1. 개요
1. 개요2. Tutorial3. Act 1
3.1. Town of Inoya3.2. Outskirts of Inoya3.3. Fields of Battle3.4. Witching River3.5. The Pumpkin Patch3.6. Woodhill Plains3.7. Village of Lamia3.8. King's Garden3.9. Northern Post3.10. Old Mausoleum3.11. Kings Tomb3.12. King's Throne3.13. 보스 구라그
4. Act 24.1. Danethorpe4.2. Crystal Village4.3. Chilling Lake4.4. Arctic Tundra4.5. Snowy Mountains4.6. The Glacial Trail4.7. Chilling Cavern4.8. Freezing Steppes4.9. Chamber of Ice4.10. Deaths Breach4.11. 보스 사신
5. Act 35.1. Village of Mos'Arathim5.2. Corrupted Oasis5.3. Dry Hills5.4. Mos'Arathim Desert5.5. Pyramid Level 15.6. Pyramid Level 25.7. Sewers of MosArathim5.8. Ras Labyrinth5.9. Tomb of Ancients5.10. Tomb of the Fallen King5.11. 보스 아누비스
6. Act 46.1. Dhorn Farum6.2. Old Mining Village6.3. The Highland Mines6.4. Corrupted Cave6.5. The Nightmare6.6. The Devil's Breach6.7. Lair of Corruption6.8. Maze of Shadows6.9. Chamber of Burning Souls6.10. Altar of Lost Souls6.11. 보스 데미안
7. Act 57.1. Shujo Retreat7.2. Mt. Fuji7.3. Misty Swamp7.4. Fuji Coast7.5. Sea of Karponia7.6. Temple of Zamjo7.7. Temple of Fishes7.8. Underground Trench7.9. The Sacred Temple7.10. Emperors Chamber7.11. 보스 카르프왕
8. Act 68.1. Dawn's Chapel8.2. Highland Graveyard8.3. The Cathedral8.4. Prison Dungeon8.5. Steam Train8.6. The Depths of Hell8.7. Hollowing Sanctuary8.8. Sacrilegious Chappel8.9. Pathway to Hell8.10. Seventh Layer of Hell8.11. 보스 사탄
9. Act 79.1. Astral Encampment9.2. Deep Space9.3. Event Horizon9.4. The Black Hole9.5. Parallel Dimension9.6. Subconscious Mind9.7. The Void9.8. Pathway of Souls9.9. The Waiting Room9.10. The Verge of Insanity9.11. Memory of Mevius9.12. 보스 뫼비우스
10. Act 82. Tutorial
River of Inoya3. Act 1
3.1. Town of Inoya
분해 조합 웜홀 우편함을 이용할 수 있다
용사 용병을 고용할 수 있다
5시 방향에서 액트 8로 이동할 수 있다
3.2. Outskirts of Inoya
3.3. Fields of Battle
3.4. Witching River
3.5. The Pumpkin Patch
3.6. Woodhill Plains
3.7. Village of Lamia
3.8. King's Garden
3.9. Northern Post
3.10. Old Mausoleum
3.11. Kings Tomb
3.12. King's Throne
3.13. 보스 구라그
4. Act 2
4.1. Danethorpe
길드 창립이 가능하며 길드 창고 이용이 가능하다
4.2. Crystal Village
4.3. Chilling Lake
4.4. Arctic Tundra
4.5. Snowy Mountains
4.6. The Glacial Trail
4.7. Chilling Cavern
4.8. Freezing Steppes
4.9. Chamber of Ice
4.10. Deaths Breach
4.11. 보스 사신
5. Act 3
5.1. Village of Mos'Arathim
12시 방향에서 거래소를 이용할 수 있으며
궁수 용병을 고용 가능하다
5.2. Corrupted Oasis
5.3. Dry Hills
5.4. Mos'Arathim Desert
5.5. Pyramid Level 1
5.6. Pyramid Level 2
5.7. Sewers of MosArathim
5.8. Ras Labyrinth
5.9. Tomb of Ancients
5.10. Tomb of the Fallen King
5.11. 보스 아누비스
6. Act 4
6.1. Dhorn Farum
분해기를 이용 가능하다
6.2. Old Mining Village
6.3. The Highland Mines
6.4. Corrupted Cave
6.5. The Nightmare
6.6. The Devil's Breach
6.7. Lair of Corruption
6.8. Maze of Shadows
6.9. Chamber of Burning Souls
6.10. Altar of Lost Souls
6.11. 보스 데미안
7. Act 5
7.1. Shujo Retreat
7.2. Mt. Fuji
7.3. Misty Swamp
7.4. Fuji Coast
7.5. Sea of Karponia
7.6. Temple of Zamjo
7.7. Temple of Fishes
7.8. Underground Trench
7.9. The Sacred Temple
7.10. Emperors Chamber
7.11. 보스 카르프왕
8. Act 6
8.1. Dawn's Chapel
루비키와 엔젤릭 키를 이용 가능하며
마법사 용병을 고용 가능하다
8.2. Highland Graveyard
8.3. The Cathedral
8.4. Prison Dungeon
8.5. Steam Train
8.6. The Depths of Hell
8.7. Hollowing Sanctuary
8.8. Sacrilegious Chappel
8.9. Pathway to Hell
8.10. Seventh Layer of Hell
8.11. 보스 사탄
9. Act 7
9.1. Astral Encampment
비프로스트 키를 이용 가능하다
9.2. Deep Space
9.3. Event Horizon
9.4. The Black Hole
9.5. Parallel Dimension
9.6. Subconscious Mind
9.7. The Void
9.8. Pathway of Souls
9.9. The Waiting Room
9.10. The Verge of Insanity
9.11. Memory of Mevius
9.12. 보스 뫼비우스
10. Act 8
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