3.5 삽화 |
4판 삽화 |
5판 삽화 |
1. 개요
그레이 렌더는 던전 앤 드래곤 시리즈에 등장하는 몬스터이며 거대한 회색 매지컬 비스트이다.2. 던전 앤 드래곤 시리즈
2.1. 3.5
그레이 렌더(Gray Render)크기/유형(Size/Type): | 거대형(Large) 매지컬 비스트(Magical Beast) |
생명점 주사위(Hit Dice): | 10d10+70 (125 hp) |
우선권(Initiative): | +0 |
속도(Speed): | ? 피트(ft). (? 제곱(squares)) |
방어도(Armor Class): | ?? (? 크기(size), ? 민첩성(Dex), ? 자연적(natural)), 무방비(Flat-Footed) ? |
기본 공격/드잡이(Base Attack/Grapple): | +10/+20 |
공격(Attack): | 한글명칭(English) |
전력 공격(Full Attack): | 한글명칭(English) |
공간 범위/도달 범위(Space/Reach): | 한글명칭(English) |
특수능력(Special Attacks): | 한글명칭(English) |
특성(Special Qualities): | (한글명칭(English) |
내성굴림(Saves): | 인내/체질(Fort) +14, 반사(Ref) +7, 의지(Will) +4 |
능력치(Abilities): | 근력(Str) 23, 민첩성(Dex) 10, 건강(Con)24, 지능(Int) 3, 지혜/통찰(Wis) 12, 매력/존재력(Cha) 8 |
기술(Skills): | 한글명칭(English) |
재주(Feats): | 한글명칭(English) |
환경(Environment): | 한글명칭(English) |
조직(Organization): | 단독 또는 무리(Solitary or flock) (?-?) |
도전 지수(Challenge Rating): | 8 |
보물: | |
성향: | 대개(Usually) 중립 |
발전(Advancement): | 11-15 HD (거대형(Large)); 16-30 HD (거대형(Huge)) |
레벨 보정 페널티(Level Adjustment): | +5 (cohort) |
Gray renders are never found in groups. Each of these asexual creatures produces one offspring and carries it for a time in a pouch, but thereafter the young render must fend for itself.
A unique quality of the gray render is its tendency to bond with, protect, and provide for another creature (or group of creatures) native to its surroundings. Whether accepted or not, the render always attempts to remain fairly close, watching over its adopted charge(s) and daily bringing an offering of meat. It never willingly harms adopted creatures and retreats if they attack it.
A gray render attacks to kill, whether to bring down prey or to protect itself or those it has adopted. When hunting, it sometimes attempts to hide and wait for prey to wander close.
Improved Grab (Ex)
To use this ability, a gray render must hit with its bite attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity.
Rend (Ex)
A gray render that wins a grapple check after a successful bite attack establishes a hold, latching onto the opponent’s body and tearing the flesh. This attack automatically deals 2d6+9 points of damage.
Gray renders have a +4 racial bonus on Spot checks due to their six keen eyes.
출처: | OGL SRD 3.5 |