with two down staircases, one continuing into the dungeon and the other branching into an area known as the Gnomish Mines. Those mines eventually hit a dead end, so after exploring them (if you choose to do so), you'll need to climb back up to the main dungeon.
When you traverse a set of stairs, or trigger a trap which sends you to another level, the level you're leaving will be deactivated and stored in a file on disk. If you're moving to a previously visited level, it will be loaded from its file on disk and reactivated. If you're moving to a level which has not yet been visited, it will be created (from scratch for most random levels, from a template for some "special" levels, or loaded from the remains of an earlier game for a "bones" level as briefly described below). Monsters are only active on the current level; those on other levels are essentially placed into stasis.
Ordinarily when you climb a set of stairs, you will arrive on the corresponding staircase at your destination. However, pets (see below) and some other monsters will follow along if they're close enough when you travel up or down stairs, and occasionally one of these creatures will displace you during the climb. When that occurs, the pet or other monster will arrive on the staircase and you will end up nearby.
Ladders serve the same purpose as staircases, and the two types of inter-level connections are nearly indistinguishable during game play.
9.4. 상점과 장보기
5.4. Shops and shoppingOccasionally you will run across a room with a shopkeeper near the door and many items lying on the floor. You can buy items by picking them up and then using the `p' command. You can inquire about the price of an item prior to picking it up by using the "#chat" command while standing on it. Using an item prior to paying for it will incur a charge, and the shopkeeper won't allow you to leave the shop until you have paid any debt you owe.
You can sell items to a shopkeeper by dropping them to the floor while inside a shop. You will either be offered an amount of gold and asked whether you're willing to sell, or you'll be told that the shopkeeper isn't interested (generally, your item needs to be compatible with the type of merchandise carried by the shop).
If you drop something in a shop by accident, the shopkeeper will usually claim ownership without offering any compensation. You'll have to buy it back if you want to reclaim it.
Shopkeepers sometimes run out of money. When that happens, you'll be offered credit instead of gold when you try to sell something. Credit can be used to pay for purchases, but it is only good in the shop where it was obtained; other shopkeepers won't honor it. (If you happen to find a "credit card" in the dungeon, don't bother trying to use it in shops; shopkeepers will not accept it.)
The `$' command, which reports the amount of gold you are carrying (in inventory, not inside bags or boxes), will also show current shop debt or credit, if any. The "Iu" command lists unpaid items (those which still belong to the shop) if you are carrying any. The "Ix" command shows an inventory-like display of any unpaid items which have been used up, along with other shop fees, if any.
9.4.1. 상점의 기행
5.4.1. Shop idiosyncrasiesSeveral aspects of shop behavior might be unexpected.
- The price of a given item can vary due to a variety of factors.
- A shopkeeper treats the spot immediately inside the door as if it were outside the shop.
- While the shopkeeper watches you like a hawk, he will generally ignore any other customers.
- If a shop is "closed for inventory," it will not open of its own accord.
- Shops do not get restocked with new items, regardless of inventory depletion.
10. 몬스터
6. MonstersMonsters you cannot see are not displayed on the screen. Beware! You may suddenly come upon one in a dark place. Some magic items can help you locate them before they locate you (which some monsters can do very well).
The commands `/' and `;' may be used to obtain information about those monsters who are displayed on the screen. The command "#name" (by default bound to `C'), allows you to assign a name to a monster, which may be useful to help distinguish one from another when multiple monsters are present. Assigning a name which is just a space will remove any prior name.
The extended command "#chat" can be used to interact with an adjacent monster. There is no actual dialog (in other words, you don't get to choose what you'll say), but chatting with some monsters such as a shopkeeper or the Oracle of Delphi can produce useful results.
10.1. 전투
6.1. FightingIf you see a monster and you wish to fight it, just attempt
to walk into it. Many monsters you find will mind their own
business unless you attack them. Some of them are very dangerous
when angered. Remember: discretion is the better part of valor.
In most circumstances, if you attempt to attack a peaceful
monster by moving into its location, you'll be asked to confirm
your intent. By default an answer of `y' acknowledges that in-
tent, which can be error prone if you're using `y' to move. You
can set the paranoid_confirmation option to require a response of
"yes" instead.
If you can't see a monster (if it is invisible, or if you
are blinded), the symbol `I' will be shown when you learn of its
presence. If you attempt to walk into it, you will try to fight
it just like a monster that you can see; of course, if the mon-
ster has moved, you will attack empty air. If you guess that the
monster has moved and you don't wish to fight, you can use the
`m' command to move without fighting; likewise, if you don't re-
member a monster but want to try fighting anyway, you can use the `F' command.
10.2. 당신의 애완동물
6.2. Your pet
You start the game with a little dog (`d'), kitten (`f'), orpony (`u'), which follows you about the dungeon and fights mon-sters with you. Like you, your pet needs food to survive. Dogsand cats usually feed themselves on fresh carrion and othermeats; horses need vegetarian food which is harder to come by.If you're worried about your pet or want to train it, you canfeed it, too, by throwing it food. A properly trained pet can bevery useful under certain circumstances.
Your pet also gains experience from killing monsters, andcan grow over time, gaining hit points and doing more damage.Initially, your pet may even be better at killing things thanyou, which makes pets useful for low-level characters.
Your pet will follow you up and down staircases if it isnext to you when you move. Otherwise your pet will be strandedand may become wild. Similarly, when you trigger certain typesof traps which alter your location (for instance, a trap doorwhich drops you to a lower dungeon level), any adjacent pet willaccompany you and any non-adjacent pet will be left behind. Yourpet may trigger such traps itself; you will not be carried alongwith it even if adjacent at the time.
10.3. 안장
6.3. Steeds
Some types of creatures in the dungeon can actually be rid-den if you have the right equipment and skill. Convincing a wildbeast to let you saddle it up is difficult to say the least.Many a dungeoneer has had to resort to magic and wizardry in or-der to forge the alliance. Once you do have the beast under yourcontrol however, you can easily climb in and out of the saddlewith the "#ride" command. Lead the beast around the dungeon whenriding, in the same manner as you would move yourself. It is thebeast that you will see displayed on the map.
Riding skill is managed by the "#enhance" command. See thesection on Weapon proficiency for more information about that.
Use the `a' (apply) command and pick a saddle in your inven-tory to attempt to put that saddle on an adjacent creature. Ifsuccessful, it will be transferred to that creature's inventory.
Use the "#loot" command while adjacent to a saddled creatureto try to remove the saddle from that creature. If successful,it will be transferred to your inventory.
10.4. Bones 레벨
6.4. Bones levels
You may encounter the shades and corpses of other adventur-ers (or even former incarnations of yourself!) and their personal effects. Ghosts are hard to kill, but easy to avoid, sincethey're slow and do little damage. You can plunder the deceasedadventurer's possessions; however, they are likely to be cursed.Beware of whatever killed the former player; it is probably stilllurking around, gloating over its last victory.
10.5. 몬스터의 지속
6.5. Persistence of Monsters
Monsters (a generic reference which also includes humans andpets) are only shown while they can be seen or otherwise sensed.Moving to a location where you can't see or sense a monster anymore will result in it disappearing from your map, similarly ifit is the one who moved rather than you.
However, if you encounter a monster which you can't see orsense -- perhaps it is invisible and has just tapped you on thenoggin -- a special "remembered, unseen monster" marker will bedisplayed at the location where you think it is. That will per-sist until you have proven that there is no monster there, evenif the unseen monster moves to another location or you move to aspot where the marker's location ordinarily wouldn't be seen anymore.
11. 물체
7. Objects
When you find something in the dungeon, it is common to wantto pick it up. In NetHack, this is accomplished automatically bywalking over the object (unless you turn off the autopickup op-tion (see below), or move with the `m' prefix (see above)), ormanually by using the `,' command.
If you're carrying too many items, NetHack will tell you soand you won't be able to pick up anything more. Otherwise, itwill add the object(s) to your pack and tell you what you justpicked up.
As you add items to your inventory, you also add the weightof that object to your load. The amount that you can carry de-pends on your strength and your constitution. The stronger andsturdier you are, the less the additional load will affect you.There comes a point, though, when the weight of all of that stuffyou are carrying around with you through the dungeon will encum-ber you. Your reactions will get slower and you'll burn caloriesfaster, requiring food more frequently to cope with it. Eventu-ally, you'll be so overloaded that you'll either have to discardsome of what you're carrying or collapse under its weight.
NetHack will tell you how badly you have loaded yourself.If you are encumbered, one of the conditions "Burdened","Stressed", "Strained", "Overtaxed" or "Overloaded" will be shownon the bottom line status display.
When you pick up an object, it is assigned an inventory let-ter. Many commands that operate on objects must ask you to find out which object you want to use. When NetHack asks you tochoose a particular object you are carrying, you are usually pre-sented with a list of inventory letters to choose from (see Com-mands, above).
Some objects, such as weapons, are easily differentiated.Others, like scrolls and potions, are given descriptions whichvary according to type. During a game, any two objects with thesame description are the same type. However, the descriptionswill vary from game to game.
When you use one of these objects, if its effect is obvious,NetHack will remember what it is for you. If its effect isn'textremely obvious, you will be asked what you want to call thistype of object so you will recognize it later. You can also usethe "#name" command, for the same purpose at any time, to nameall objects of a particular type or just an individual object.When you use "#name" on an object which has already been named,specifying a space as the value will remove the prior name in-stead of assigning a new one.
11.1. 저주와 축복
7.1. Curses and Blessings
Any object that you find may be cursed, even if the objectis otherwise helpful. The most common effect of a curse is beingstuck with (and to) the item. Cursed weapons weld themselves toyour hand when wielded, so you cannot unwield them. Any curseditem you wear is not removable by ordinary means. In addition,cursed arms and armor usually, but not always, bear negative en-chantments that make them less effective in combat. Other cursedobjects may act poorly or detrimentally in other ways.
Objects can also be blessed. Blessed items usually workbetter or more beneficially than normal uncursed items. For ex-ample, a blessed weapon will do more damage against demons.
Objects which are neither cursed nor blessed are referred toas uncursed. They could just as easily have been described asunblessed, but the uncursed designation is what you will seewithin the game. A "glass half full versus glass half empty"situation; make of that what you will.
There are magical means of bestowing or removing curses uponobjects, so even if you are stuck with one, you can still havethe curse lifted and the item removed. Priests and Priestesseshave an innate sensitivity to this property in any object, sothey can more easily avoid cursed objects than other characterroles.
An item with unknown status will be reported in your inven-tory with no prefix. An item which you know the state of will bedistinguished in your inventory by the presence of the word"cursed", "uncursed" or "blessed" in the description of the item.In some cases "uncursed" will be omitted as being redundant when enough other information is displayed. The implicit_uncursed op-tion can be used to control this; toggle it off to have "un-cursed" be displayed even when that can be deduced from other at-tributes.
11.2. 무기
7.2. Weapons (`)')
Given a chance, most monsters in the Mazes of Menace willgratuitously try to kill you. You need weapons for self-defense(killing them first). Without a weapon, you do only 1-2 hitpoints of damage (plus bonuses, if any). Monk characters are anexception; they normally do more damage with bare (or gloved)hands than they do with weapons.
There are wielded weapons, like maces and swords, and thrownweapons, like arrows and spears. To hit monsters with a weapon,you must wield it and attack them, or throw it at them. You cansimply elect to throw a spear. To shoot an arrow, you shouldfirst wield a bow, then throw the arrow. Crossbows shoot cross-bow bolts. Slings hurl rocks and (other) stones (like gems).
Enchanted weapons have a "plus" (or "to hit enhancement"which can be either positive or negative) that adds to yourchance to hit and the damage you do to a monster. The only wayto determine a weapon's enchantment is to have it magically iden-tified somehow. Most weapons are subject to some type of damagelike rust. Such "erosion" damage can be repaired.
The chance that an attack will successfully hit a monster,and the amount of damage such a hit will do, depends upon manyfactors. Among them are: type of weapon, quality of weapon (en-chantment and/or erosion), experience level, strength, dexterity,encumbrance, and proficiency (see below). The monster's armorclass -- a general defense rating, not necessarily due to wearingof armor -- is a factor too; also, some monsters are particularlyvulnerable to certain types of weapons.
Many weapons can be wielded in one hand; some require bothhands. When wielding a two-handed weapon, you can not wear ashield, and vice versa. When wielding a one-handed weapon, youcan have another weapon ready to use by setting things up withthe `x' command, which exchanges your primary (the one beingwielded) and alternate weapons. And if you have proficiency inthe "two weapon combat" skill, you may wield both weapons simul-taneously as primary and secondary; use the `X' command to engageor disengage that. Only some types of characters (barbarians,for instance) have the necessary skill available. Even with thatskill, using two weapons at once incurs a penalty in the chanceto hit your target compared to using just one weapon at a time.
There might be times when you'd rather not wield any weaponat all. To accomplish that, wield `-', or else use the `A' com-mand which allows you to unwield the current weapon in additionto taking off other worn items.
Those of you in the audience who are AD&D players, be aware
that each weapon which existed in AD&D does roughly the same dam-
age to monsters in NetHack. Some of the more obscure weapons
(such as the aklys, lucern hammer, and bec-de-corbin) are defined
in an appendix to Unearthed Arcana, an AD&D supplement.
age to monsters in NetHack. Some of the more obscure weapons
(such as the aklys, lucern hammer, and bec-de-corbin) are defined
in an appendix to Unearthed Arcana, an AD&D supplement.
The commands to use weapons are `w' (wield), `t' (throw),`f' (fire, an alternate way of throwing), `Q' (quiver), `x' (ex-change), `X' (twoweapon), and "#enhance" (see below).
11.2.1. 던지기와 쏘기
7.2.1. Throwing and shooting
You can throw just about anything via the `t' command. Itwill prompt for the item to throw; picking `?' will list thingsin your inventory which are considered likely to be thrown, orpicking `*' will list your entire inventory. After you've chosenwhat to throw, you will be prompted for a direction rather thanfor a specific target. The distance something can be thrown de-pends mainly on the type of object and your strength. Arrows canbe thrown by hand, but can be thrown much farther and will bemore likely to hit when thrown while you are wielding a bow.
You can simplify the throwing operation by using the `Q'command to select your preferred "missile", then using the `f'command to throw it. You'll be prompted for a direction asabove, but you don't have to specify which item to throw eachtime you use `f'. There is also an option, autoquiver, which hasNetHack choose another item to automatically fill your quiver (orquiver sack, or have at the ready) when the inventory slot usedfor `Q' runs out.
Some characters have the ability to fire a volley of multi-ple items in a single turn. Knowing how to load several roundsof ammunition at once or hold several missiles in your hand and still hit a target is not an easy task. Rangers are amongthose who are adept at this task, as are those with a high levelof proficiency in the relevant weapon skill (in bow skill ifyou're wielding one to shoot arrows, in crossbow skill if you'rewielding one to shoot bolts, or in sling skill if you're wieldingone to shoot stones). The number of items that the character hasa chance to fire varies from turn to turn. You can explicitlylimit the number of shots by using a numeric prefix before the`t' or `f' command. For example, "2f" (or "n2f" if using num-ber_pad mode) would ensure that at most 2 arrows are shot even ifyou could have fired 3. If you specify a larger number thanwould have been shot ("4f" in this example), you'll just end upshooting the same number (3, here) as if no limit had been speci-fied. Once the volley is in motion, all of the items will travelin the same direction; if the first ones kill a monster, the oth-ers can still continue beyond that spot.
11.2.2. 무기 숙련도
7.2.2. Weapon proficiency
You will have varying degrees of skill in the weapons avail-able. Weapon proficiency, or weapon skills, affect how well youcan use particular types of weapons, and you'll be able to im-prove your skills as you progress through a game, depending onyour role, your experience level, and use of the weapons.
For the purposes of proficiency, weapons have been dividedup into various groups such as daggers, broadswords, andpolearms. Each role has a limit on what level of proficiency acharacter can achieve for each group. For instance, wizards canbecome highly skilled in daggers or staves but not in swords orbows.
The "#enhance" extended command is used to review currentweapons proficiency (also spell proficiency) and to choose whichskill(s) to improve when you've used one or more skills enough tobecome eligible to do so. The skill rankings are "none" (some-times also referred to as "restricted", because you won't be ableto advance), "unskilled", "basic", "skilled", and "expert". Re-stricted skills simply will not appear in the list shown by "#en-hance". (Divine intervention might unrestrict a particularskill, in which case it will start at unskilled and be limited tobasic.) Some characters can enhance their barehanded combat ormartial arts skill beyond expert to "master" or "grand master".
Use of a weapon in which you're restricted or unskilled willincur a modest penalty in the chance to hit a monster and also inthe amount of damage done when you do hit; at basic level, thereis no penalty or bonus; at skilled level, you receive a modestbonus in the chance to hit and amount of damage done; at expertlevel, the bonus is higher. A successful hit has a chance toboost your training towards the next skill level (unless you'vealready reached the limit for this skill). Once such trainingreaches the threshold for that next level, you'll be told thatyou feel more confident in your skills. At that point you canuse "#enhance" to increase one or more skills. Such skills arenot increased automatically because there is a limit to your to-tal overall skills, so you need to actively choose which skillsto enhance and which to ignore.
11.2.3. 양손무기 전투
7.2.3. Two-Weapon combat
Some characters can use two weapons at once. Setting thingsup to do so can seem cumbersome but becomes second nature withuse. To wield two weapons, you need to use the "#twoweapon" com-mand. But first you need to have a weapon in each hand. (Notethat your two weapons are not fully equal; the one in the handyou normally wield with is considered primary and the other oneis considered secondary. The most noticeable difference is afteryou stop or before you begin, for that matter wielding twoweapons at once. The primary is your wielded weapon and the sec-ondary is just an item in your inventory that's been designated as alternate weapon.)
If your primary weapon is wielded but your off hand is emptyor has the wrong weapon, use the sequence `x', `w', `x' to firstswap your primary into your off hand, wield whatever you want assecondary weapon, then swap them both back into the intendedhands. If your secondary or alternate weapon is correct but yourprimary one is not, simply use `w' to wield the primary. Lastly,if neither hand holds the correct weapon, use `w', `x', `w' tofirst wield the intended secondary, swap it to off hand, and thenwield the primary.
The whole process can be simplified via use of the push-weapon option. When it is enabled, then using `w' to wield some-thing causes the currently wielded weapon to become your alter-nate weapon. So the sequence `w', `w' can be used to first wieldthe weapon you intend to be secondary, and then wield the one youwant as primary which will push the first into secondary posi-tion.
When in two-weapon combat mode, using the `X' command tog-gles back to single-weapon mode. Throwing or dropping either ofthe weapons or having one of them be stolen or destroyed will al-so make you revert to single-weapon combat.
11.3. 갑옷
7.3. Armor (`[')
Lots of unfriendly things lurk about; you need armor to pro-tect yourself from their blows. Some types of armor offer betterprotection than others. Your armor class is a measure of thisprotection. Armor class (AC) is measured as in AD&D, with 10 be-ing the equivalent of no armor, and lower numbers meaning betterarmor. Each suit of armor which exists in AD&D gives the sameprotection in NetHack. Here is an (incomplete) list of the armorclasses provided by various suits of armor:
dragon scale mail 1
plate mail 3
crystal plate mail 3
bronze plate mail 4
splint mail 4
banded mail 4
dwarvish mithril-coat 4
elven mithril-coat 5
chain mail 5
orcish chain mail 6
scale mail 6
dragon scales 7
studded leather armor 7
ring mail 7
orcish ring mail 8
leather armor 8
leather jacket 9
no armor 10
plate mail 3
crystal plate mail 3
bronze plate mail 4
splint mail 4
banded mail 4
dwarvish mithril-coat 4
elven mithril-coat 5
chain mail 5
orcish chain mail 6
scale mail 6
dragon scales 7
studded leather armor 7
ring mail 7
orcish ring mail 8
leather armor 8
leather jacket 9
no armor 10
You can also wear other pieces of armor (for example hel-mets, boots, shields, cloaks) to lower your armor class even fur-ther, but you can only wear one item of each category (one suitof armor, one cloak, one helmet, one shield, and so on) at atime.
If a piece of armor is enchanted, its armor protection willbe better (or worse) than normal, and its "plus" (or minus) willsubtract from your armor class. For example, a +1 chain mailwould give you better protection than normal chain mail, loweringyour armor class one unit further to 4. When you put on a pieceof armor, you immediately find out the armor class and any"plusses" it provides. Cursed pieces of armor usually have nega-tive enchantments (minuses) in addition to being unremovable.
Many types of armor are subject to some kind of damage likerust. Such damage can be repaired. Some types of armor may in-hibit spell casting.
The commands to use armor are `W' (wear) and `T' (take off).The `A' command can also be used to take off armor as well asother worn items.
11.4. 식품
7.4. Food (`%')
Food is necessary to survive. If you go too long withouteating you will faint, and eventually die of starvation. Sometypes of food will spoil, and become unhealthy to eat, if notprotected. Food stored in ice boxes or tins ("cans") will usual-ly stay fresh, but ice boxes are heavy, and tins take a while toopen.
When you kill monsters, they usually leave corpses which arealso "food." Many, but not all, of these are edible; some alsogive you special powers when you eat them. A good rule of thumbis "you are what you eat."
Some character roles and some monsters are vegetarian. Veg-etarian monsters will typically never eat animal corpses, whilevegetarian players can, but with some rather unpleasant side-ef-fects.
You can name one food item after something you like to eatwith the fruit option.
The command to eat food is `e'.
11.5. 두루마리
7.5. Scrolls (`?')
Scrolls are labeled with various titles, probably chosen byancient wizards for their amusement value (for example "READ ME,"or "THANX MAUD" backwards). Scrolls disappear after you readthem (except for blank ones, without magic spells on them).
One of the most useful of these is the scroll of identify,
which can be used to determine what another object is, whether it
is cursed or blessed, and how many uses it has left. Some ob-
jects of subtle enchantment are difficult to identify without
is cursed or blessed, and how many uses it has left. Some ob-
jects of subtle enchantment are difficult to identify without
A mail daemon may run up and deliver mail to you as a scrollof mail (on versions compiled with this feature). To use thisfeature on versions where NetHack mail delivery is triggered byelectronic mail appearing in your system mailbox, you must letNetHack know where to look for new mail by setting the "MAIL" en-vironment variable to the file name of your mailbox. You may al-so want to set the "MAILREADER" environment variable to the filename of your favorite reader, so NetHack can shell to it when youread the scroll. On versions of NetHack where mail is randomlygenerated internal to the game, these environment variables areignored. You can disable the mail daemon by turning off the mailoption.
The command to read a scroll is `r'.
11.6. 물약
7.6. Potions (`!')
Potions are distinguished by the color of the liquid insidethe flask. They disappear after you quaff them.
Clear potions are potions of water. Sometimes these areblessed or cursed, resulting in holy or unholy water. Holy wateris the bane of the undead, so potions of holy water are goodthings to throw (`t') at them. It is also sometimes very usefulto dip ("#dip") an object into a potion.
The command to drink a potion is `q' (quaff).
11.7. 지팡이
7.7. Wands (`/')
Wands usually have multiple magical charges. Some types ofwands require a direction in which to zap them. You can also zapthem at yourself (just give a `.' or `s' for the direction). Bewarned, however, for this is often unwise. Other types of wandsdon't require a direction. The number of charges in a wand israndom and decreases by one whenever you use it.
When the number of charges left in a wand becomes zero, at-tempts to use the wand will usually result in nothing happening.Occasionally, however, it may be possible to squeeze the last fewmana points from an otherwise spent wand, destroying it in theprocess. A wand may be recharged by using suitable magic, butdoing so runs the risk of causing it to explode. The chance forsuch an explosion starts out very small and increases each timethe wand is recharged.
In a truly desperate situation, when your back is up againstthe wall, you might decide to go for broke and break your wand.
This is not for the faint of heart. Doing so will almost cer-
tainly cause a catastrophic release of magical energies.
When you have fully identified a particular wand, inventorydisplay will include additional information in parentheses: thenumber of times it has been recharged followed by a colon andthen by its current number of charges. A current charge count of-1 is a special case indicating that the wand has been cancelled.
The command to use a wand is `z' (zap). To break one, usethe `a' (apply) command.
11.8. 반지
7.8. Rings (`=')
Rings are very useful items, since they are relatively per-manent magic, unlike the usually fleeting effects of potions,scrolls, and wands.
Putting on a ring activates its magic. You can wear onlytwo rings, one on each ring finger.
Most rings also cause you to grow hungry more rapidly, therate varying with the type of ring.
The commands to use rings are `P' (put on) and `R' (remove).
11.9. Spellbooks
7.9. Spellbooks (`+')
Spellbooks are tomes of mighty magic. When studied with the`r' (read) command, they transfer to the reader the knowledge ofa spell (and therefore eventually become unreadable) -- unlessthe attempt backfires. Reading a cursed spellbook or one withmystic runes beyond your ken can be harmful to your health!
A spell (even when learned) can also backfire when you castit. If you attempt to cast a spell well above your experiencelevel, or if you have little skill with the appropriate spelltype, or cast it at a time when your luck is particularly bad,you can end up wasting both the energy and the time required incasting.
Casting a spell calls forth magical energies and focusesthem with your naked mind. Some of the magical energy releasedcomes from within you. Casting temporarily drains your magicalpower, which will slowly be recovered, and causes you to need ad-ditional food. Casting of spells also requires practice. Withpractice, your skill in each category of spell casting will im-prove. Over time, however, your memory of each spell will dim,and you will need to relearn it.
Some spells require a direction in which to cast them, simi-lar to wands. To cast one at yourself, just give a `.' or `s'for the direction. A few spells require you to pick a target lo-cation rather than just specify a particular direction. Other spells don't require any direction or target.
Just as weapons are divided into groups in which a charactercan become proficient (to varying degrees), spells are similarlygrouped. Successfully casting a spell exercises its skill group;using the "#enhance" command to advance a sufficiently exercisedskill will affect all spells within the group. Advanced skillmay increase the potency of spells, reduce their risk of failureduring casting attempts, and improve the accuracy of the estimatefor how much longer they will be retained in your memory. Skillslots are shared with weapons skills. (See also the section on"Weapon proficiency".)
Casting a spell also requires flexible movement, and wearingvarious types of armor may interfere with that.
The command to read a spellbook is the same as for scrolls,`r' (read). The `+' command lists each spell you know along withits level, skill category, chance of failure when casting, and anestimate of how strongly it is remembered. The `Z' (cast) com-mand casts a spell.
11.10. 도구
7.10. Tools (`(')
Tools are miscellaneous objects with various purposes. Sometools have a limited number of uses, akin to wand charges. Forexample, lamps burn out after a while. Other tools are contain-ers, which objects can be placed into or taken out of.
The command to use a tool is `a' (apply).
11.10.1. 용기(容器)
7.10.1. Containers
You may encounter bags, boxes, and chests in your travels.A tool of this sort can be opened with the "#loot" extended com-mand when you are standing on top of it (that is, on the samefloor spot), or with the `a' (apply) command when you are carry-ing it. However, chests are often locked, and are in any caseunwieldy objects. You must set one down before unlocking it byusing a key or lock-picking tool with the `a' (apply) command, bykicking it with the `^D' command, or by using a weapon to forcethe lock with the "#force" extended command.
Some chests are trapped, causing nasty things to happen whenyou unlock or open them. You can check for and try to deactivatetraps with the "#untrap" extended command.
11.11. 부적
7.11. Amulets (`"')
Amulets are very similar to rings, and often more powerful.Like rings, amulets have various magical properties, some benefi-cial, some harmful, which are activated by putting them on.
Only one amulet may be worn at a time, around your neck.
The commands to use amulets are the same as for rings, `P'(put on) and `R' (remove).
11.12. 보석
7.12. Gems (`*')
Some gems are valuable, and can be sold for a lot of gold.They are also a far more efficient way of carrying your riches.Valuable gems increase your score if you bring them with you whenyou exit.
Other small rocks are also categorized as gems, but they aremuch less valuable. All rocks, however, can be used as projec-tile weapons (if you have a sling). In the most desperate ofcases, you can still throw them by hand.
11.13. Large rocks
7.13. Large rocks (``')
Statues and boulders are not particularly useful, and aregenerally heavy. It is rumored that some statues are not whatthey seem.
Very large humanoids (giants and their ilk) have been knownto use boulders as weapons.
For some configurations of the program, statues are nolonger shown as ``' but by the letter representing the monsterthey depict instead.
11.14. 금화
7.14. Gold (`$')
Gold adds to your score, and you can buy things in shopswith it. There are a number of monsters in the dungeon that maybe influenced by the amount of gold you are carrying (shopkeepersaside).
11.15. 물체의 지속
7.15. Persistence of Objects
Normally, if you have seen an object at a particular map lo-cation and move to another location where you can't directly seethat object any more, if will continue to be displayed on yourmap. That remains the case even if it is not actually there anymore -- perhaps a monster has picked it up or it has rotted away-- until you can see or feel that location again. One notableexception is that if the object gets covered by the "remembered,unseen monster" marker. When that marker is later removed afteryou've verified that no monster is there, you will forget thatthere was any object there regardless of whether the unseen mon-ster actually took the object. If the object is still there,then once you see or feel that location again you will re-discov-er the object and resume remembering it.
The situation is the same for a pile of objects, except thatonly the top item of the pile is displayed. The hilite_pile op-tion can be enabled in order to show an item differently when itis the top one of a pile.
12. 컨덕트
8. Conduct
As if winning NetHack were not difficult enough, certainplayers seek to challenge themselves by imposing restrictions onthe way they play the game. The game automatically tracks someof these challenges, which can be checked at any time with the#conduct command or at the end of the game. When you perform anaction which breaks a challenge, it will no longer be listed.This gives players extra "bragging rights" for winning the gamewith these challenges. Note that it is perfectly acceptable towin the game without resorting to these restrictions and that itis unusual for players to adhere to challenges the first timethey win the game.
Several of the challenges are related to eating behavior.The most difficult of these is the foodless challenge. Althoughcreatures can survive long periods of time without food, there isa physiological need for water; thus there is no restriction ondrinking beverages, even if they provide some minor food bene-fits. Calling upon your god for help with starvation does notviolate any food challenges either.
A strict vegan diet is one which avoids any food derivedfrom animals. The primary source of nutrition is fruits and veg-etables. The corpses and tins of blobs (`b'), jellies (`j'), andfungi (`F') are also considered to be vegetable matter. Certainhuman food is prepared without animal products; namely, lembaswafers, cram rations, food rations (gunyoki), K-rations, and C-rations. Metal or another normally indigestible material eatenwhile polymorphed into a creature that can digest it is also con-sidered vegan food. Note however that eating such items stillcounts against foodless conduct.
Vegetarians do not eat animals; however, they are less se-lective about eating animal byproducts than vegans. In additionto the vegan items listed above, they may eat any kind of pudding(`P') other than the black puddings, eggs and food made from eggs(fortune cookies and pancakes), food made with milk (cream piesand candy bars), and lumps of royal jelly. Monks are expected toobserve a vegetarian diet.
Eating any kind of meat violates the vegetarian, vegan, andfoodless conducts. This includes tripe rations, the corpses ortins of any monsters not mentioned above, and the various otherchunks of meat found in the dungeon. Swallowing and digesting amonster while polymorphed is treated as if you ate the creature'scorpse. Eating leather, dragon hide, or bone items while poly-morphed into a creature that can digest it, or eating monsterbrains while polymorphed into a mind flayer, is considered eating an animal, although wax is only an animal byproduct.
Regardless of conduct, there will be some items which areindigestible, and others which are hazardous to eat. Using aswallow-and-digest attack against a monster is equivalent to eat-ing the monster's corpse. Please note that the term "vegan" isused here only in the context of diet. You are still free tochoose not to use or wear items derived from animals (e.g.leather, dragon hide, bone, horns, coral), but the game will notkeep track of this for you. Also note that "milky" potions maybe a translucent white, but they do not contain milk, so they arecompatible with a vegan diet. Slime molds or player-defined"fruits", although they could be anything from "cherries" to"pork chops", are also assumed to be vegan.
An atheist is one who rejects religion. This means that youcannot #pray, #offer sacrifices to any god, #turn undead, or#chat with a priest. Particularly selective readers may arguethat playing Monk or Priest characters should violate this con-duct; that is a choice left to the player. Offering the Amuletof Yendor to your god is necessary to win the game and is notcounted against this conduct. You are also not penalized for be-ing spoken to by an angry god, priest(ess), or other religiousfigure; a true atheist would hear the words but attach no specialmeaning to them.
Most players fight with a wielded weapon (or tool intendedto be wielded as a weapon). Another challenge is to win the gamewithout using such a wielded weapon. You are still permitted tothrow, fire, and kick weapons; use a wand, spell, or other typeof item; or fight with your hands and feet.
In NetHack, a pacifist refuses to cause the death of anyother monster (i.e. if you would get experience for the death).This is a particularly difficult challenge, although it is stillpossible to gain experience by other means.
An illiterate character cannot read or write. This includesreading a scroll, spellbook, fortune cookie message, or t-shirt;writing a scroll; or making an engraving of anything other than asingle "X" (the traditional signature of an illiterate person).Reading an engraving, or any item that is absolutely necessary towin the game, is not counted against this conduct. The identityof scrolls and spellbooks (and knowledge of spells) in yourstarting inventory is assumed to be learned from your teachersprior to the start of the game and isn't counted.
There are several other challenges tracked by the game. Itis possible to eliminate one or more species of monsters by geno-cide; playing without this feature is considered a challenge.When the game offers you an opportunity to genocide monsters, youmay respond with the monster type "none" if you want to decline.You can change the form of an item into another item of the sametype ("polypiling") or the form of your own body into another creature ("polyself") by wand, spell, or potion of polymorph;avoiding these effects are each considered challenges. Polymor-phing monsters, including pets, does not break either of thesechallenges. Finally, you may sometimes receive wishes; a gamewithout an attempt to wish for any items is a challenge, as is agame without wishing for an artifact (even if the artifact imme-diately disappears). When the game offers you an opportunity tomake a wish for an item, you may choose "nothing" if you want todecline.
13. 옵션
NetHack이 일을 처리함에 있어 개인의 입맛과 생각이 모두 제각각이기 때문에, NetHack이 어떻게 작동하는지를 변경하기 위한 여러 옵션들이 존재합니다.13.1. 옵션 설정하기
옵션은 여러 방법으로 설정할 수 있습니다. 게임 내에서는, 'O' 명령어로 모든 옵션을 보거나 변경할 수 있습니다. 그리고 당신은 옵션을 설정 파일이나 NETHACKOPTIONS environment variable (환경 변수) 안에 입력함으로써 자동으로 설정할 수도 있습니다. 또한, NetHack의 일부 버전은 당신으로 하여금 게임을 시작하기 전에 옵션이나 시스템 관리자를 위한 공용 설정을 설정할 수 있게 해주는 프론트-엔드 프로그램을 가지고 있습니다.13.2. configuration 파일 이용하기
9.2. Using a configuration file
The default name of the configuration file varies on different operating systems.
On UNIX, Linux, and Mac OS X it is ".nethackrc" in the user's home directory. The file may not exist, but it is a normal ASCII text file and can be created with any text editor.
On Windows, it is ".nethackrc" in the folder "\%USERPROFILE%\NetHack\3.6". The file may not exist, but it is a normal ASCII text file can can be created with any text editor. After running NetHack for the first time, you should find a default template for the configuration file named ".nethackrc.template" in "\%USERPROFILE%\NetHack\3.6". If you had not created the configuration file, NetHack will create the configuration file for you using the default template file.
On MS-DOS, it is "defaults.nh" in the same folder as nethack.exe.
Any line in the configuration file starting with `#' istreated as a comment. Empty lines are ignored.
Any line beginning with `[' and ending in `]' is considereda section marker. The text between the square brackets is thesection name. Lines after a section marker belong to that sec-tion, and are ignored unless a CHOOSE statement was used to select that section. Section names are case insensitive.
You can use different configuration statements in the file,some of which can be used multiple times. In general, the state-ments are written in capital letters, followed by an equals sign,followed by settings particular to that statement.
Here is a list of allowed statements:
- [ 펼치기 · 접기 ]
There are two types of options, boolean and compound options.Boolean options toggle a setting on or off, while compound options take more diverse values. Prefix a boolean option with"no" or `!' to turn it off. For compound options, the option
name and value are separated by a colon. Some options are per-
sistent, and apply only to new games. You can specify multiple
OPTIONS statements, and multiple options separated by commas in
a single OPTIONS statement. (Comma separated options are pro-
cessed from right to left.)Example:OPTIONS=dogname:FidoDefault location of files NetHack needs. On Windows HACKDIR defaults to the location of the NetHack.exe or NetHackw.exe file so setting HACKDIR to override that is not usually necessary or recommended.
OPTIONS=!legacy,autopickup,pickup_types:$"=/!?+* HACKDIR- LEVELDIR
Example:AUTOCOMPLETE=zap,!annotate* AUTOPICKUP_EXCEPTIONSet exceptions to the pickup_types option. See the "Configuring Autopickup Exceptions" section.- BINDINGS
Format is key followed by the command, separated by a colon.
See the "Changing Key Bindings" section for more information.Example:BIND=^X:getpos.autodescribe* CHOOSEChooses at random one of the comma-separated parameters as an active section name. Lines in other sections are ignored.Example:OPTIONS=colorHighlight menu lines with different colors. See the "Configuring Menu Colors" section.
CHOOSE=char A,char B
[char A]
[char B]
OPTIONS=role:wiz,race:elf,align:cha,gender:mal* MENUCOLOR- MSGTYPE
Example:# replace small punctuation (tick marks) with digitsDebug mode only: extra items to add to initial inventory.
SYMBOLS=S_boulder:0,S_golem:7* WIZKIT
Value is the name of a text file containing a list of item names, one per line, up to a maximum of 128 lines. Each line is processed by the function that handles wishing.Example:WIZKIT=~/wizkit.txt
Here is an example of configuration file contents:
# Set your character's role, race, gender, and alignment.
OPTIONS=role:Valkyrie, race:Human, gender:female, align:lawful
# Turn on autopickup, set automatically picked up object types
# Map customization
OPTIONS=color # Display things in color if possible
OPTIONS=lit_corridor # Show lit corridors differently
# Replace small punctuation (tick marks) with digits
# No startup splash screen. Windows GUI only.
OPTIONS=role:Valkyrie, race:Human, gender:female, align:lawful
# Turn on autopickup, set automatically picked up object types
# Map customization
OPTIONS=color # Display things in color if possible
OPTIONS=lit_corridor # Show lit corridors differently
# Replace small punctuation (tick marks) with digits
# No startup splash screen. Windows GUI only.
13.3. NETHACKOPTIONS 환경 변수 이용하기
9.3. Using the NETHACKOPTIONS environment variable
The NETHACKOPTIONS variable is a comma-separated list ofinitial values for the various options. Some can only be turnedon or off. You turn one of these on by adding the name of theoption to the list, and turn it off by typing a `!' or "no" be-fore the name. Others take a character string as a value. Youcan set string options by typing the option name, a colon orequals sign, and then the value of the string. The value is ter-minated by the next comma or the end of string.
For example, to set up an environment variable so that color
is on, legacy is off, character name is set to "Blue Meanie", and
named fruit is set to "lime", you would enter the command
named fruit is set to "lime", you would enter the command
% setenv NETHACKOPTIONS "color,\!leg,name:Blue Meanie,fruit:lime"
in csh (note the need to escape the `!' since it's special to
that shell), or the pair of commands
that shell), or the pair of commands
$ NETHACKOPTIONS="color,!leg,name:Blue Meanie,fruit:lime"
in sh, ksh, or bash.
The NETHACKOPTIONS value is effectively the same as a singleOPTIONS statement in a configuration file. The "OPTIONS=" prefixis implied and comma separated options are processed from rightto left. Other types of configuration statements such as BIND orMSGTYPE are not allowed.
Instead of a comma-separated list of options, NETHACKOPTIONScan be set to the full name of a configuration file you want touse. If that full name doesn't start with a slash, precede itwith `@' (at-sign) to let NetHack know that the rest is intendedas a file name. If it does start with `/', the at-sign is op-tional.
13.4. 커스터마이징
9.4. Customization options
Here are explanations of what the various options do. Char-acter strings that are too long may be truncated. Some of theoptions listed may be inactive in your dungeon.
Some options are persistent, and are saved and reloadedalong with the game. Changing a persistent option in the config-uration file applies only to new games.
Enable messages about what your character hears (default on).
Note that this has nothing to do with your computer's audio ca-
pabilities. Persistent.
Note that this has nothing to do with your computer's audio ca-
pabilities. Persistent.
Your starting alignment (align:lawful, align:neutral, or
align:chaotic). You may specify just the first letter. The
default is to randomly pick an appropriate alignment. If you
prefix the value with `!' or "no", you will exclude that align-
ment from being picked randomly. Cannot be set with the `O'
command. Persistent.
align:chaotic). You may specify just the first letter. The
default is to randomly pick an appropriate alignment. If you
prefix the value with `!' or "no", you will exclude that align-
ment from being picked randomly. Cannot be set with the `O'
command. Persistent.
Automatically describe the terrain under cursor when asked to
get a location on the map (default true). The whatis_coord op-
tion controls whether the description includes map coordinates.
get a location on the map (default true). The whatis_coord op-
tion controls whether the description includes map coordinates.
Automatically dig if you are wielding a digging tool and moving
into a place that can be dug (default false). Persistent.
into a place that can be dug (default false). Persistent.
Walking into a door attempts to open it (default true). Persis-
Automatically pick up things onto which you move (default on).
Persistent. See pickup_types to refine the behavior.
Persistent. See pickup_types to refine the behavior.
This option controls what happens when you attempt the `f'
(fire) command when nothing is quivered or readied (default
false). When true, the computer will fill your quiver or
quiver sack or make ready some suitable weapon. Note that it
will not take into account the blessed/cursed status, enchant-
ment, damage, or quality of the weapon; you are free to manual-
ly fill your quiver or quiver sack or make ready with the `Q'
command instead. If no weapon is found or the option is false,
the `t' (throw) command is executed instead. Persistent.
(fire) command when nothing is quivered or readied (default
false). When true, the computer will fill your quiver or
quiver sack or make ready some suitable weapon. Note that it
will not take into account the blessed/cursed status, enchant-
ment, damage, or quality of the weapon; you are free to manual-
ly fill your quiver or quiver sack or make ready with the `Q'
command instead. If no weapon is found or the option is false,
the `t' (throw) command is executed instead. Persistent.
Start the character permanently blind (default false). Persis-
Allow saving and loading bones files (default true). Persis-
Set the character used to display boulders (default is the
"large rock" class symbol, ``').
"large rock" class symbol, ``').
Name your starting cat (for example "catname:Morris"). Cannot
be set with the `O' command.
be set with the `O' command.
Synonym for "role" to pick the type of your character (for ex-
ample "character:Monk"). See role for more details.
ample "character:Monk"). See role for more details.
Save game state after each level change, for possible recovery
after program crash (default on). Persistent.
after program crash (default on). Persistent.
Check free disk space before writing files to disk (default
on). You may have to turn this off if you have more than 2 GB
free space on the partition used for your save and level files
(because too much space might overflow the calculation and end
up looking like insufficient space). Only applies when MFLOPPY
was defined during compilation.
on). You may have to turn this off if you have more than 2 GB
free space on the partition used for your save and level files
(because too much space might overflow the calculation and end
up looking like insufficient space). Only applies when MFLOPPY
was defined during compilation.
Allows looking at things on the screen by navigating the mouse
over them and clicking the right mouse button (default off).
over them and clicking the right mouse button (default off).
Have the game provide some additional command assistance for
new players if it detects some anticipated mistakes (default
new players if it detects some anticipated mistakes (default
Have user confirm attacks on pets, shopkeepers, and other
peaceable creatures (default on). Persistent.
peaceable creatures (default on). Persistent.
Show out-of-sight areas of lit rooms (default on). Persistent.
Controls what information the program reveals when the game
ends. Value is a space separated list of prompting/category
pairs (default is "ni na nv ng nc no", prompt with default re-
sponse of `n' for each candidate). Persistent. The possibili-
ties are:
ends. Value is a space separated list of prompting/category
pairs (default is "ni na nv ng nc no", prompt with default re-
sponse of `n' for each candidate). Persistent. The possibili-
ties are:
i - disclose your inventory;
a - disclose your attributes;
v - summarize monsters that have been vanquished;
g - list monster species that have been genocided;
c - display your conduct;
o - display dungeon overview.
a - disclose your attributes;
v - summarize monsters that have been vanquished;
g - list monster species that have been genocided;
c - display your conduct;
o - display dungeon overview.
Each disclosure possibility can optionally be preceded by a
prefix which lets you refine how it behaves. Here are the
valid prefixes:
prefix which lets you refine how it behaves. Here are the
valid prefixes:
y - prompt you and default to yes on the prompt;
n - prompt you and default to no on the prompt;
+ - disclose it without prompting;
- - do not disclose it and do not prompt.
n - prompt you and default to no on the prompt;
+ - disclose it without prompting;
- - do not disclose it and do not prompt.
The listing of vanquished monsters can be sorted, so there are
two additional choices for `v':
two additional choices for `v':
? - prompt you and default to ask on the prompt;
# - disclose it without prompting, ask for sort order.
# - disclose it without prompting, ask for sort order.
Asking refers to picking one of the orderings from a menu. The
`+' disclose without prompting choice, or being prompted and
answering `y' rather than `a', will default to showing monsters
in the traditional order, from high level to low level.
`+' disclose without prompting choice, or being prompted and
answering `y' rather than `a', will default to showing monsters
in the traditional order, from high level to low level.
Omitted categories are implicitly added with `n' prefix. Spec-
ified categories with omitted prefix implicitly use `+' prefix.
Order of the disclosure categories does not matter, program
display for end-of-game disclosure follows a set sequence.
ified categories with omitted prefix implicitly use `+' prefix.
Order of the disclosure categories does not matter, program
display for end-of-game disclosure follows a set sequence.
(for example "disclose:yi na +v -g o") The example sets inven-
tory to prompt and default to yes, attributes to prompt and de-
fault to no, vanquished to disclose without prompting, genocid-
ed to not disclose and not prompt, conduct to implicitly prompt
and default to no, and overview to disclose without prompting.
tory to prompt and default to yes, attributes to prompt and de-
fault to no, vanquished to disclose without prompting, genocid-
ed to not disclose and not prompt, conduct to implicitly prompt
and default to no, and overview to disclose without prompting.
Note that the vanquished monsters list includes all monsters
killed by traps and each other as well as by you. And the dun-
geon overview shows all levels you had visited but does not re-
veal things about them that you hadn't discovered.
killed by traps and each other as well as by you. And the dun-
geon overview shows all levels you had visited but does not re-
veal things about them that you hadn't discovered.
Name your starting dog (for example "dogname:Fang"). Cannot be
set with the `O' command.
set with the `O' command.
Changes the extended commands interface to pop-up a menu of
available commands. It is keystroke compatible with the tradi-
tional interface except that it does not require that you hit
Enter. It is implemented for the tty interface (default off).
available commands. It is keystroke compatible with the tradi-
tional interface except that it does not require that you hit
Enter. It is implemented for the tty interface (default off).
For the X11 interface, which always uses a menu for choosing an
extended command, it controls whether the menu shows all avail-
able commands (on) or just the subset of commands which have
traditionally been considered extended ones (off).
extended command, it controls whether the menu shows all avail-
able commands (on) or just the subset of commands which have
traditionally been considered extended ones (off).
An obsolete synonym for "gender:female". Cannot be set with
the `O' command.
the `O' command.
An object's inventory letter sticks to it when it's dropped
(default on). If this is off, dropping an object shifts all
the remaining inventory letters. Persistent.
(default on). If this is off, dropping an object shifts all
the remaining inventory letters. Persistent.
Commands asking for an inventory item show a menu instead of a
text query with possible menu letters. Default is off.
text query with possible menu letters. Default is off.
Name a fruit after something you enjoy eating (for example
"fruit:mango") (default "slime mold"). Basically a nostalgic
whimsy that NetHack uses from time to time. You should set
this to something you find more appetizing than slime mold.
Apples, oranges, pears, bananas, and melons already exist in
NetHack, so don't use those.
"fruit:mango") (default "slime mold"). Basically a nostalgic
whimsy that NetHack uses from time to time. You should set
this to something you find more appetizing than slime mold.
Apples, oranges, pears, bananas, and melons already exist in
NetHack, so don't use those.
Your starting gender (gender:male or gender:female). You may
specify just the first letter. Although you can still denote
your gender using the "male" and "female" options, the "gender"
option will take precedence. The default is to randomly pick
an appropriate gender. If you prefix the value with `!' or
"no", you will exclude that gender from being picked randomly.
specify just the first letter. Although you can still denote
your gender using the "male" and "female" options, the "gender"
option will take precedence. The default is to randomly pick
an appropriate gender. If you prefix the value with `!' or
"no", you will exclude that gender from being picked randomly.
Cannot be set with the `O' command. Persistent.
When filtering objects based on bless/curse state (BUCX),
whether to treat gold pieces as X (unknown bless/curse state,
when "on") or U (known to be uncursed, when "off", the de-
fault). Gold is never blessed or cursed, but it is not de-
scribed as "uncursed" even when the implicit_uncursed option is
whether to treat gold pieces as X (unknown bless/curse state,
when "on") or U (known to be uncursed, when "off", the de-
fault). Gold is never blessed or cursed, but it is not de-
scribed as "uncursed" even when the implicit_uncursed option is
If more information is available for an object looked at with
the `/' command, ask if you want to see it (default on). Turn-
ing help off makes just looking at things faster, since you
aren't interrupted with the "More info?" prompt, but it also
means that you might miss some interesting and/or important in-
formation. Persistent.
the `/' command, ask if you want to see it (default on). Turn-
ing help off makes just looking at things faster, since you
aren't interrupted with the "More info?" prompt, but it also
means that you might miss some interesting and/or important in-
formation. Persistent.
When using a windowport that supports mouse and clicking on
yourself or next to you, show a menu of possible actions for
the location. Same as "#herecmdmenu" and "#therecmdmenu" com-
yourself or next to you, show a menu of possible actions for
the location. Same as "#herecmdmenu" and "#therecmdmenu" com-
Visually distinguish pets from similar animals (default off).
The behavior of this option depends on the type of windowing
you use. In text windowing, text highlighting or inverse video
is often used; with tiles, generally displays a heart symbol
near pets.
The behavior of this option depends on the type of windowing
you use. In text windowing, text highlighting or inverse video
is often used; with tiles, generally displays a heart symbol
near pets.
With the curses interface, the petattr option controls how to
highlight pets and setting it will turn the hilite_pet option
on or off as warranted.
highlight pets and setting it will turn the hilite_pet option
on or off as warranted.
Visually distinguish piles of objects from individual objects
(default off). The behavior of this option depends on the type
of windowing you use. In text windowing, text highlighting or
inverse video is often used; with tiles, generally displays a
small plus-symbol beside the object on the top of the pile.
(default off). The behavior of this option depends on the type
of windowing you use. In text windowing, text highlighting or
inverse video is often used; with tiles, generally displays a
small plus-symbol beside the object on the top of the pile.
Show a hit point bar graph behind your name and title. Only
available for TTY and Windows GUI, and only when statushilites
is on.
available for TTY and Windows GUI, and only when statushilites
is on.
Name your starting horse (for example "horsename:Trigger").
Cannot be set with the `O' command.
Cannot be set with the `O' command.
Ignore interrupt signals, including breaks (default off). Per-
Omit "uncursed" from inventory lists, if possible (default on).
Display an introductory message when starting the game (default
on). Persistent.
on). Persistent.
Show corridor squares seen by night vision or a light source
held by your character as lit (default off). Persistent.
held by your character as lit (default off). Persistent.
When using a menu to interact with a container, use the old
`a', `b', and `c' keyboard shortcuts rather than the mnemonics
`o', `i', and `b' (default off). Persistent.
`a', `b', and `c' keyboard shortcuts rather than the mnemonics
`o', `i', and `b' (default off). Persistent.
Enable mail delivery during the game (default on). Persistent.
An obsolete synonym for "gender:male". Cannot be set with the
`O' command.
`O' command.
Give feedback when walking against a wall (default off).
Enable coloring menu lines (default off). See "Configuring
Menu Colors" on how to configure the colors.
Menu Colors" on how to configure the colors.
Controls the interface used when you need to choose various ob-
jects (in response to the Drop command, for instance). The
value specified should be the first letter of one of the fol-
lowing: traditional, combination, full, or partial. Tradi-
tional was the only interface available for early versions; it
consists of a prompt for object class characters, followed by
an object-by-object prompt for all items matching the selected
object class(es). Combination starts with a prompt for object
class(es) of interest, but then displays a menu of matching ob-
jects rather than prompting one-by-one. Full displays a menu
of object classes rather than a character prompt, and then a
menu of matching objects for selection. Partial skips the ob-
ject class filtering and immediately displays a menu of all ob-
jects. Persistent.
jects (in response to the Drop command, for instance). The
value specified should be the first letter of one of the fol-
lowing: traditional, combination, full, or partial. Tradi-
tional was the only interface available for early versions; it
consists of a prompt for object class characters, followed by
an object-by-object prompt for all items matching the selected
object class(es). Combination starts with a prompt for object
class(es) of interest, but then displays a menu of matching ob-
jects rather than prompting one-by-one. Full displays a menu
of object classes rather than a character prompt, and then a
menu of matching objects for selection. Partial skips the ob-
ject class filtering and immediately displays a menu of all ob-
jects. Persistent.
Menu character accelerator to deselect all items in a menu.
Implemented by the Amiga, Gem, X11 and tty ports. Default `-'.
Implemented by the Amiga, Gem, X11 and tty ports. Default `-'.
Menu character accelerator to deselect all items on this page
of a menu. Implemented by the Amiga, Gem and tty ports. De-
fault `\'.
of a menu. Implemented by the Amiga, Gem and tty ports. De-
fault `\'.
Menu character accelerator to jump to the first page in a menu.
Implemented by the Amiga, Gem and tty ports. Default `^'.
Implemented by the Amiga, Gem and tty ports. Default `^'.
Controls how the headings in a menu are highlighted. Values
are "none", "bold", "dim", "underline", "blink", or "inverse".
Not all ports can actually display all types.
are "none", "bold", "dim", "underline", "blink", or "inverse".
Not all ports can actually display all types.
Menu character accelerator to invert all items in a menu. Im-
plemented by the Amiga, Gem, X11 and tty ports. Default `@'.
plemented by the Amiga, Gem, X11 and tty ports. Default `@'.
Menu character accelerator to invert all items on this page of
a menu. Implemented by the Amiga, Gem and tty ports. Default
a menu. Implemented by the Amiga, Gem and tty ports. Default
Menu character accelerator to jump to the last page in a menu.
Implemented by the Amiga, Gem and tty ports. Default `|'.
Implemented by the Amiga, Gem and tty ports. Default `|'.
Menu character accelerator to goto the next menu page. Imple-
mented by the Amiga, Gem and tty ports. Default `>'.
mented by the Amiga, Gem and tty ports. Default `>'.
Show object symbols in menu headings in menus where the object
symbols act as menu accelerators (default off).
symbols act as menu accelerators (default off).
Do not clear the screen before drawing menus, and align menus
to the right edge of the screen. Only for the tty port. (de-
fault on)
to the right edge of the screen. Only for the tty port. (de-
fault on)
Menu character accelerator to goto the previous menu page. Im-
plemented by the Amiga, Gem and tty ports. Default `<'.
plemented by the Amiga, Gem and tty ports. Default `<'.
Menu character accelerator to search for a menu item. Imple-
mented by the Amiga, Gem, X11 and tty ports. Default `:'.
mented by the Amiga, Gem, X11 and tty ports. Default `:'.
Menu character accelerator to select all items in a menu. Im-
plemented by the Amiga, Gem, X11 and tty ports. Default `.'.
plemented by the Amiga, Gem, X11 and tty ports. Default `.'.
Menu character accelerator to select all items on this page of
a menu. Implemented by the Amiga, Gem and tty ports. Default
a menu. Implemented by the Amiga, Gem and tty ports. Default
Prompt for new form whenever any monster changes shape (default off). Debug mode only.
Allow use of the mouse for input and travel. Valid settings
0 - disabled
1 - enabled and make OS adjustments to support mouse use
2 - like 1 but does not make any OS adjustments
1 - enabled and make OS adjustments to support mouse use
2 - like 1 but does not make any OS adjustments
Omitting a value is the same as specifying 1 and negating
mouse_support is the same as specifying 0.
mouse_support is the same as specifying 0.
The number of top line messages to keep (and be able to recall
with `^P') (default 20). Cannot be set with the `O' command.
with `^P') (default 20). Cannot be set with the `O' command.
Allows you to change the way recalled messages are displayed.
Currently it is only supported for tty (all four choices) and
for curses (`f' and `r' choices, default `r'). The possible
values are:
Currently it is only supported for tty (all four choices) and
for curses (`f' and `r' choices, default `r'). The possible
values are:
s - single message (default; only choice prior to 3.4.0);
c - combination, two messages as "single", then as "full";
f - full window, oldest message first;
r - full window reversed, newest message first.
c - combination, two messages as "single", then as "full";
f - full window, oldest message first;
r - full window reversed, newest message first.
For backward compatibility, no value needs to be specified
(which defaults to "full"), or it can be negated (which
defaults to "single").
(which defaults to "full"), or it can be negated (which
defaults to "single").
Set your character's name (defaults to your user name). You
can also set your character's role by appending a dash and one
or more letters of the role (that is, by suffixing one of -A -B
-C -H -K -M -P -Ra -Ro -S -T -V -W). If -@ is used for the
role, then a random one will be automatically chosen. Cannot
be set with the `O' command.
can also set your character's role by appending a dash and one
or more letters of the role (that is, by suffixing one of -A -B
-C -H -K -M -P -Ra -Ro -S -T -V -W). If -@ is used for the
role, then a random one will be automatically chosen. Cannot
be set with the `O' command.
Read the NetHack news file, if present (default on). Since the
news is shown at the beginning of the game, there's no point in
setting this with the `O' command.
news is shown at the beginning of the game, there's no point in
setting this with the `O' command.
Start the character with no armor (default false). Persistent.
Send padding nulls to the terminal (default on). Persistent.
Use digit keys instead of letters to move (default 0 or off).
Valid settings are:
Valid settings are:
0 - move by letters; "yuhjklbn"
1 - move by numbers; digit `5' acts as `G' movement prefix
2 - like 1 but `5' works as `g' prefix instead of as `G'
3 - by numbers using phone key layout; 123 above, 789 below
4 - combines 3 with 2; phone layout plus MS-DOS compatibility-1 - by letters but use `z' to go northwest, `y' to zap wands
1 - move by numbers; digit `5' acts as `G' movement prefix
2 - like 1 but `5' works as `g' prefix instead of as `G'
3 - by numbers using phone key layout; 123 above, 789 below
4 - combines 3 with 2; phone layout plus MS-DOS compatibility-1 - by letters but use `z' to go northwest, `y' to zap wands
For backward compatibility, omitting a value is the same as
specifying 1 and negating number_pad is the same as specifying
0. (Settings 2 and 4 are for compatibility with MS-DOS or old
PC Hack; in addition to the different behavior for `5', `Alt-5'
acts as `G' and `Alt-0' acts as `I'. Setting -1 is to accommo-
date some QWERTZ keyboards which have the location of the `y'
and `z' keys swapped.) When moving by numbers, to enter a
count prefix for those commands which accept one (such as "12s"
to search twelve times), precede it with the letter `n'
specifying 1 and negating number_pad is the same as specifying
0. (Settings 2 and 4 are for compatibility with MS-DOS or old
PC Hack; in addition to the different behavior for `5', `Alt-5'
acts as `G' and `Alt-0' acts as `I'. Setting -1 is to accommo-
date some QWERTZ keyboards which have the location of the `y'
and `z' keys swapped.) When moving by numbers, to enter a
count prefix for those commands which accept one (such as "12s"
to search twelve times), precede it with the letter `n'
Specify the order to list object types in (default
"")[%?+!=/(*`0_"). The value of this option should be a string
containing the symbols for the various object types. Any omit-
ted types are filled in at the end from the previous order.
"")[%?+!=/(*`0_"). The value of this option should be a string
containing the symbols for the various object types. Any omit-
ted types are filled in at the end from the previous order.
A space separated list of specific situations where alternate
prompting is desired. The default is paranoid_confirma-
prompting is desired. The default is paranoid_confirma-
Confirm - for any prompts which are set to require "yes"
rather than `y', also require "no" to reject in-
stead of accepting any non-yes response as no
quit - require "yes" rather than `y' to confirm quittingstead of accepting any non-yes response as no
the game or switching into non-scoring explore
die - require "yes" rather than `y' to confirm dyingmode;
(not useful in normal play; applies to explore
bones - require "yes" rather than `y' to confirm savingmode);
bones data when dying in debug mode;
attack - require "yes" rather than `y' to confirm attack-ing a peaceful monster;
wand-break - require "yes" rather than `y' to confirm breakinga wand;
eating - require "yes" rather than `y' to confirm whetherto continue eating;
Were-change - require "yes" rather than `y' to confirm changingform due to lycanthropy when hero has polymorph
pray - require `y' to confirm an attempt to pray rathercontrol;
than immediately praying; on by default;
Remove - require selection from inventory for `R' and `T'commands even when wearing just one applicable
all - turn on all of the above.
By default, the pray choice is enabled, the others disabled.
To disable it without setting any of the other choices, use
"paranoid_confirmation:none". To keep it enabled while setting
any of the others, include it in the list, such as "para-
noid_confirmation:attack pray Remove".
To disable it without setting any of the other choices, use
"paranoid_confirmation:none". To keep it enabled while setting
any of the others, include it in the list, such as "para-
noid_confirmation:attack pray Remove".
If true, always display your current inventory in a window.
This only makes sense for windowing system interfaces that im-
plement this feature.
This only makes sense for windowing system interfaces that im-
plement this feature.
Specifies one or more text highlighting attributes to use when
showing pets on the map. Effectively a superset of the
hilite_pet boolean option. Curses interface only; value is one
or more of the following letters.
showing pets on the map. Effectively a superset of the
hilite_pet boolean option. Curses interface only; value is one
or more of the following letters.
n - Normal text (no highlighting)
i - Inverse video (default)
b - Bold text
u - Underlined text
k - blinKing text
d - Dim text
t - iTalic text
l - Left line indicator
r - Right line indicator
i - Inverse video (default)
b - Bold text
u - Underlined text
k - blinKing text
d - Dim text
t - iTalic text
l - Left line indicator
r - Right line indicator
Some of those choices might not work, particularly the final
three, depending upon terminal hardware or terminal emulation
three, depending upon terminal hardware or terminal emulation
Currently multiple highlight-style letters can be combined by
simply stringing them together (for example, "bk"), but in the
future they might require being separated by plus signs (such
as "b+k", which works already). When using the `n' choice, it
should be specified on its own, not in combination with any of
the other letters.
simply stringing them together (for example, "bk"), but in the
future they might require being separated by plus signs (such
as "b+k", which works already). When using the `n' choice, it
should be specified on its own, not in combination with any of
the other letters.
Specify the type of your initial pet, if you are playing a
character class that uses multiple types of pets; or choose to
have no initial pet at all. Possible values are "cat", "dog",
"horse", and "none". If the choice is not allowed for the role
you are currently playing, it will be silently ignored. For
example, "horse" will only be honored when playing a knight.
Cannot be set with the `O' command.
character class that uses multiple types of pets; or choose to
have no initial pet at all. Possible values are "cat", "dog",
"horse", and "none". If the choice is not allowed for the role
you are currently playing, it will be silently ignored. For
example, "horse" will only be honored when playing a knight.
Cannot be set with the `O' command.
When you pick up an item that would exceed this encumbrance
level (Unencumbered, Burdened, streSsed, straiNed, overTaxed,
or overLoaded), you will be asked if you want to continue.
(Default `S'). Persistent.
level (Unencumbered, Burdened, streSsed, straiNed, overTaxed,
or overLoaded), you will be asked if you want to continue.
(Default `S'). Persistent.
If this option is on and autopickup is also on, try to pick up
things that you threw, even if they aren't in pickup_types or
match an autopickup exception. Default is on. Persistent.
things that you threw, even if they aren't in pickup_types or
match an autopickup exception. Default is on. Persistent.
Specify the object types to be picked up when autopickup is on.
Default is all types. You can use autopickup_exception config-
uration file lines to further refine autopickup behavior. Per-
Default is all types. You can use autopickup_exception config-
uration file lines to further refine autopickup behavior. Per-
When walking across a pile of objects on the floor, threshold
at which the message "there are few/several/many objects here"
is given instead of showing a popup list of those objects. A
value of 0 means "no limit" (always list the objects); a value
of 1 effectively means "never show the objects" since the pile
size will always be at least that big; default value is 5.
at which the message "there are few/several/many objects here"
is given instead of showing a popup list of those objects. A
value of 0 means "no limit" (always list the objects); a value
of 1 effectively means "never show the objects" since the pile
size will always be at least that big; default value is 5.
Values are "normal", "explore", or "debug". Allows selection
of explore mode (also known as discovery mode) or debug mode
(also known as wizard mode) instead of normal play. Debug mode
might only be allowed for someone logged in under a particular
user name (on multi-user systems) or specifying a particular
character name (on single-user systems) or it might be disabled
entirely. Requesting it when not allowed or not possible re-
sults in explore mode instead. Default is normal play.
of explore mode (also known as discovery mode) or debug mode
(also known as wizard mode) instead of normal play. Debug mode
might only be allowed for someone logged in under a particular
user name (on multi-user systems) or specifying a particular
character name (on single-user systems) or it might be disabled
entirely. Requesting it when not allowed or not possible re-
sults in explore mode instead. Default is normal play.
Using the `w' (wield) command when already wielding something
pushes the old item into your alternate weapon slot (default
off). Likewise for the `a' (apply) command if it causes the
applied item to become wielded. Persistent.
pushes the old item into your alternate weapon slot (default
off). Likewise for the `a' (apply) command if it causes the
applied item to become wielded. Persistent.
Selects your race (for example, "race:human"). Default is ran-
dom. If you prefix the value with `!' or "no", you will ex-
clude that race from being picked randomly. Cannot be set with
the `O' command. Persistent.
dom. If you prefix the value with `!' or "no", you will ex-
clude that race from being picked randomly. Cannot be set with
the `O' command. Persistent.
Make the space bar a synonym for the `.' (#wait) command (de-
fault off). Persistent.
fault off). Persistent.
Pick your type of character (for example "role:Samurai"); syn-
onym for "character". See "name" for an alternate method of
specifying your role. Normally only the first letter of the
value is examined; `r' is an exception with "Rogue", "Ranger",
and "random" values. If you prefix the value with `!' or "no",
you will exclude that role from being picked randomly. Cannot
be set with the `O' command. Persistent.
onym for "character". See "name" for an alternate method of
specifying your role. Normally only the first letter of the
value is examined; `r' is an exception with "Rogue", "Ranger",
and "random" values. If you prefix the value with `!' or "no",
you will exclude that role from being picked randomly. Cannot
be set with the `O' command. Persistent.
This option may be used to select one of the named symbol sets
found within "symbols" to alter the symbols displayed on the
screen on the rogue level.
found within "symbols" to alter the symbols displayed on the
screen on the rogue level.
When writing out a save file, perform run length compression of
the map. Not all ports support run length compression. It has
no effect on reading an existing save file.
the map. Not all ports support run length compression. It has
no effect on reading an existing save file.
Controls the amount of screen updating for the map window when
engaged in multi-turn movement (running via shift+direction or
control+direction and so forth, or via the travel command or
mouse click). The possible values are:
engaged in multi-turn movement (running via shift+direction or
control+direction and so forth, or via the travel command or
mouse click). The possible values are:
teleport - update the map after movement has finished;
run - update the map after every seven or so steps;
walk - update the map after each step;
crawl - like walk, but pause briefly after each step.
run - update the map after every seven or so steps;
walk - update the map after each step;
crawl - like walk, but pause briefly after each step.
This option only affects the game's screen display, not the ac-
tual results of moving. The default is "run"; versions prior
to 3.4.1 used "teleport" only. Whether or not the effect is
noticeable will depend upon the window port used or on the type
of terminal. Persistent.
tual results of moving. The default is "run"; versions prior
to 3.4.1 used "teleport" only. Whether or not the effect is
noticeable will depend upon the window port used or on the type
of terminal. Persistent.
Prevent you from (knowingly) attacking your pets (default on).
Evaluate monsters, objects, and map prior to each turn (default
off). Debug mode only.
off). Debug mode only.
Control what parts of the score list you are shown at the end
(for example "scores:5 top scores/4 around my score/own
scores"). Only the first letter of each category (`t', `a', or
`o') is necessary. Persistent.
(for example "scores:5 top scores/4 around my score/own
scores"). Only the first letter of each category (`t', `a', or
`o') is necessary. Persistent.
Show your accumulated experience points on bottom line (default
off). Persistent.
off). Persistent.
Display yourself as the glyph for your race, rather than the
glyph for your role (default off). Note that this setting af-
fects only the appearance of the display, not the way the game
treats you. Persistent.
glyph for your role (default off). Note that this setting af-
fects only the appearance of the display, not the way the game
treats you. Persistent.
Show your approximate accumulated score on bottom line (default
off). Persistent.
off). Persistent.
Suppress terminal beeps (default on). Persistent.
Controls the sorting behavior of the pickup lists for inventory
and #loot commands and some others. Persistent. The possible
values are:
and #loot commands and some others. Persistent. The possible
values are:
full - always sort the lists;
loot - only sort the lists that don't use inventory letters,
loot - only sort the lists that don't use inventory letters,
like with the #loot and pickup commands;
none - show lists the traditional way without sorting.sortpack
Sort the pack contents by type when displaying inventory (de-
fault on). Persistent.
fault on). Persistent.
Display a sparkly effect when a monster (including yourself) is
hit by an attack to which it is resistant (default on). Per-
hit by an attack to which it is resistant (default on). Per-
Boldface monsters and "More" (default off). Persistent.
Controls how many turns status hilite behaviors highlight the
field. If negated or set to zero, disables status hiliting.
See "Configuring Status Hilites" for further information.
field. If negated or set to zero, disables status hiliting.
See "Configuring Status Hilites" for further information.
Allow updates to the status lines at the bottom of the screen
(default true).
(default true).
This option may be set to a NetHack version level to suppress
alert notification messages about feature changes for that and
prior versions (for example "suppress_alert:3.3.1").
alert notification messages about feature changes for that and
prior versions (for example "suppress_alert:3.3.1").
This option may be used to select one of the named symbol sets
found within "symbols" to alter the symbols displayed on the
screen. Use "symset:default" to explicitly select the default
found within "symbols" to alter the symbols displayed on the
screen. Use "symset:default" to explicitly select the default
Show the elapsed game time in turns on bottom line (default
off). Persistent.
off). Persistent.
When pausing momentarily for display effect, such as with ex-
plosions and moving objects, use a timer rather than sending
extra characters to the screen. (Applies to "tty" interface
only; "X11" interface always uses a timer based delay. The default is on if configured into the program.) Persistent.
plosions and moving objects, use a timer rather than sending
extra characters to the screen. (Applies to "tty" interface
only; "X11" interface always uses a timer based delay. The default is on if configured into the program.) Persistent.
Draw a tombstone graphic upon your death (default on). Persis-
Put the ending display in a NetHack window instead of on stdout
(default off). Setting this option makes the score list visi-
ble when a windowing version of NetHack is started without a
parent window, but it no longer leaves the score list around
after game end on a terminal or emulating window.
(default off). Setting this option makes the score list visi-
ble when a windowing version of NetHack is started without a
parent window, but it no longer leaves the score list around
after game end on a terminal or emulating window.
Allow the travel command (default on). Turning this option off
will prevent the game from attempting unintended moves if you
make inadvertent mouse clicks on the map window. Persistent.
will prevent the game from attempting unintended moves if you
make inadvertent mouse clicks on the map window. Persistent.
Provide more commentary during the game (default on). Persis-
When using the `/' or `;' commands to look around on the map
with autodescribe on, display coordinates after the descrip-
tion. Also works in other situations where you are asked to
pick a location.
with autodescribe on, display coordinates after the descrip-
tion. Also works in other situations where you are asked to
pick a location.
The possible settings are:
c - compass ("east" or "3s" or "2n,4w");
f - full compass ("east" or "3south" or "2north,4west");
m - map <x,y> (map column x=0 is not used);
s - screen [row,column] (row is offset to match tty usage);
n - none (no coordinates shown) [default].
f - full compass ("east" or "3south" or "2north,4west");
m - map <x,y> (map column x=0 is not used);
s - screen [row,column] (row is offset to match tty usage);
n - none (no coordinates shown) [default].
The whatis_coord option is also used with the "/m", "/M", "/o",
and "/O" sub-commands of `/', where the "none" setting is over-
ridden with "map".
and "/O" sub-commands of `/', where the "none" setting is over-
ridden with "map".
When getting a location on the map, and using the keys to cycle
through next and previous targets, allows filtering the possi-
ble targets.
through next and previous targets, allows filtering the possi-
ble targets.
n - no filtering [default]
v - in view only
a - in same area only
v - in view only
a - in same area only
The area-filter tries to be slightly predictive -- if you're
standing on a doorway, it will consider the area on the side of
the door you were last moving towards.
standing on a doorway, it will consider the area on the side of
the door you were last moving towards.
Filtering can also be changed when getting a location with the
"getpos.filter" key.
"getpos.filter" key.
When getting a location on the map, and using a key to cycle
through next and previous targets, use a menu instead to pick a
target. (default off)
through next and previous targets, use a menu instead to pick a
target. (default off)
When getting a location on the map, and using shifted movement
keys or meta-digit keys to fast-move, instead of moving 8 units
at a time, move by skipping the same glyphs. (default off)
keys or meta-digit keys to fast-move, instead of moving 8 units
at a time, move by skipping the same glyphs. (default off)
When the program has been built to support multiple interfaces,
select which one to use, such as "tty" or "X11" (default de-
pends on build-time settings; use "#version" to check). Cannot
be set with the `O' command.
select which one to use, such as "tty" or "X11" (default de-
pends on build-time settings; use "#version" to check). Cannot
be set with the `O' command.
When used, it should be the first option set since its value
might enable or disable the availability of various other op-
tions. For multiple lines in a configuration file, that would
be the first non-comment line. For a comma-separated list in
NETHACKOPTIONS or an OPTIONS line in a configuration file, that
would be the rightmost option in the list.
might enable or disable the availability of various other op-
tions. For multiple lines in a configuration file, that would
be the first non-comment line. For a comma-separated list in
NETHACKOPTIONS or an OPTIONS line in a configuration file, that
would be the rightmost option in the list.
Augment object descriptions with their objects' weight (default
off). Debug mode only.
off). Debug mode only.
When writing out a save file, perform zero-comp compression of
the contents. Not all ports support zero-comp compression. It
has no effect on reading an existing save file.
the contents. Not all ports support zero-comp compression. It
has no effect on reading an existing save file.
9.5. Window Port Customization options
Here are explanations of the various options that are usedto customize and change the characteristics of the windowtypethat you have chosen. Character strings that are too long may betruncated. Not all window ports will adjust for all settingslisted here. You can safely add any of these options to yourconfiguration file, and if the window port is capable of adjust-ing to suit your preferences, it will attempt to do so. If itcan't it will silently ignore it. You can find out if an optionis supported by the window port that you are currently using bychecking to see if it shows up in the Options list. Some optionsare dynamic and can be specified during the game with the `O'command.
Where to align or place the message window (top, bottom, left,
or right)
or right)
Where to align or place the status window (top, bottom, left,
or right).
or right).
If NetHack can, it should display an ascii character map if it
If NetHack can, it should display color if it can for different
monsters, objects, and dungeon features.
monsters, objects, and dungeon features.
If NetHack can, it should pass eight-bit character values (for
example, specified with the traps option) straight through to
your terminal (default off).
example, specified with the traps option) straight through to
your terminal (default off).
if NetHack can, it should use a font by the chosen name for the
map window.
map window.
If NetHack can, it should use a font by the chosen name for
menu windows.
menu windows.
If NetHack can, it should use a font by the chosen name for the
message window.
message window.
If NetHack can, it should use a font by the chosen name for the
status window.
status window.
If NetHack can, it should use a font by the chosen name for
text windows.
text windows.
If NetHack can, it should use this size font for the map win-
If NetHack can, it should use this size font for menu windows.
If NetHack can, it should use this size font for the message
If NetHack can, it should use this size font for the status
If NetHack can, it should use this size font for text windows.
If NetHack can, it should try and display on the entire screen
rather than in a window.
rather than in a window.
Use color text and/or highlighting attributes when displaying
some non-map data (such as menu selector letters). Curses in-
terface only; default is on.
some non-map data (such as menu selector letters). Curses in-
terface only; default is on.
If NetHack can, it should use a large font.
If NetHack can, it should display the map in the manner speci-
If NetHack can, it should pop up dialog boxes, or use prompts
for character selection.
for character selection.
If NetHack can, it should pop up dialog boxes for input.
If NetHack can, it should preload tiles into memory. For exam-
ple, in the protected mode MS-DOS version, control whether
tiles get pre-loaded into RAM at the start of the game. Doing
so enhances performance of the tile graphics, but uses more
memory. (default on). Cannot be set with the `O' command.
ple, in the protected mode MS-DOS version, control whether
tiles get pre-loaded into RAM at the start of the game. Doing
so enhances performance of the tile graphics, but uses more
memory. (default on). Cannot be set with the `O' command.
If NetHack can, it should scroll the display by this number of
cells when the hero reaches the scroll_margin.
cells when the hero reaches the scroll_margin.
If NetHack can, it should scroll the display when the hero or
cursor is this number of cells away from the edge of the win-
cursor is this number of cells away from the edge of the win-
If NetHack can, it should display a menu of existing saved
games for the player to choose from at game startup, if it can.
Not all ports support this option.
games for the player to choose from at game startup, if it can.
Not all ports support this option.
Display an onscreen keyboard. Handhelds are most likely to
support this option.
support this option.
If NetHack can, it should display an opening splash screen when
it starts up (default yes).
it starts up (default yes).
Number of lines for traditional below-the-map status display.
Acceptable values are 2 and 3 (default is 2). Curses and tty
interfaces only.
interfaces only.
term_cols and term_rows
Curses interface only. Number of columns and rows to use for
the display. Curses will attempt to resize to the values spec-
ified but will settle for smaller sizes if they are too big.
Default is the current window size.
the display. Curses will attempt to resize to the values spec-
ified but will settle for smaller sizes if they are too big.
Default is the current window size.
If NetHack can, it should display a tiled map if it can.
Specify the name of an alternative tile file to override the
Specify the preferred height of each tile in a tile capable
Specify the preferred width of each tile in a tile capable port
Use bold black instead of blue for black glyphs (TTY only).
If NetHack can, it should display inverse when the game speci-
fies it.
fies it.
If NetHack can, it should display this number of messages at a
time in the message window.
time in the message window.
Whether to draw boxes around the map, status area, message
area, and persistent inventory window if enabled. Curses in-
terface only. Acceptable values are
area, and persistent inventory window if enabled. Curses in-
terface only. Acceptable values are
0 - off, never show borders
1 - on, always show borders
2 - auto, on if display is at least (24+2)x(80+2) (default)
1 - on, always show borders
2 - auto, on if display is at least (24+2)x(80+2) (default)
(The 26x82 size threshold for `2' refers to number of rows and
columns of the display. A width of at least 110 columns
(80+2+26+2) is needed for align_status set to left or right.)
columns of the display. A width of at least 110 columns
(80+2+26+2) is needed for align_status set to left or right.)
If NetHack can, it should display windows with the specified
foreground/background colors. Windows GUI only. The format is
foreground/background colors. Windows GUI only. The format is
OPTION=windowcolors:wintype foreground/background
where wintype is one of "menu", "message", "status", or"text", and foreground and background are colors, either a hexa-decimal \'#rrggbb', one of the named colors (black, red, green,brown, blue, magenta, cyan, orange, brightgreen, yellow, bright-blue, brightmagenta, brightcyan, white, trueblack, gray, purple,silver, maroon, fuchsia, lime, olive, navy, teal, aqua), or oneof Windows UI colors (activeborder, activecaption, appworkspace,background, btnface, btnshadow, btntext, captiontext, graytext,greytext, highlight, highlighttext, inactiveborder, inactivecap-tion, menu, menutext, scrollbar, window, windowframe, window-text).
If NetHack can, it should wrap long lines of text if they don't
fit in the visible area of the window.
fit in the visible area of the window.
13.5. 플랫폼별 커스터마이징
9.6. Platform-specific Customization options
Here are explanations of options that are used by specificplatforms or ports to customize and change the port behavior.
Select an alternate keystroke handler dll to load (Win32 tty
NetHack only). The name of the handler is specified without
the .dll extension and without any path information. Cannot be
set with the `O' command.
NetHack only). The name of the handler is specified without
the .dll extension and without any path information. Cannot be
set with the `O' command.
On Amiga, this option controls whether typing "Alt" plus anoth-
er key functions as a meta-shift for that key (default on).
er key functions as a meta-shift for that key (default on).
On other (non-Amiga) systems where this option is available, it
can be set to tell NetHack to convert a two character sequence
beginning with ESC into a meta-shifted version of the second
character (default off).
can be set to tell NetHack to convert a two character sequence
beginning with ESC into a meta-shifted version of the second
character (default off).
This conversion is only done for commands, not for other input
prompts. Note that typing one or more digits as a count prefix
prior to a command -- preceded by n if the number_pad option is
set -- is also subject to this conversion, so attempting to
abort the count by typing ESC will leave NetHack waiting for
another character to complete the two character sequence. Type
a second ESC to finish cancelling such a count. At other
prompts a single ESC suffices.
prompts. Note that typing one or more digits as a count prefix
prior to a command -- preceded by n if the number_pad option is
set -- is also subject to this conversion, so attempting to
abort the count by typing ESC will leave NetHack waiting for
another character to complete the two character sequence. Type
a second ESC to finish cancelling such a count. At other
prompts a single ESC suffices.
Use BIOS calls to update the screen display quickly and to read
the keyboard (allowing the use of arrow keys to move) on ma-
chines with an IBM PC compatible BIOS ROM (default off, OS/2,
PC, and ST NetHack only).
the keyboard (allowing the use of arrow keys to move) on ma-
chines with an IBM PC compatible BIOS ROM (default off, OS/2,
PC, and ST NetHack only).
(default off, Amiga NetHack only).
(default on, Mac NetHack only).
(default on, Mac NetHack only).
Force raw (non-cbreak) mode for faster output and more bullet-
proof input (MS-DOS sometimes treats `^P' as a printer toggle
without it) (default off, OS/2, PC, and ST NetHack only).
Note: DEC Rainbows hang if this is turned on. Cannot be set
with the `O' command.
proof input (MS-DOS sometimes treats `^P' as a printer toggle
without it) (default off, OS/2, PC, and ST NetHack only).
Note: DEC Rainbows hang if this is turned on. Cannot be set
with the `O' command.
(default on, PC NetHack only). Cannot be set with the `O' com-
(Win32 tty NetHack only). May be used to alter the value of
keystrokes that the operating system returns to NetHack to help
compensate for international keyboard issues. OPTIONS=subkey-
value:171/92 will return 92 to NetHack, if 171 was originally
going to be returned. You can use multiple subkeyvalue state-
ments in the configuration file if needed. Cannot be set with
the `O' command.
keystrokes that the operating system returns to NetHack to help
compensate for international keyboard issues. OPTIONS=subkey-
value:171/92 will return 92 to NetHack, if 171 was originally
going to be returned. You can use multiple subkeyvalue state-
ments in the configuration file if needed. Cannot be set with
the `O' command.
Set the video mode used (PC NetHack only). Values are "autode-
tect", "default", or "vga". Setting "vga" (or "autodetect"
with vga hardware present) will cause the game to display
tiles. Cannot be set with the `O' command.
tect", "default", or "vga". Setting "vga" (or "autodetect"
with vga hardware present) will cause the game to display
tiles. Cannot be set with the `O' command.
Set the color palette for PC systems using NO_TERMS (default
4-2-6-1-5-3-15-12-10-14-9-13-11, (PC NetHack only). The order
of colors is red, green, brown, blue, magenta, cyan,
bright.white, bright.red, bright.green, yellow, bright.blue,
bright.magenta, and bright.cyan. Cannot be set with the `O'
4-2-6-1-5-3-15-12-10-14-9-13-11, (PC NetHack only). The order
of colors is red, green, brown, blue, magenta, cyan,
bright.white, bright.red, bright.green, yellow, bright.blue,
bright.magenta, and bright.cyan. Cannot be set with the `O'
Set the intensity level of the three gray scales available (de-
fault dark normal light, PC NetHack only). If the game display
is difficult to read, try adjusting these scales; if this does
not correct the problem, try !color. Cannot be set with the
`O' command.
fault dark normal light, PC NetHack only). If the game display
is difficult to read, try adjusting these scales; if this does
not correct the problem, try !color. Cannot be set with the
`O' command.
13.6. Regular Expressions
9.7. Regular Expressions
Regular expressions are normally POSIX extended regular ex-pressions. It is possible to compile NetHack without regularexpression support on a platform where there is no regular ex-pression library. While this is not true of any modern platform,if your NetHack was built this way, patterns are instead globpatterns. This applies to Autopickup exceptions, Message types,Menu colors, and User sounds.
13.7. Autopickup 예외 설정하기
9.8. Configuring Autopickup Exceptions
You can further refine the behavior of the autopickup optionbeyond what is available through the pickup_types option.
By placing autopickup_exception lines in your configurationfile, you can define patterns to be checked when the game isabout to autopickup something.
Sets an exception to the pickup_types option. The autopick-
up_exception option should be followed by a regular expression
to be used as a pattern to match against the singular form of
the description of an object at your location.
up_exception option should be followed by a regular expression
to be used as a pattern to match against the singular form of
the description of an object at your location.
In addition, some characters are treated specially if they oc-
cur as the first character in the pattern, specifically:
cur as the first character in the pattern, specifically:
< - always pickup an object that matches rest of pattern;
- never pickup an object that matches rest of pattern.
The autopickup_exception rules are processed in the order in
which they appear in your configuration file, thus allowing a
later rule to override an earlier rule.
which they appear in your configuration file, thus allowing a
later rule to override an earlier rule.
Exceptions can be set with the `O' command, but because they
are not included in your configuration file, they won't be in
effect if you save and then restore your game. autopickup_ex-
ception rules and not saved with the game.
are not included in your configuration file, they won't be in
effect if you save and then restore your game. autopickup_ex-
ception rules and not saved with the game.
Here are some examples:
autopickup_exception=">* cursed*"
autopickup_exception=">* cursed*"
The first example above will result in autopickup of anytype of arrow. The second example results in the exclusion ofany corpse from autopickup. The last example results in the ex-clusion of items known to be cursed from autopickup.
13.8. 키 설정 바꾸기
9.9. Changing Key Bindings
It is possible to change the default key bindings of somespecial commands, menu accelerator keys, and extended commands,by using BIND stanzas in the configuration file. Format is key,followed by the command to bind to, separated by a colon. Thekey can be a single character ("x"), a control key ("^X", "C-x"), a meta key ("M-x"), or a three-digit decimal ASCII code.
For example:
Extended command keys
You can bind multiple keys to the same extended command. Un-
bind a key by using "nothing" as the extended command to bind
to. You can also bind the "<esc>", "<enter>", and "<space>"
bind a key by using "nothing" as the extended command to bind
to. You can also bind the "<esc>", "<enter>", and "<space>"
Menu accelerator keys
The menu control or accelerator keys can also be rebound via
OPTIONS lines in the configuration file. You cannot bind ob-
ject symbols into menu accelerators.
OPTIONS lines in the configuration file. You cannot bind ob-
ject symbols into menu accelerators.
Special command keys
Below are the special commands you can rebind. Some of them
can be bound to same keys with no problems, others are in the
same "context", and if bound to same keys, only one of those
commands will be available. Special command can only be bound
to a single key.
can be bound to same keys with no problems, others are in the
same "context", and if bound to same keys, only one of those
commands will be available. Special command can only be bound
to a single key.
Prefix key to start a count, to repeat a command this many
times. With number_pad only. Default is `n'.
times. With number_pad only. Default is `n'.
Show inventory. With number_pad only. Default is `0'.
Prefix key to force fight a direction. Default is `F'.
Prefix key to force fight a direction. With number_pad only.
Default is `-'.
Default is `-'.
When asked for a direction, the key to show the help. Default
is `?'.
is `?'.
When asked for a direction, the key to target yourself. De-
fault is `.'.
fault is `.'.
When asked for a direction, the key to target yourself. De-
fault is `s'.
fault is `s'.
When asked for a location, the key to toggle autodescribe.
Default is `#'.
Default is `#'.
When asked for a location, the key to go to next closest inter-
esting thing. Default is `a'.
esting thing. Default is `a'.
When asked for a location, the key to go to previous closest
interesting thing. Default is `A'.
interesting thing. Default is `A'.
When asked for a location, the key to go to next closest door
or doorway. Default is `d'.
or doorway. Default is `d'.
When asked for a location, the key to go to previous closest
door or doorway. Default is `D'.
door or doorway. Default is `D'.
When asked for a location, the key to show help. Default is
When asked for a location, the key to go to next closest mon-
ster. Default is `m'.
ster. Default is `m'.
When asked for a location, the key to go to previous closest
monster. Default is `M'.
monster. Default is `M'.
When asked for a location, the key to go to next closest ob-
ject. Default is `o'.
ject. Default is `o'.
When asked for a location, the key to go to previous closest
object. Default is `O'.
object. Default is `O'.
When asked for a location, and using one of the next or previ-
ous keys to cycle through targets, toggle showing a menu in-
stead. Default is `!'.
ous keys to cycle through targets, toggle showing a menu in-
stead. Default is `!'.
When asked for a location, and using the shifted movement keys
or meta-digit keys to fast-move around, move by skipping the
same glyphs instead of by 8 units. Default is `*'.
or meta-digit keys to fast-move around, move by skipping the
same glyphs instead of by 8 units. Default is `*'.
When asked for a location, change the filtering mode when using
one of the next or previous keys to cycle through targets.
Toggles between no filtering, in view only, and in the same
area only. Default is `"'.
one of the next or previous keys to cycle through targets.
Toggles between no filtering, in view only, and in the same
area only. Default is `"'.
When asked for a location, the key to choose the location, and
possibly ask for more info. Default is `.'.
possibly ask for more info. Default is `.'.
When asked for a location, the key to choose the location, and
skip asking for more info. Default is `,'.
skip asking for more info. Default is `,'.
When asked for a location, the key to choose the location, skip
asking for more info, and exit the location asking loop. De-
fault is `;'.
asking for more info, and exit the location asking loop. De-
fault is `;'.
When asked for a location, the key to choose the location, and
show more info without asking. Default is `:'.
show more info without asking. Default is `:'.
When asked for a location, the key to go to your location. De-
fault is `@'.
fault is `@'.
When asked for a location, the key to go to next closest unex-
plored location. Default is `x'.
plored location. Default is `x'.
When asked for a location, the key to go to previous closest
unexplored location. Default is `X'.
unexplored location. Default is `X'.
When asked for a location, the key to go to show valid target
locations. Default is `$'.
locations. Default is `$'.
When asked for a location, the key to go to next closest valid
location. Default is `z'.
location. Default is `z'.
When asked for a location, the key to go to previous closest
valid location. Default is `Z'.
valid location. Default is `Z'.
Prefix key to move without picking up items. Default is `m'.
Key to redraw the screen. Default is `^R'.
Key to redraw the screen. With number_pad only. Default is
Key to repeat previous command. Default is `^A'.
Prefix key to request menu from some commands. Default is `m'.
Prefix key to run towards a direction. Default is `G'.
Prefix key to run towards a direction without picking up items
on the way. Default is `M'.
on the way. Default is `M'.
Prefix key to run towards a direction. With number_pad only.
Default is `5'.
Default is `5'.
Prefix key to rush towards a direction. Default is `g'.
13.9. 메시지 타입 설정
9.10. Configuring Message Types
You can change the way the messages are shown in the messagearea, when the message matches a user-defined pattern.
In general, the configuration file entries to describe themessage types look like this: MSGTYPE=type "pattern"
type - how the message should be shown;
pattern - the pattern to match.
pattern - the pattern to match.
The pattern should be a regular expression.
Allowed types are:
show - show message normally;
hide - never show the message;
stop - wait for user with more-prompt;
norep - show the message once, but not again if no other mes-
hide - never show the message;
stop - wait for user with more-prompt;
norep - show the message once, but not again if no other mes-
sage is shown in between.
Here's an example of message types using NetHack's internal
pattern matching facility:
pattern matching facility:
MSGTYPE=stop "You feel hungry."
MSGTYPE=hide "You displaced *."
MSGTYPE=hide "You displaced *."
specifies that whenever a message "You feel hungry" is shown,
the user is prompted with more-prompt, and a message matching
"You displaced <something>." is not shown at all.
the user is prompted with more-prompt, and a message matching
"You displaced <something>." is not shown at all.
The order of the defined MSGTYPE lines is important; the last
matching rule is used. Put the general case first, exceptions
below them.
matching rule is used. Put the general case first, exceptions
below them.
13.10. 메뉴 색 설정하기
9.11. Configuring Menu Colors
Some platforms allow you to define colors used in menu lineswhen the line matches a user-defined pattern. At this time thetty, curses, win32tty and win32gui interfaces support this.
In general, the configuration file entries to describe themenu color mappings look like this:
pattern - the pattern to match;
color - the color to use for lines matching the pat-
color - the color to use for lines matching the pat-
attribute - the attribute to use for lines matching thepattern. The attribute is optional, and if
left out, you must also leave out the preced-
ing ampersand. If no attribute is defined,
no attribute is used.
left out, you must also leave out the preced-
ing ampersand. If no attribute is defined,
no attribute is used.
The pattern should be a regular expression.
Allowed colors are black, red, green, brown, blue, magenta,
cyan, gray, orange, light-green, yellow, light-blue, light-ma-
genta, light-cyan, and white. And no-color, the default fore-
ground color, which isn't necessarily the same as any of the
other colors.
cyan, gray, orange, light-green, yellow, light-blue, light-ma-
genta, light-cyan, and white. And no-color, the default fore-
ground color, which isn't necessarily the same as any of the
other colors.
Allowed attributes are none, bold, dim, underline, blink, and
inverse. "Normal" is a synonym for "none". Note that the
platform used may interpret the attributes any way it wants.
inverse. "Normal" is a synonym for "none". Note that the
platform used may interpret the attributes any way it wants.
Here's an example of menu colors using NetHack's internal pat-
tern matching facility:
tern matching facility:
MENUCOLOR="* blessed *"=green
MENUCOLOR="* cursed *"=red
MENUCOLOR="* cursed *(being worn)"=red&underline
MENUCOLOR="* cursed *"=red
MENUCOLOR="* cursed *(being worn)"=red&underline
specifies that any menu line with " blessed " contained in it
will be shown in green color, lines with " cursed " will be
shown in red, and lines with " cursed " followed by "(being
worn)" on the same line will be shown in red color and under-
lined. You can have multiple MENUCOLOR entries in your config-
uration file, and the last MENUCOLOR line that matches a menu
line will be used for the line.
will be shown in green color, lines with " cursed " will be
shown in red, and lines with " cursed " followed by "(being
worn)" on the same line will be shown in red color and under-
lined. You can have multiple MENUCOLOR entries in your config-
uration file, and the last MENUCOLOR line that matches a menu
line will be used for the line.
Note that if you intend to have one or more color specifica-tions match " uncursed ", you will probably want to turn the im-plicit_uncursed option off so that all items known to be uncursedare actually displayed with the "uncursed" description.
13.11. 유저 사운드 설정하기
9.12. Configuring User Sounds
Some platforms allow you to define sound files to be playedwhen a message that matches a user-defined pattern is deliveredto the message window. At this time the Qt port and the win32ttyand win32gui ports support the use of user sounds.
The following configuration file entries are relevant tomapping user sounds to messages:
The directory that houses the sound files to be played.
An entry that maps a sound file to a user-specified message
pattern. Each SOUND entry is broken down into the following
pattern. Each SOUND entry is broken down into the following
MESG - message window mapping (the only one supported in
sound file - the sound file to play;
volume - the volume to be set while playing the sound file.
pattern - the pattern to match;sound file - the sound file to play;
volume - the volume to be set while playing the sound file.
The pattern should be a POSIX extended regular expression.
13.12. 상태 강조 설정하기
9.13. Configuring Status Hilites
Your copy of NetHack may have been compiled with support for"Status Hilites". If so, you can customize your game display bysetting thresholds to change the color or appearance of fields inthe status display.
The format for defining status colors is:
For example, the following line in your configuration filewill cause the hitpoints field to display in the color red ifyour hitpoints drop to or below a threshold of 30%:
(That example is actually specifying red&normal for <=30% and no-
color&normal for >30%.)
color&normal for >30%.)
For another example, the following line in your configura-tion file will cause wisdom to be displayed red if it drops andgreen if it rises:
Allowed colors are black, red, green, brown, blue, magenta,cyan, gray, orange, light-green, yellow, light-blue, light-magenta, light-cyan, and white. And "no-color", the defaultforeground color on the display, which is not necessarily thesame as black or white or any of the other colors.
Allowed attributes are none, bold, dim, underline, blink,and inverse. "Normal" is a synonym for "none"; they should notbe used in combination with any of the other attributes.
To specify both a color and an attribute, use `&' to combinethem. To specify multiple attributes, use `+' to combine those.For example: "magenta&inverse+dim".
Note that the display may substitute or ignore particularattributes depending upon its capabilities, and in general mayinterpret the attributes any way it wants. For example, on somedisplay systems a request for bold might yield blink or vice ver-sa. On others, issuing an attribute request while another is al-ready set up will replace the earlier attribute rather than com-bine with it. Since NetHack issues attribute requests sequen-tially (at least with the tty interface) rather than all at once,the only way a situation like that can be controlled is to speci-fy just one attribute.
You can adjust the appearance of the following statusfields:
title dungeon-level experience-levelstrength gold experiencedexterity hitpoints HDconstitution hitpoints-max timeintelligence power hunger
wisdom power-max carrying-capacitycharisma armor-class conditionalignment score
wisdom power-max carrying-capacitycharisma armor-class conditionalignment score
The pseudo-field "characteristics" can be used to set all six
of Str, Dex, Con, Int, Wis, and Cha at once. "HD" is "hit
dice", an approximation of experience level displayed when
polymorphed. "experience", "time", and "score" are condition-
ally displayed depending upon your other option settings.
of Str, Dex, Con, Int, Wis, and Cha at once. "HD" is "hit
dice", an approximation of experience level displayed when
polymorphed. "experience", "time", and "score" are condition-
ally displayed depending upon your other option settings.
Instead of a behavior, "condition" takes the following condi-
tion flags: stone, slime, strngl, foodpois, termill, blind,
deaf, stun, conf, hallu, lev, fly, and ride. You can use "ma-
jor_troubles" as an alias for stone through termill, "mi-
nor_troubles" for blind through hallu, "movement" for lev, fly,
and ride, and "all" for every condition.
tion flags: stone, slime, strngl, foodpois, termill, blind,
deaf, stun, conf, hallu, lev, fly, and ride. You can use "ma-
jor_troubles" as an alias for stone through termill, "mi-
nor_troubles" for blind through hallu, "movement" for lev, fly,
and ride, and "all" for every condition.
Allowed behaviors are "always", "up", "down", "changed", a per-
centage or absolute number threshold, or text to match against.
centage or absolute number threshold, or text to match against.
- "always" will set the default attributes for that field.
- "up", "down" set the field attributes for when the field
value changes upwards or downwards. This attribute times
out after statushilites turns.
- "changed" sets the field attribute for when the field val-
ue changes. This attribute times out after statushilites
turns. (If a field has both a "changed" rule and an "up"
or "down" rule which matches a change in the field's val-
ue, the "up" or "down" one takes precedence.)
- percentage sets the field attribute when the field value
matches the percentage. It is specified as a number be-
tween 0 and 100, followed by `%' (percent sign). If the
percentage is prefixed with `<=' or `>=', it also matches
when value is below or above the percentage. Use prefix
`<' or `>' to match when strictly below or above. (The
numeric limit is relaxed slightly for those: >-1% and
<101% are allowed.) Only four fields support percentage
rules. Percentages for "hitpoints" and "power" are
straightforward; they're based on the corresponding maxi-
mum field. Percentage highlight rules are also allowed
for "experience level" and "experience points" (valid when
the showexp option is enabled). For those, the percentage
is based on the progress from the start of the current ex-
perience level to the start of the next level. So if lev-
el 2 starts at 20 points and level 3 starts at 40 points,
having 30 points is 50% and 35 points is 75%. 100% is
unattainable for experience because you'll gain a level
and the calculations will be reset for that new level, but
a rule for =100% is allowed and matches the special case
of being exactly 1 experience point short of the next lev-
- absolute value sets the attribute when the field value
matches that number. The number must be 0 or higher, ex-
cept for "armor-class' which allows negative values, and
may optionally be preceded by `='. If the number is pre-
ceded by `<=' or `>=' instead, it also matches when value
is below or above. If the prefix is `<' or `>', only
match when strictly above or below.
- text match sets the attribute when the field value matches
the text. Text matches can only be used for "alignment",
"carrying-capacity", "hunger", "dungeon-level", and "ti-
tle". For title, only the role's rank title is tested;
the character's name is ignored.
The in-game options menu can help you determine the correctsyntax for a configuration file.
The whole feature can be disabled by setting option sta-tushilites to 0.
Example hilites:
OPTION=hilite_status: gold/up/yellow/down/brown
OPTION=hilite_status: characteristics/up/green/down/red
OPTION=hilite_status: hitpoints/100%/gray&normal
OPTION=hilite_status: hitpoints/<100%/green&normal
OPTION=hilite_status: hitpoints/<66%/yellow&normal
OPTION=hilite_status: hitpoints/<50%/orange&normal
OPTION=hilite_status: hitpoints/<33%/red&bold
OPTION=hilite_status: hitpoints/<15%/red&inverse
OPTION=hilite_status: condition/major/orange&inverse
OPTION=hilite_status: condition/lev+fly/red&inverse
OPTION=hilite_status: characteristics/up/green/down/red
OPTION=hilite_status: hitpoints/100%/gray&normal
OPTION=hilite_status: hitpoints/<100%/green&normal
OPTION=hilite_status: hitpoints/<66%/yellow&normal
OPTION=hilite_status: hitpoints/<50%/orange&normal
OPTION=hilite_status: hitpoints/<33%/red&bold
OPTION=hilite_status: hitpoints/<15%/red&inverse
OPTION=hilite_status: condition/major/orange&inverse
OPTION=hilite_status: condition/lev+fly/red&inverse
13.13. NetHack 문자 변경하기
9.14. Modifying NetHack SymbolsNetHack can load entire symbol sets from the symbol file.
The options that are used to select a particular symbol set
from the symbol file are:
- symset
Set the name of the symbol set that you want to load.
- roguesymset
play on the rogue level.
You can also override one or more symbols using the SYMBOLS
and ROGUESYMBOLS configuration file options. Symbols are speci-
fied as name:value pairs. Note that NetHack escape-processes the
value string in conventional C fashion. This means that \ is a
prefix to take the following character literally. Thus \ needs
to be represented as \\. The special prefix form \m switches onthe meta bit in the symbol value, and the ^ prefix causes the
following character to be treated as a control character.
NetHack의 문자들
- [ 펼치기 · 접기 ]
- || Symbol || Name || Description ||
S_air (air) _ S_altar (altar) " S_amulet (amulet) A S_angel (angelic being) a S_ant (ant or other insect) ^ S_anti_magic_trap (anti-magic field) [ S_armor (suit or piece of armor) [ S_armour (suit or piece of armor) ^ S_arrow_trap (arrow trap) 0 S_ball (iron ball) # S_bars (iron bars) B S_bat (bat or bird) ^ S_bear_trap (bear trap) - S_blcorn (bottom left corner) b S_blob (blob) + S_book (spellbook) ) S_boomleft (boomerang open left) ( S_boomright (boomerang open right) ` S_boulder (boulder) - S_brcorn (bottom right corner) C S_centaur (centaur) _ S_chain (iron chain) # S_cloud (cloud) c S_cockatrice (cockatrice) $ S_coin (pile of coins) # S_corr (corridor) - S_crwall (wall) # S_darkroom (dark room) ^ S_dart_trap (dart trap) & S_demon (major demon) * S_digbeam (dig beam) > S_dnladder (ladder down) > S_dnstair (staircase down) d S_dog (dog or other canine) D S_dragon (dragon) ; S_eel (sea monster) E S_elemental (elemental) / S_explode1 (explosion top left) - S_explode2 (explosion top center) \ S_explode3 (explosion top right) | S_explode4 (explosion middle left) S_explode5 (explosion middle center) | S_explode6 (explosion middle right) \ S_explode7 (explosion bottom left) - S_explode8 (explosion bottom center) / S_explode9 (explosion bottom right) e S_eye (eye or sphere) ^ S_falling_rock_trap (falling rock trap) f S_feline (cat or other feline) ^ S_fire_trap (fire trap) ! S_flashbeam (flash beam) % S_food (piece of food) { S_fountain (fountain) F S_fungus (fungus or mold) * S_gem (gem or rock) S_ghost (ghost) H S_giant (giant humanoid) G S_gnome (gnome) ' S_golem (golem) | S_grave (grave) g S_gremlin (gremlin) - S_hbeam (horizontal beam [zap animation]) # S_hcdbridge (horizontal raised drawbridge) + S_hcdoor (closed door in horizontal wall) . S_hodbridge (horizontal lowered drawbridge) | S_hodoor (open door in horizontal wall) ^ S_hole (hole) @ S_human (human or elf) h S_humanoid (humanoid) - S_hwall (horizontal wall) . S_ice (ice) i S_imp (imp or minor demon) I S_invisible (invisible monster) J S_jabberwock (jabberwock) j S_jelly (jelly) k S_kobold (kobold) K S_kop (Keystone Kop) ^ S_land_mine (land mine) } S_lava (molten lava) l S_leprechaun (leprechaun) ^ S_level_teleporter (level teleporter) L S_lich (lich) y S_light (light) # S_litcorr (lit corridor) : S_lizard (lizard) \ S_lslant (diagonal beam [zap animation]) ^ S_magic_portal (magic portal) ^ S_magic_trap (magic trap) m S_mimic (mimic) ] S_mimic_def (mimic) M S_mummy (mummy) N S_naga (naga) . S_ndoor (doorway without door) n S_nymph (nymph) O S_ogre (ogre) o S_orc (orc) p S_piercer (piercer) ^ S_pit (pit) # S_poisoncloud (poison cloud) ^ S_polymorph_trap (polymorph trap) } S_pool (water) ! S_potion (potion) P S_pudding (pudding or ooze) q S_quadruped (quadruped) Q S_quantmech (quantum mechanic) \= S_ring (ring) ` S_rock (boulder or statue) r S_rodent (rodent) ^ S_rolling_boulder_trap (rolling boulder trap) . S_room (floor of a room) / S_rslant (diagonal beam [zap animation]) ^ S_rust_trap (rust trap) R S_rustmonst (rust monster or disenchanter) ? S_scroll (scroll) # S_sink (sink) ^ S_sleeping_gas_trap (sleeping gas trap) S S_snake (snake) s S_spider (arachnid or centipede) ^ S_spiked_pit (spiked pit) ^ S_squeaky_board (squeaky board) 0 S_ss1 (magic shield 1 of 4) # S_ss2 (magic shield 2 of 4) @ S_ss3 (magic shield 3 of 4) * S_ss4 (magic shield 4 of 4) ^ S_statue_trap (statue trap) S_stone (solid rock or unexplored terrain or dark part of a room) ] S_strange_obj (strange object) - S_sw_bc (swallow bottom center) \ S_sw_bl (swallow bottom left) / S_sw_br (swallow bottom right) | S_sw_ml (swallow middle left) | S_sw_mr (swallow middle right) - S_sw_tc (swallow top center) / S_sw_tl (swallow top left) \ S_sw_tr (swallow top right) - S_tdwall (wall) ^ S_teleportation_trap (teleportation trap) \ S_throne (opulent throne) - S_tlcorn (top left corner) | S_tlwall (wall) ( S_tool (useful item (pick-axe, key, lamp...) ^ S_trap_door (trap door) t S_trapper (trapper or lurker above) - S_trcorn (top right corner) # S_tree (tree) T S_troll (troll) | S_trwall (wall) - S_tuwall (wall) U S_umber (umber hulk) u S_unicorn (unicorn or horse) < S_upladder (ladder up) < S_upstair (staircase up) V S_vampire (vampire) | S_vbeam (vertical beam [zap animation]) # S_vcdbridge (vertical raised drawbridge) + S_vcdoor (closed door in vertical wall) . S_venom (splash of venom) ^ S_vibrating_square (vibrating square) . S_vodbridge (vertical lowered drawbridge) - S_vodoor (open door in vertical wall) v S_vortex (vortex) | S_vwall (vertical wall) / S_wand (wand) } S_water (water) ) S_weapon (weapon) " S_web (web) w S_worm (worm) ~ S_worm_tail (long worm tail) W S_wraith (wraith) x S_xan (xan or other extraordinary insect) X S_xorn (xorn) Y S_yeti (apelike creature) Z S_zombie (zombie) z S_zruty (zruty) S_pet_override (any pet if ACCESSIBILITY=1 is set) S_hero_override (hero if ACCESSIBILITY=1 is set)
- Several symbols in this table appear to be blank. They are the
space character, except for S_pet_override and S_hero_override
which don't have any default value and can only be used if en-
abled in the "sysconf" file.
- S_rock is misleadingly named; rocks and stones use S_gem.
Statues and boulders are the rock being referred to, but since
version 3.6.0, statues are displayed as the monster they de-
pict. So S_rock is only used for boulders and not used at all
if overridden by the more specific S_boulder.
13.14. 시각장애인용 NetHack 설정
9.15. Configuring NetHack for Play by the Blind
NetHack can be set up to use only standard ASCII charactersfor making maps of the dungeons. This makes the MS-DOS versionsof NetHack completely accessible to the blind who use speechand/or Braille access technologies. Players will require a goodworking knowledge of their screen-reader's review features, andwill have to know how to navigate horizontally and verticallycharacter by character. They will also find the search capabili-ties of their screen-readers to be quite valuable. Be certain toexamine this Guidebook before playing so you have an idea whatthe screen layout is like. You'll also need to be able to locatethe PC cursor. It is always where your character is located.Merely searching for an @-sign will not always find your charac-ter since there are other humanoids represented by the same sign.Your screen-reader should also have a function which gives youthe row and column of your review cursor and the PC cursor.These co-ordinates are often useful in giving players a bettersense of the overall location of items on the screen.
NetHack can also be compiled with support for sending thegame messages to an external program, such as a text-to-speechsynthesizer. If the "#version" extended command shows "externalprogram as a message handler", your NetHack has been compiledwith the capability. When compiling NetHack from source on Linuxand other POSIX systems, define MSGHANDLER to enable it. To usethe capability, set the environment variable NETHACK_MSGHANDLERto an executable, which will be executed with the game message asthe program's only parameter.
While it is not difficult for experienced users to edit thedefaults.nh file to accomplish this, novices may find this tasksomewhat daunting. Included within the "symbols" file of all of-ficial distributions of NetHack is a symset called NHAccess. Se-lecting that symset in your configuration file will cause thegame to run in a manner accessible to the blind. After you havegained some experience with the game and with editing files, youmay want to alter settings via SYMBOLS= and ROGUESYMBOLS= in yourconfiguration file to better suit your preferences. See the pre-vious section for the special symbols S_pet_override to force aconsistent symbol for all pets and S_hero_override to force aunique symbol for the player character if accessibility is en-abled in the sysconf file.
The most crucial settings to make the game more accessibleare:
Load a symbol set appropriate for use by blind players.
Load a symbol set for the rogue level that is appropriate for
use by blind players.
use by blind players.
This will assist in the interface to speech synthesizers.
Show menus on a cleared screen and aligned to the left edge.
A lot of speech access programs use the number-pad to review
the screen. If this is the case, disable the number_pad option
and use the traditional Rogue-like commands.
the screen. If this is the case, disable the number_pad option
and use the traditional Rogue-like commands.
Automatically describe the terrain under the cursor when tar-
Give feedback messages when walking towards a wall or when
travel command was interrupted.
travel command was interrupted.
When targeting with cursor, describe the cursor position with
coordinates relative to your character.
coordinates relative to your character.
When targeting with cursor, filter possible locations so only
those in the same area (eg. same room, or same corridor) are
those in the same area (eg. same room, or same corridor) are
When targeting with cursor and using fast-move, skip the same
glyphs instead of moving 8 units at a time.
glyphs instead of moving 8 units at a time.
Prevent updates to the status lines at the bottom of the
screen, if your screen-reader reads those lines. The same in-
formation can be seen via the "#attributes" command.
screen, if your screen-reader reads those lines. The same in-
formation can be seen via the "#attributes" command.
13.15. 시스템 관리자용 범용 설정
9.16. Global Configuration for System AdministratorsIf NetHack is compiled with the SYSCF option, a system ad-
ministrator should set up a global configuration; this is a file
in the same format as the traditional per-user configuration file
(see above). This file should be named sysconf and placed in the
same directory as the other NetHack support files. The options
recognized in this file are listed below. Any option not set us-
es a compiled-in default (which may not be appropriate for your
WIZARDS = A space-separated list of user names who are allowed
to play in debug mode (commonly referred to as wizard mode). A
value of a single asterisk (*) allows anyone to start a game in
debug mode.
to play in debug mode (commonly referred to as wizard mode). A
value of a single asterisk (*) allows anyone to start a game in
debug mode.
SHELLERS = A list of users who are allowed to use the shell es-
cape command (!). The syntax is the same as WIZARDS.
cape command (!). The syntax is the same as WIZARDS.
EXPLORERS = A list of users who are allowed to use the explore
mode. The syntax is the same as WIZARDS.
mode. The syntax is the same as WIZARDS.
MAXPLAYERS = Limit the maximum number of games that can be run-
ning at the same time.
ning at the same time.
SUPPORT = A string explaining how to get local support (no de-
fault value).
fault value).
RECOVER = A string explaining how to recover a game on this
system (no default value).
system (no default value).
SEDUCE = 0 or 1 to disable or enable, respectively, the SEDUCE
option. When disabled, incubi and succubi behave like nymphs.
option. When disabled, incubi and succubi behave like nymphs.
CHECK_PLNAME = Setting this to 1 will make the EXPLORERS, WIZ-
ARDS, and SHELLERS check for the player name instead of the us-
er's login name.
ARDS, and SHELLERS check for the player name instead of the us-
er's login name.
CHECK_SAVE_UID = 0 or 1 to disable or enable, respectively, the
UID (used identification number) checking for save files (to
verify that the user who is restoring is the same one who
UID (used identification number) checking for save files (to
verify that the user who is restoring is the same one who
The following options affect the score file:
PERSMAX = Maximum number of entries for one person.
ENTRYMAX = Maximum number of entries in the score file.
POINTSMIN = Minimum number of points to get an entry in the
score file.
score file.
PERS_IS_UID = 0 or 1 to use user names or numeric userids, re-
spectively, to identify unique people for the score file.
spectively, to identify unique people for the score file.
MAX_STATUENAME_RANK = Maximum number of score file entries to
use for random statue names (default is 10).
use for random statue names (default is 10).
ACCESSIBILITY = 0 or 1 to disable or enable, respectively, the
ability for players to set S_pet_override and S_hero_override
symbols in their configuration file.
ability for players to set S_pet_override and S_hero_override
symbols in their configuration file.
PORTABLE_DEVICE_PATHS = 0 or 1 Windows OS only, the game will
look for all of its external files, and write to all of its
output files in one place rather than at the standard loca-
look for all of its external files, and write to all of its
output files in one place rather than at the standard loca-
DUMPLOGFILE = A filename where the end-of-game dumplog is
saved. Not defining this will prevent dumplog from being cre-
ated. Only available if your game is compiled with DUMPLOG. Al-
lows the following placeholders:
saved. Not defining this will prevent dumplog from being cre-
ated. Only available if your game is compiled with DUMPLOG. Al-
lows the following placeholders:
%% - literal `%'
%v - version (eg. "3.6.3-0")
%u - game UID
%t - game start time, UNIX timestamp format
%T - current time, UNIX timestamp format
%d - game start time, YYYYMMDDhhmmss format
%D - current time, YYYYMMDDhhmmss format
%n - player name
%N - first character of player name
%v - version (eg. "3.6.3-0")
%u - game UID
%t - game start time, UNIX timestamp format
%T - current time, UNIX timestamp format
%d - game start time, YYYYMMDDhhmmss format
%D - current time, YYYYMMDDhhmmss format
%n - player name
%N - first character of player name
14. 스코어링
10. ScoringNetHack maintains a list of the top scores or scorers on
your machine, depending on how it is set up. In the latter case,
each account on the machine can post only one non-winning score
on this list. If you score higher than someone else on this
list, or better your previous score, you will be inserted in the
proper place under your current name. How many scores are kept
can also be set up when NetHack is compiled.
Your score is chiefly based upon how much experience you
gained, how much loot you accumulated, how deep you explored, and
how the game ended. If you quit the game, you escape with all of
your gold intact. If, however, you get killed in the Mazes of
Menace, the guild will only hear about 90% of your gold when your
corpse is discovered (adventurers have been known to collect
finder's fees). So, consider whether you want to take one last
hit at that monster and possibly live, or quit and stop with
whatever you have. If you quit, you keep all your gold, but if
you swing and live, you might find more.
If you just want to see what the current top players/games
list is, you can type nethack -s all on most versions.
15. 탐사 모드
11. Explore modeNetHack is an intricate and difficult game. Novices might
falter in fear, aware of their ignorance of the means to survive.
Well, fear not. Your dungeon comes equipped with an "explore" or
"discovery" mode that enables you to keep old save files and
cheat death, at the paltry cost of not getting on the high score
탐사 모드를 활성화시키는 데에는 2가지 방법이 있습니다.
하나는 게임을 -X 명령줄 스위치로 시작하는 것이고,
다른 하나는 playmode:explore 옵션을 활성화시키는 것입니다.
이외에도 게임을 플레이 도중에 확장 명령어 "#exploremode"를 실행하는 법도 있습니다.
탐사 모드에서 새 게임을 시작할 경우, 당신의 초기 소지품에 소원의 지팡이가 제공됩니다; 플레이 도중에 탐사 모드로 넘어갈 경우에는 주어지지 않습니다. 탐사 모드의 다른 이점들은 한번 여러분이 발견해 보십시오.
15.1. 디버그 모드
11.1. Debug mode
Debug mode, also known as wizard mode, is undocumented asidefrom this brief description and the various "debug mode only"commands listed among the command descriptions. It is intendedfor tracking down problems within the program rather than to pro-vide god-like powers to your character, and players who attemptdebugging are expected to figure out how to use it themselves.It is initiated by starting the game with the -D command-lineswitch or with the playmode:debug option.
For some systems, the player must be logged in under a par-ticular user name to be allowed to use debug mode; for others,the hero must be given a particular character name (but may beany role; there's no connection between "wizard mode" and theWizard role). Attempting to start a game in debug mode when notallowed or not available will result in falling back to exploremode instead.
16. 크레딧
12. Credits
The original hack game was modeled on the Berkeley UNIXrogue game. Large portions of this paper were shamelesslycribbed from A Guide to the Dungeons of Doom, by Michael C. Toyand Kenneth C. R. C. Arnold. Small portions were adapted fromFurther Exploration of the Dungeons of Doom, by Ken Arromdee.
NetHack is the product of literally dozens of people's work.Main events in the course of the game development are describedbelow:
Jay Fenlason wrote the original Hack, with help from KennyWoodland, Mike Thome and Jon Payne.
Andries Brouwer did a major re-write, transforming Hack intoa very different game, and published (at least) three versions(1.0.1, 1.0.2, and 1.0.3) for UNIX machines to the Usenet.
Don G. Kneller ported Hack 1.0.3 to Microsoft C and MS-DOS,producing PC HACK 1.01e, added support for DEC Rainbow graphicsin version 1.03g, and went on to produce at least four more ver-sions (3.0, 3.2, 3.51, and 3.6).
R. Black ported PC HACK 3.51 to Lattice C and the Atari520/1040ST, producing ST Hack 1.03.
Mike Stephenson merged these various versions back together,incorporating many of the added features, and produced NetHack1. 4. He then coordinated a cast of thousands in enhancing anddebugging NetHack 1.4 and released NetHack versions 2.2 and 2.3.
Later, Mike coordinated a major rewrite of the game, headinga team which included Ken Arromdee, Jean-Christophe Collet, SteveCreps, Eric Hendrickson, Izchak Miller, John Rupley, Mike Threep-oint, and Janet Walz, to produce NetHack 3.0c.
NetHack 3.0 was ported to the Atari by Eric R. Smith, toOS/2 by Timo Hakulinen, and to VMS by David Gentzel. The threeof them and Kevin Darcy later joined the main NetHack DevelopmentTeam to produce subsequent revisions of 3.0.
Olaf Seibert ported NetHack 2.3 and 3.0 to the Amiga. NormMeluch, Stephen Spackman and Pierre Martineau designed overlaycode for PC NetHack 3.0. Johnny Lee ported NetHack 3.0 to theMacintosh. Along with various other Dungeoneers, they continuedto enhance the PC, Macintosh, and Amiga ports through the laterrevisions of 3.0.
Headed by Mike Stephenson and coordinated by Izchak Millerand Janet Walz, the NetHack Development Team which now includedKen Arromdee, David Cohrs, Jean-Christophe Collet, Kevin Darcy,Matt Day, Timo Hakulinen, Steve Linhart, Dean Luick, Pat Rankin,Eric Raymond, and Eric Smith undertook a radical revision of 3.0.They re-structured the game's design, and re-wrote major parts ofthe code. They added multiple dungeons, a new display, specialindividual character quests, a new endgame and many other newfeatures, and produced NetHack 3.1.
Ken Lorber, Gregg Wonderly and Greg Olson, with help fromRichard Addison, Mike Passaretti, and Olaf Seibert, developedNetHack 3.1 for the Amiga.
Norm Meluch and Kevin Smolkowski, with help from Carl Sche-lin, Stephen Spackman, Steve VanDevender, and Paul Winner, portedNetHack 3.1 to the PC.
Jon W{tte and Hao-yang Wang, with help from Ross Brown, MikeEngber, David Hairston, Michael Hamel, Jonathan Handler, JohnnyLee, Tim Lennan, Rob Menke, and Andy Swanson, developed NetHack3.1 for the Macintosh, porting it for MPW. Building on theirdevelopment, Bart House added a Think C port.
Timo Hakulinen ported NetHack 3.1 to OS/2. Eric Smith port-ed NetHack 3.1 to the Atari. Pat Rankin, with help from JoshuaDelahunty, was responsible for the VMS version of NetHack 3.1.Michael Allison ported NetHack 3.1 to Windows NT.
Dean Luick, with help from David Cohrs, developed NetHack3.1 for X11. Warwick Allison wrote a tiled version of NetHackfor the Atari; he later contributed the tiles to the NetHack De-velopment Team and tile support was then added to other plat-forms.
The 3.2 NetHack Development Team, comprised of Michael Alli-son, Ken Arromdee, David Cohrs, Jessie Collet, Steve Creps, KevinDarcy, Timo Hakulinen, Steve Linhart, Dean Luick, Pat Rankin, Er-ic Smith, Mike Stephenson, Janet Walz, and Paul Winner, releasedversion 3.2 in April of 1996.
Version 3.2 marked the tenth anniversary of the formation ofthe development team. In a testament to their dedication to thegame, all thirteen members of the original NetHack DevelopmentTeam remained on the team at the start of work on that release.During the interval between the release of 3.1.3 and 3.2, one ofthe founding members of the NetHack Development Team, Dr. IzchakMiller, was diagnosed with cancer and passed away. That releaseof the game was dedicated to him by the development and portingteams.
During the lifespan of NetHack 3.1 and 3.2, several enthusi-asts of the game added their own modifications to the game andmade these "variants" publicly available:
Tom Proudfoot and Yuval Oren created NetHack++, which wasquickly renamed NetHack--. Working independently, Stephen Whitewrote NetHack Plus. Tom Proudfoot later merged NetHack Plus andhis own NetHack-- to produce SLASH. Larry Stewart-Zerba and War-wick Allison improved the spell casting system with the WizardPatch. Warwick Allison also ported NetHack to use the Qt inter-face.
Warren Cheung combined SLASH with the Wizard Patch to pro-duce Slash'EM, and with the help of Kevin Hugo, added more fea-tures. Kevin later joined the NetHack Development Team and in-corporated the best of these ideas in NetHack 3.3.
The final update to 3.2 was the bug fix release 3.2.3, whichwas released simultaneously with 3.3.0 in December 1999 just intime for the Year 2000.
The 3.3 NetHack Development Team, consisting of Michael Al-lison, Ken Arromdee, David Cohrs, Jessie Collet, Steve Creps,Kevin Darcy, Timo Hakulinen, Kevin Hugo, Steve Linhart, Ken Lor-ber, Dean Luick, Pat Rankin, Eric Smith, Mike Stephenson, JanetWalz, and Paul Winner, released 3.3.0 in December 1999 and 3.3.1in August of 2000.
Version 3.3 offered many firsts. It was the first version toseparate race and profession. The Elf class was removed in pref-erence to an elf race, and the races of dwarves, gnomes, and orcsmade their first appearance in the game alongside the familiarhuman race. Monk and Ranger roles joined Archeologists, Barbar-ians, Cavemen, Healers, Knights, Priests, Rogues, Samurai,Tourists, Valkyries and of course, Wizards. It was also thefirst version to allow you to ride a steed, and was the firstversion to have a publicly available web-site listing all thebugs that had been discovered. Despite that constantly growingbug list, 3.3 proved stable enough to last for more than a yearand a half.
The 3.4 NetHack Development Team initially consisted ofMichael Allison, Ken Arromdee, David Cohrs, Jessie Collet, KevinHugo, Ken Lorber, Dean Luick, Pat Rankin, Mike Stephenson, JanetWalz, and Paul Winner, with Warwick Allison joining just beforethe release of NetHack 3.4.0 in March 2002.
As with version 3.3, various people contributed to the gameas a whole as well as supporting ports on the different platformsthat NetHack runs on:
Pat Rankin maintained 3.4 for VMS.
Michael Allison maintained NetHack 3.4 for the MS-DOS plat-form. Paul Winner and Yitzhak Sapir provided encouragement.
Dean Luick, Mark Modrall, and Kevin Hugo maintained and en-hanced the Macintosh port of 3.4.
Michael Allison, David Cohrs, Alex Kompel, Dion Nicolaas,and Yitzhak Sapir maintained and enhanced 3.4 for the MicrosoftWindows platform. Alex Kompel contributed a new graphical inter-face for the Windows port. Alex Kompel also contributed a Win-dows CE port for 3.4.1.
Ron Van Iwaarden was the sole maintainer of NetHack for OS/2the past several releases. Unfortunately Ron's last OS/2 machinestopped working in early 2006. A great many thanks to Ron forkeeping NetHack alive on OS/2 all these years.
Janne Salmijarvi and Teemu Suikki maintained and enhancedthe Amiga port of 3.4 after Janne Salmijarvi resurrected it for3.3.1.
Christian "Marvin" Bressler maintained 3.4 for the Atari af-ter he resurrected it for 3.3.1.
The release of NetHack 3.4.3 in December 2003 marked the be-ginning of a long release hiatus. 3.4.3 proved to be a remarkablystable version that provided continued enjoyment by the communityfor more than a decade. The NetHack Development Team slowly andquietly continued to work on the game behind the scenes duringthe tenure of 3.4.3. It was during that same period that severalnew variants emerged within the NetHack community. Notablysporkhack by Derek S. Ray, unnethack by Patric Mueller, nitrohackand its successors originally by Daniel Thaler and then by AlexSmith, and Dynahack by Tung Nguyen. Some of those variants con-tinue to be developed, maintained, and enjoyed by the communityto this day.
In September 2014, an interim snapshot of the code under de-velopment was released publicly by other parties. Since that codewas a work-in-progress and had not gone through the process ofdebugging it as a suitable release, it was decided that the ver-sion numbers present on that code snapshot would be retired andnever used in an official NetHack release. An announcement wasposted on the NetHack Development Team's official nethack.orgwebsite to that effect, stating that there would never be a3.4.4, 3.5, or 3.5.0 official release version.
In January 2015, preparation began for the release of.
At the beginning of development for what would eventuallyget released as 3.6.0, the NetHack Development Team consisted ofWarwick Allison, Michael Allison, Ken Arromdee, David Cohrs,Jessie Collet, Ken Lorber, Dean Luick, Pat Rankin, Mike Stephen-son, Janet Walz, and Paul Winner. In early 2015, ahead of therelease of 3.6.0, new members Sean Hunt, Pasi Kallinen, and DerekS. Ray joined the NetHack Development Team.
Near the end of the development of 3.6.0, one of the signif-icant inspirations for many of the humorous and fun featuresfound in the game, author Terry Pratchett, passed away. NetHack3.6.0 introduced a tribute to him.
3.6.0 was released in December 2015, and merged work done bythe development team since the release of 3.4.3 with some of thebeloved community patches. Many bugs were fixed and some code wasrestructured.
The NetHack Development Team, as well as Steve VanDevenderand Kevin Smolkowski, ensured that continued to oper-ate on various UNIX flavors and maintained the X11 interface.
Ken Lorber, Haoyang Wang, Pat Rankin, and Dean Luick main-tained the port of for Mac OSX.
Michael Allison, David Cohrs, Bart House, Pasi Kallinen,Alex Kompel, Dion Nicolaas, Derek S. Ray and Yitzhak Sapir main-tained the port of for Microsoft Windows.
Pat Rankin attempted to keep the VMS port running for, hindered by limited access. Kevin Smolkowski has up-dated and tested it for the most recent version of OpenVMS (V8.4as of this writing) on Alpha and Integrity (aka Itanium aka IA64)but not VAX.
Ray Chason resurrected the msdos port for 3.6 and contrib-uted the necessary updates to the community at large.
In late April 2018, several hundred bug fixes for 3.6.0 andsome new features were assembled and released as .1.The NetHack Development Team at the time of release of 3.6.1 con-sisted of Warwick Allison, Michael Allison, Ken Arromdee, DavidCohrs, Jessie Collet, Pasi Kallinen, Ken Lorber, Dean Luick,Patric Mueller, Pat Rankin, Derek S. Ray, Alex Smith, MikeStephenson, Janet Walz, and Paul Winner.
In early May 2019, another 320 bug fixes along with some en-hancements and the adopted curses window port, were released as3.6.2.
Bart House, who had contributed to the game as a portingteam participant for decades, joined the NetHack Development Teamin late May 2019.
.3 was released on December 5, 2019 containingover 190 bug fixes to .2.
.4 was released on December 18, 2019 containing asecurity fix and a few bug fixes.
.5 was released on January 27, 2020 containingsome security fixes and a small number of bug fixes.
.6 was released on containing a se-curity fix and some bug fixes.
The official NetHack web site is maintained by Ken Lorber athttps://www.nethack.org/.
12.1. SPECIAL THANKSOn behalf of the NetHack community, thank you very much once
again to M. Drew Streib and Pasi Kallinen for providing a public
NetHack server at nethack.alt.org. Thanks to Keith Simpson and
Andy Thomson for hardfought.org. Thanks to all those unnamed dun-
geoneers who invest their time and effort into annual NetHack
tournaments such as Junethack, The November NetHack Tournament
and in days past, devnull.net (gone for now, but not forgotten).
- - - - - - - - - -
From time to time, some depraved individual out there innetland sends a particularly intriguing modification to help outwith the game. The NetHack Development Team sometimes makes noteof the names of the worst of these miscreants in this, the listof Dungeoneers:
Adam Aronow J. Ali Harlow Mikko Juola
Alex Kompel Janet Walz Nathan Eady
Alex Smith Janne Salmijarvi Norm MeluchAndreas Dorn Jean-Christophe Collet Olaf Seibert
Andy Church Jeff Bailey Pasi KallinenAndy Swanson Jochen Erwied Pat RankinAndy Thomson John Kallen Patric MuellerAri Huttunen John Rupley Paul Winner
Bart House John S. Bien Pierre MartineauBenson I. Margulies Johnny Lee Ralf Brown
Chris Russo Ken Arnold Robin Johnson
David Cohrs Ken Arromdee Roderick SchertlerDavid Damerell Ken Lorber Roland McGrathDavid Gentzel Ken Washikita Ron Van IwaardenDavid Hairston Kevin Darcy Ronnen Miller
Dean Luick Kevin Hugo Ross Brown
Eric Backus M. Drew Streib Stefan ThielscherEric Hendrickson Malcolm Ryan Stephen WhiteEric R. Smith Mark Gooderum Steve CrepsEric S. Raymond Mark Modrall Steve LinhartErik Andersen Marvin Bressler Steve VanDevenderFredrik Ljungdahl Matthew Day Teemu SuikkiFrederick Roeber Merlyn LeRoy Tim Lennan
Gil Neiger Michael Allison Timo Hakulinen
Greg Laskin Michael Feir Tom Almy
Greg Olson Michael Hamel Tom WestGregg Wonderly Michael Sokolov Warren CheungHao-yang Wang Mike Engber Warwick AllisonHelge Hafting Mike Gallop Yitzhak SapirIrina Rempt-Drijfhout Mike PassarettiIzchak Miller Mike Stephenson
Adam Aronow J. Ali Harlow Mikko Juola
Alex Kompel Janet Walz Nathan Eady
Alex Smith Janne Salmijarvi Norm MeluchAndreas Dorn Jean-Christophe Collet Olaf Seibert
Andy Church Jeff Bailey Pasi KallinenAndy Swanson Jochen Erwied Pat RankinAndy Thomson John Kallen Patric MuellerAri Huttunen John Rupley Paul Winner
Bart House John S. Bien Pierre MartineauBenson I. Margulies Johnny Lee Ralf Brown
Bill Dyer Jon W{tte Ray Chason
Boudewijn Waijers Jonathan Handler Richard AddisonBruce Cox Joshua Delahunty Richard Beigel
Bruce Holloway Karl Garrison Richard P. HugheyBruce Mewborne Keizo Yamamoto Rob MenkeCarl Schelin Keith Simpson Robin BandyChris Russo Ken Arnold Robin Johnson
David Cohrs Ken Arromdee Roderick SchertlerDavid Damerell Ken Lorber Roland McGrathDavid Gentzel Ken Washikita Ron Van IwaardenDavid Hairston Kevin Darcy Ronnen Miller
Dean Luick Kevin Hugo Ross Brown
Del Lamb Kevin Sitze Sascha Wostmann
Derek S. Ray Kevin Smolkowski Scott BighamDeron Meranda Kevin Sweet Scott R. TurnerDion Nicolaas Lars Huttar Sean HuntDylan O'Donnell Leon Arnott Stephen SpackmanEric Backus M. Drew Streib Stefan ThielscherEric Hendrickson Malcolm Ryan Stephen WhiteEric R. Smith Mark Gooderum Steve CrepsEric S. Raymond Mark Modrall Steve LinhartErik Andersen Marvin Bressler Steve VanDevenderFredrik Ljungdahl Matthew Day Teemu SuikkiFrederick Roeber Merlyn LeRoy Tim Lennan
Gil Neiger Michael Allison Timo Hakulinen
Greg Laskin Michael Feir Tom Almy
Greg Olson Michael Hamel Tom WestGregg Wonderly Michael Sokolov Warren CheungHao-yang Wang Mike Engber Warwick AllisonHelge Hafting Mike Gallop Yitzhak SapirIrina Rempt-Drijfhout Mike PassarettiIzchak Miller Mike Stephenson
Brand and product names are trademarks or registered trade-
marks of their respective holders.
[1] 원문에서는 Priests and Priestesses로 남사제와 여사제를 구분하지만, 한국어의 언어 특성 상 사제로 통일했습니다.[2] 해외에서는 이를 80/24 rule이라고 부르는데, 왜 하필 80칸이냐면 터미널에서 한 줄을 의미하는 IBM 펀치카드가 80개의 문자를 표시했기 때문. 24줄은 당시 DEC가 VT50과 VT05 터미널을 공개했을 당시 디스플레이 RAM이 1KB였기 때문에 최대치인 12줄이었는데, 후속 부품인 VT52와 VT100에서는 이것의 2배가 됨으로써 24줄로 늘어나게 된 것. 여담으로 이를 최초로 지원한 기기는 1983년에 출시된 애플 lle. 자세한 사항은 http://exple.tive.org/blarg/2019/10/23/80x25/를 참고할 것.