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1. Volume 6
RWBY/주제가1.1. Rising
Stay close, move fast 흩어지지 말고, 재빨리 움직여 The darkness cannot last 어둠은 오래 가지 않아 No hope, No path 희망도, 길도 잃었지만 But we've got a dream to catch 아직 이뤄야할 꿈이 있잖아 And we cannot wait 더 이상 기다릴 순 없어 Trust the way we're made 우리 그대로의 모습을 믿어 봐 The sparrow's born to fly 새는 날기위해 태어났듯 The mountains tower 산은 우뚝 서있듯 The river knows to reach the sea 강이 스스로 바다로 흘러가듯 Rain will help the flowers be 비가 꽃을 피우듯 We're the same, you and me 너와 나도 마찬가지야 The lightning doesn't take advice from anyone 번개는 누구의 충고도 듣지 않고 The willow doesn't need to learn to stand 나무는 서는 방법을 배우지 않아 As sun seeks day 해가 날을 찾아내듯 We'll find our way 우리도 길을 찾아내서 And we'll catch the dream together someday soon 어느날 곧 함께 꿈을 이루고 말 거야 We're rising like the moon 우린 달처럼 떠오를 거야 Stand firm, outlast 굳건히 서서 버텨내야 해 We won't be beaten by the past 우린 과거에 지지 않아 One goal, one pact 하나의 목표, 하나의 약속 Looking forward, never back 돌아보지 않고 나아가는 것 And we're on our way 우리는 우리의 길을 나아가고 있어 Love's the choice we made 사랑은 우리가 선택한 것 We're looking to the sky 우리가 하늘을 바라보면 The light will guide us 빛이 우릴 인도할거야 A rose will grow to be a sea 장미가 자라 바다를 이루고 From every life another leads 각자의 생명이 스스로의 길을 가듯 Born the way, we're meant to be 우리는 처음부터 그렇게 태어난 거야 The sky is turning black 하늘은 검게 물들고 Light is fading fast 빛은 빠르게 꺼져가지만 But we don't surrender 우린 굴하지 않아 Shattering the night 밤을 깨트리고 Radiant and bright 눈부시게 빛나네 Our might is splendor 우리의 위대한 힘으로 Shining forever 영원히 빛나리라 We are paragons of virtue and glory 우리는 미덕과 영광의 화신 Death can't bind our endless story 죽음조차도 우리의 끝없는 이야기를 묶어두지 못해 Infinite and unbound 영원하고 자유롭게 The lightning doesn't take advice from anyone 번개는 누구의 충고도 듣지 않고 The willow doesn't need to learn to stand 나무는 서는 방법을 배우지 않아 As sun seeks day 해가 날을 찾아내듯 We'll find our way 우리도 길을 찾아내서 And we'll catch the dream together someday soon 어느날 곧 함께 꿈을 이루고 말 거야 We're rising like the moon 우린 달처럼 떠오를 거야 |
- 볼륨 6의 오프닝곡이다.
- 볼륨 6에서 주요 등장인물들이 다시 모여서 활동하지만 촉박하고 절망적인 상황에 빠지게 된다. 그 와중에도 희망을 놓지 않고 나아가겠다는 내용의 곡이다.
1.2. Lionized
Taunted and tortured Insulted and reviled In thrall to human overlords Since I was a child Surrounded by weaklings Pathetic and oppressed Satisfied to gnaw on scraps Afraid to leave the nest Won't apologize for Retribution Punishment is Well-deserved Subjugate, humiliate us Rob us of our pride Watch them fall as I am glorified You'll see I'm their hero I'll be lionized I have the strength to do what's needed Unify our people with no compromise Champion the truth until they recognize Lead them to salvation and regain our lives Behold your flaccid leaders Too weak to take the prize Replace them with a warrior It's time we mobilize Depose the feeble cowards Heed this battle cry Vengeance on the human filth The time is now we rise Won't accept a life of Destitution Suffering is over soon Terminate, annihilate Our enemies must die Destroy them all while I am glorified I'm here I'm your savior I'll be lionized I am the path to reclamation This world will have no peace til our dream's realized No mercy no compassion our fate's justified Time to turn the table on who's tyrannized |
- RWBY 볼륨 6 아담 캐릭터 쇼트에 등장한 아담 타우러스의 테마곡. 가사에서 아담의 야망을 엿볼 수 있다.
- 제목과는 다르게 아담은 소 수인이다.
1.3. Miracle
Time and time again it seems We've reached the point where all our dreams 우리가 기대하던 곳에 다다를 때마다 Are crumbling all around us 전부 잘못되는 것 같아 Every outcome unjust 결과는 항상 부당하지 Every step it seems has led 우리가 발걸음을 옮길때마다 Us further from our goal instead 끝에서는 멀어지고 있어 Our triumphs haven't mattered 승리는 의미가 없고 We're drifting ever backward 계속 뒷걸음만 치고 있네 And we're running out of time 시간은 흘러만 가는데 Nowhere near the finish line 해답을 찾을 수가 없어 And it's growing ever clear 점점 선명해지는 That a reckoning is near 심판의 시간 And we'll have to make a choice 우린 선택해야만해 Is this path right? 이게 옳은 길일까? Or is it made of lies? 아니면 거짓된 길인가? We're looking in ourselves 우리들을 돌아보며 And trusting in the light 빛을 따라가고 있어 A miracle is all we need 우리에게 필요한 건 기적뿐 But there isn't one in sight 하지만 아직 보이질 않아 Each and every passing day 하루하루를 보낼때마다 Our world's in further disarray 세상은 더 혼란해지고 Confidence descending 확신은 사라져가지 Where's our happy ending? 해피엔딩은 언제쯤 올까? On the path but still we strayed 길을 따라가도 계속 해매고 있어 Our aspirations quickly fade 열망은 사라지고 Desperation's risin' 절망만이 따라오네 On hopeless bleak horizons 희망없는 지평선 위에서 Every life is on the line 모든 생명이 위험한데 Can't wait here for a sign 때를 기다릴수만은 없어 And just like the blood that's shed 피가 흘러가듯 Every cancer's sure to spread 악은 퍼져만 가는데 And the time to act is short 막을 시간은 너무 짧아 We know inside 우린 알고 있어 We're born to do what's right 우린 옳은 일을 하려고 태어났단걸 Desire to preserve life 생명을 지키려는 욕망으로 Is powering the light 우리는 살아가지 We're praying for a miracle 기적만을 빌면서도 But for now we'll stand and fight 일단은 싸워 버티고 있을뿐 Every plan falls apart 계획은 모두 무너지고 All of it pointless 어떤 것도 의미가 없네 Nothing gained, all in vain 전부 헛되어 얻은 것 없이 Going down 떨어지는구나 Under stage, sinking fast 무대 아래로 가라앉아 Crumbling quickly 산산히 부서지네 Fear and shame, endless pain 두려움과 굴욕, 끝없는 고통으로 Floundering 허우적대네 No hope 희망은 없고 Abominations all around us 주변은 흉물들로 가득하니 Blinding 눈은 멀고 Destroying every hope for justice 정의를 향한 소망은 깨져버렸지만 Still, we climb 우리는 넘어서리라 Till we die 우리가 죽는 날까지 Our faith will be revived 우리의 신념은 되살아나리 The way to see the light 빛을 향한 길로 And our miracle(Miracle) 우리의 기적이 Is waiting for us 우릴 기다려 And i swear it showed up out of thin air 맹세컨대 어디선가 갑자기 나타난 Our miracle 우리의 기적이 Right in front of our eyes 우리의 눈 앞에 있어 |
- 볼륨 6 챕터 1의 기차위 전투씬에서 나왔던 곡이다.
- 현재 상황이 어떤지 파악하고 방황하는 등장인물들에게 기적이 필요해 기도하지만 일단은 싸우고 버틴다는 내용의 곡이다.
1.4. One Thing
Kill for kill 죽임엔 죽임으로 Eye for eye 눈에는 눈으로 Blood for blood 피에는 피로 it’s time to die 이제 죽을 때야 Retribution tastes so sweet 복수는 달콤할 거야 Gone’s the life that he gave 그가 준 삶은 사라졌고 Now revenge is all I crave 이제 내게 남은건 원한뿐이야 Retaliation's soon complete 복수는 곧 끝날 거야 I was nowhere 나는 있을곳도 I had no one 함께할 사람도 I felt nothing 감정마저 없었어 Lost without a voice and on my own 나 자신마저 조용히 잃어가고 있었지 Then a candle's flame, brought a brand new name 그때 나타난 촛불이 내게 새로운 이름을 주었어 But now you’ve stolen everything 하지만 네가 모든걸 앗아갔지 And I’m all alone 나는 완전히 외톨이야 I had one thing 내겐 하나밖에 없었어 And you’ve taken it from me 그리고 그걸 너에게 빼앗겼지 A single light, a single friend 단 하나의 빛, 단 하나의 친구 But you’ve made that end 그걸 네가 끝장낸거야 There was one thing to help escape the misery 그건 날 불행에서 벗어나게 해준 하나뿐인 것이었어 And now it’s all disarrayed 그리고 이젠 엉망이 됐지 You took my whole life away 넌 내 삶의 전부를 빼앗은거야 You sent me back to nothing 네가 날 아무것도 없을때로 되돌렸으니 now you’ll pay 이제 값을 치를 때야 Pay Life for life 삶에는 삶으로 Death for death 죽음엔 죽음으로 Tit for tat 협력에서 배신까지 Just one last breath 딱 한 숨 남았어 Absolution’s nowhere near 어느 곳에서도 용서받지 못해 Cue the scene 그 때가 기대돼 Now it’s time, reparation for your crime 때가 되면, 너의 죄를 돌려받고 Atonement day is finally here 속죄할 날이 마침내 오겠지 I had waited for this meeting 난 너와 만나길 기다렸어 For this moment 바로 이 순간을 위해 Dreamed about the day I’d make you crawl 널 바닥에 기게 만들 날만을 꿈꾸면서 What a sweet release 이 얼마나 달콤한 해방감이니 When you Rest In Peace 이제 눈을 감을 때야 Vengeance, justice, finally mine 복수도, 정의도, 마침내 나의 것이니 And I’ll watch you fall 네가 쓰러지는 것을 지켜볼거야 I had one thing 내겐 하나밖에 없었어 And you’ve taken it from me 그리고 그걸 너에게 빼앗겼지 A single light a single friend 단 하나의 빛, 단 하나의 친구 But you’ve made that end 그걸 네가 끝장낸 거야 There was one thing to help escape the misery 그건 날 불행에서 벗어나게 해준 하나뿐인 것이었어 And now it’s all disarrayed 그리고 이젠 엉망이 됐지 You took my whole life away 넌 내 삶의 전부를 빼앗은거야 You sent me back to nothing now you’ll pay the price 네가 날 아무것도 없을때로 되돌렸으니 이제 그 죗값을 치를 때야 You destroyed my life 넌 내 삶을 박살냈어 After years of suffering 긴 고통의 시간 끝에 Finally had a place to go 마침내 갈 곳을 찾았는데 But not anymore 더이상 아니게 됐어 And now it’s war 이젠 전쟁이야 And I won’t make peace 난 평화따윈 원하지 않아 Till I get what I came for 내가 원하는 것을 얻을 때까지 I had one thing 내겐 하나밖에 없었어 And you’ve taken it from me 그리고 그걸 너에게 빼앗겼지 A single light, a single friend 단 하나의 빛, 단 하나의 친구 But you’ve made that end 그걸 네가 끝장낸 거야 There was one thing To help escape the misery 그건 날 불행에서 벗어나게 해준 유일한 것이었어 And now it’s all disarrayed 그리고 이젠 엉망이 됐지 You took my whole life away 넌 내 삶의 전부를 빼앗은 거야 You sent me back to nothing 네가 날 아무것도 없을때로 되돌렸으니 Now you’ll pay 이제 값을 치를 때야 You’ll pay 값을 치를 때야 |
- 볼륨 6 5화에서 등장한 네오폴리탄의 테마곡.
- 네오의 복수심이 잘 드러나는 곡이다.
1.5. Forever Fall
Once like a dream You looked at me And everything Felt new Some people fall in love for life Others never get it right Love's fickle when it calls one thing that I know for sure Longer than our lives endure You're my Forever fall |
- 볼륨 6 챕터 9에서 존이 바람에 날려가는 단풍잎을 봤을 때부터 나온 곡이다.
1.6. Big Metal Shoe
Check you out In your big metal shoe Fighting so many kids Don't know what to do You've got some heavy metal But big ain't bad This little red riding hood's Just way too rad Mirror mirror Who will lose it all? Soundly whip those children Or your cradle's gonna fall Cuz I'm alive Like a puppet with a heartbeat I'm on fire And I'm flying off the dope sheet You're gonna wind Up like that robin at your last tweet You're heading for a fall And you're nearing the end Like a house made of straw No one's putting you together again |
- 볼륨 6 챕터 11에서 코도빈을 상대하기 위해 작전을 짜고 공격할 때 부터 노라의 공격이 막힐 때까지 나오는 곡이다.
1.7. Indomitable
I met a man He had a dream I tried to understand but nothing was what it seemed Sometimes That's how gods roll We'd sit for hours He'd share his plans To build a universe and make every part by hand A big scheme With an infinite goal So I would watch and listen and try to learn As the pieces and bits became whole But there was more going on than the work at hand What I learned had to do with the strength of the soul There's a light that shines And its power is mine Though our body's weak and breakable The spirit is indomitable So step by step And frame by frame A world created Its map fashioned from a stain Just dream big Then work 'til it grows I learned this lesson We can evolve Achieving anything as long as our heart's resolved Believing Will make it so Though our lives are limited by years on Earth Our dreams won't be bound inside The goal's not to live forever Cuz eternity loves the creations of time There's a light that shines And its power is mine Though our body's weak and breakable The spirit is indomitable Don't be afraid Get up, get going, a step every day I'll meet you there When we strive, we transcend Even death cannot end our climb I wasn't ready You can't prepare For the unthinkable for something that's so unfair It's cruel, but that's how life goes But through the sadness Thousands of tears We see his message, sparkling and crystal clear Our work is larger than we know There's a light that shines And its power is mine Though our body's weak and breakable The spirit is indomitable |
- 볼륨 6 챕터 13에서 루비가 레비아탄을 상대로 은안을 쓸 때 나왔던 곡이다.
- 몸이 부서져도 정신은 살아있다는 루비의 강한 의지와 본격적으로 은안을 쓴다는 암시인 듯 하다.
- 몬티 움의 어머니의 타계 1년후 몬티의 트위트를 참고하고[1] 제작진들의 몬티에 대한 감정을 석어서 만든 가사다
1.8. Nevermore
Nevermore Nevermore Will I be afraid Nor will I run away It's behind me Freedom is finally here You may have taken the lead but I'll even the score You won the battle you won't win the war Not now and Nevermore You talked of subjugation I answered your violent plea Youth and infatuation Kept me too blind to see You think you're someone's hero You're hiding more than your eyes I challenge your weak manifesto The goal of a savior is not to be lionized Back when it started I thought that justice was your goal Then in the darkness You lost your mind I lost my soul That's in the past and I won't be controlled Nevermore Nevermore You'll torture my heart and my head Nevermore Nevermore Will I be afraid Nor will I run away It's behind me Freedom is finally here You may have taken the lead but I'll even the score You won the battle you won't win the war Not now and Nevermore You had me down, defeated A state that I can't allow It's over, my fear's retreated I'm more like an army now You offered hope, salvation Gave me a place to be But your vision of liberation Was all about you It would never apply to me I won't stay a martyr It's my turn to take back what you stole And this time I'm smarter I made a vow I'm not alone Not dying now we're protecting our own Nevermore Nevermore You'll torture my heart and my head Nevermore Nevermore Will I be afraid Nor will I run away It's behind me Freedom is finally here You may have taken the lead but I'll even the score You won the battle you won't win the war Not now and Nevermore There's no cause to celebrate Another soul consumed by hate and spite Another destroyed life There's no pleasure, there's no joy It's just a story of a boy who lost his way Into shadows strayed He'll see the light of day Nevermore Nevermore You'll torture my heart and my head Nevermore Nevermore Will I be afraid Nor will I run away It's behind me Freedom is finally here You may have taken the lead but I'll even the score You won the battle you won't win the war Not now and Nevermore |
- 볼륨 6 마지막 화의 엔딩곡이다.
2. 그 외
- RWBY/주제가/Volume 1
- RWBY/주제가/Volume 2
- RWBY/주제가/Volume 3
- RWBY/주제가/Volume 4
- RWBY/주제가/Volume 5
- RWBY/주제가/Volume 7
[1] "I believe that the human spirit is indomitable. If you endeavor to achieve, it will happen given enough resolve. It may not be immediate, and often your greater dreams is something you will not achieve within your own lifetime. The effort you put forth to anything transcends yourself, for there is no futility even in death." https://web.archive.org/web/20180928220018/http://montyoum.net/archives/602
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