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1. 개요
The Education University of Hong Kong
1994년에 홍콩교육대학의 전신인 홍콩교육원 (Hong Kong Institute of Education)이 건립되고 2016년 부터는 홍콩자치정부의 지원을 받는 팔대(八大)에 이름을 올렸다. 교육 분야 2016년 QS평가기관에서 교육부문 세계 12위, 아시아 2위의 타이틀을 차지하였다. Tai Po에 위치해 있긴 하나 Tai Po Market 지하철역에선 매우 멀어서 학교에서 따로 학생 및 교직원들만 이용이 가능한 학교 셔틀버스 또는 74K번 버스를 운영한다.
2. 구성
Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (FLASS)Department of Asian and Policy Studies (APS)
Department of Cultural and Creative Arts (CCA)
Department of Health and Physical Education (HPE)
Department of Mathematics and Information Technology (MIT)
Department of Science and Environmental Studies (SES)
Department of Social Sciences (SSC)
Unit of Associate Degree Studies (ADS)
Faculty of Education and Human Development (FEHD)
Department of Curriculum and Instruction (C&I)
Department of Early Childhood Education (ECE)
Department of Education Policy and Leadership (EPL)
Department of International Education and Lifelong Learning (IELL)
Department of Psychology (PS)
Department of Special Education and Counselling (SEC)
Faculty of Humanities (FHM)
Centre for Language in Education (CLE)
Department of Chinese Language Studies (CHL)
Department of English Language Education (ELE)
Department of Linguistics and Modern Language Studies (LML)
Department of Literature and Cultural Studies (LCS)