1. 개요
콜리세움에서 어느 레벨의 드래곤이든 싸울 수 있게 단계별로 나뉜 구역들로 수준에 맞는 곳부터 시작해 경험치를 쌓아가면 된다. 단, 현재 레벨보다 너무 낮은 구역에서 싸우면 경험치가 주어지지 않으니 유의할 것. 수준이 높아질 수록 경험치도 많아지지만 무턱대고 준비가 안된 상태에서 고레벨 구역에 갔다간 처참하게 발릴 게 뻔하니 기나긴 레벨 올리기를 견딜 인내심도 필요하다. 물론 레벨 25짜리가 두 마리라도 나오면 높은 레벨 구역에 가도 어찌어찌 살아남으니 나머지 드래곤들의 레벨 올리기는 매우 순탄해진다.구역마다 등장하는 몹들이 각양각색이지만 어떤 구역들에선 중복되기도 한다. 보통 한 디자인이 두 가지 색상으로 나오는 방식인데 몹들을 처치하면 다양한 아이템을 얻을 뿐만 아니라 낮은 확률로 해당 몹을 패밀리어로 받을 수 있다. 요즘 구역에다 보스몹을 둘씩 추가하는게 추세인데 이들은 패밀리어로 얻기가 매우 어렵다. 비슷한 확률로 각 몹의 디자인을 기반으로 한 스킨이나 악센트도 얻을 수 있다.
2. 전략
일단 모든 몹들은 속성이 있거나 무속성이다. 이를 외워서 그에 유리한 속성의 공격을 이용한다면 배틀은 몇 분밖에 걸리지 않는다. 수준이 맞다는 전제 하에선 플레이어가 선공격을 할 수 있으며 적과 번갈아가며 팀의 순서도 돌아간다. 가끔 이상한 애들이 순서가 빠를 때도 있으니 주의할 것. 저레벨 구역에선 몹 2마리로 이루어져 있는 파티들이 존재하지만 올라갈수록 없어져 기본인 3마리 파티가 자리잡고 있다. 간혹 4마리 파티도 출몰하나 스탯이랑 스톤들을 잘 활용하면 거뜬히 넘어갈 수 있다.드래곤들의 속성에 유리한 적이라면 우선순위로 처치하는 것이 좋으며 딜러 몹들은 첫 공격으로 Scratch나 Sap를 시전하니 빨리 없애는 것이 좋다. 메이지 몹들은 Meditate를 먼저 할 수밖에 없으니 쉬는 턴이라 생각해도 좋지만 속성상 우위에 있다면 다음 순서에 마법공격으로 초토화시킬 가능성이 있으니 신경써야 한다. 무속성 몹들은 무난하니 딜러가 아니라면 처치 순서는 별로 상관 없다.
고레벨 구역에선 가끔 보스몹들이 단독으로 나타나는데 이들은 체력과 힘이 엄청나서 레벨로 더 강하지 않다면 있는걸 다 쏟아부을 각오를 해야 한다. 힐러들은 브레스를 아끼기 위해 유리한 속성이 아니면 브레스를 보충하거나 딜러들의 체력이 심각한 정도일 때 회복해줄 것.
3. 구역
3.1. Training Fields
몬스터 | 아이템 | 몬스터 | 아이템 |
Amaranth Moth (딜러) | Pollen Reverse Silkworm Moth Wasteland Pauper Amaranth Crate Amaranth Moth | Leafy Moth (딜러) | Sticky Pollen False Leaf White Cabbage Butterfly Leafy Moth |
Bumble (메이지) | Honeycomb Fragment White Lace Honeybee Beeswax Bumble | Coral Carpenter (메이지) | Blue Honeycomb Perdita Bee Carpenter Wax Coral Carpenter |
Ruby Webwing (딜러) | Tiny Feathers Delicate Bat Wing Serrated Beak Ruby-Throated Hummingbird Ruby Webwing Crate Ruby Webwing | Emerald Webwing (딜러) | Tiny Feathers Delicate Bat Wing Jagged Beak White-Eared Hummingbird Emerald Webwing Crate Emerald Webwing |
Death's Head Stag (메이지) | Fragile Moth Wings Herdbeast Hoof Rotting Leather Fragile Antler Dwarf Fawn Death Head Crate Death's Head Stag | Crimson Emperor (메이지) | Herdbeast Hoof Rotting Leather Hardy Antler Micro Deer Crimson Emperor Crate Crimson Emperor |
Ember Mouse (메이지) | Roan Mouse Firestarter Ember Mouse | Glowing Pocket Mouse (메이지) | Sun Flecked Fieldmouse Glowing Pocket Bauble Glowing Pocket Mouse |
Dark Sparrowmouse (딜러) | Black Tulip Shadowmist Oysters Dark-Tufted Featherduster Brightly Painted Bird Toy Dark-Tufted Sparrowmouse | Yellow Sparrowmouse (딜러) | Yellow-Tinged Featherduster Cheerful Bird Toy Yellow-Throated Sparrowmouse |
Luna Mith (메이지) | Fragile Moth Wings Cruncy Moth Legs Meal Moth Luna Mith |
레어 드롭 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ice Runestone | Plague Runestone | Shadow Runestone | Bloodscale Shoulder Guards | Bloodscale Wing Guard | Blue and Green Flair Scarf | Cleaver | Dented Iron Boots | Dented Iron Pauldrons | Gold Steampunk Spats | Heatherbed Lily | Navy Tail Wrap | Pretty Buttercup Neck Bow | Shabby Waistcoat | Tropical Birdskull Headdress | Blazing Slash | Bolster | Boulder Bolt | Bright Bolt | Clobber | Concentration | Contuse | Disorient | Eliminate | Enfeeble | Envenom | Freezing Slash | Frigid Bolt | Haste | Leaf Bolt | Rally | Reflect | Regeneration | Shock Bolt | Shroud | Ward | Wave Slash | Ambush | Meditate | Minor Health Potion | Furry Icewarden Puppet | Silver Pocketwatch | Broadleaf Pack | Leafy Pack | Canvas Sack | Unhatched Arcane Egg | Unhatched Earth Egg | Unhatched Fire Egg | Unhatched Ice Egg | Unhatched Light Egg | Unhatched Lightning Egg | Unhatched Plague Egg | Unhatched Water Egg | Remove Gene: Primary | Scroll of Renaming | Vista: Training Fields |
3.2. Woodland Path
몬스터 | 아이템 | 몬스터 | 아이템 |
Autumn Dryad (메이지) | Highland Dryleaf Daddy Longlegs Red Maple Leaf Autumn Dryad | Dryad (메이지) | Clover Harvestman Maple Leaf Dryad |
Basilisk (딜러) | Maggot Meaty Bat Wing Basilisk Feather Fan Game Fowl Basilisk Crate Basilisk | Cockatrice (딜러) | Thunder Scarab Delicate Bat Wing Decorative Feather Fan Forestpath Rooster Cockatrice Crate Cockatrice |
Blooming Strangler (딜러) | Blooming Pods Dust Slither Blooming Vine Sand Blooming Crate Blooming Strangler | Strangler (딜러) | Strangler Seeds Emerald Ratsnake Strangling Vine Jungle Grass Strangler Crate Strangler |
Bluefin Charger (딜러) | Herdbeast Hoof Snowflake Urchin Bluefin Charger Fin River Wiggler Bluefin Crate Bluefin Charger | Clown Charger (딜러) | Herdbeast Hoof Pincushion Urchin Clown Charger Fin Vampire Eel Clown Charger |
Coral Basilisk (딜러) | Coral Grouse Coral Basilisk Field Notes Coral Basilisk | Grouse Basilisk (딜러) | Grouse Grouse Basilisk Field Notes Grouse Basilisk |
Death's Head Stag (메이지) | Fragile Moth Wings Herdbeast Hoof Rotting Leather Fragile Antler Dwarf Fawn Death Head Crate Death's Head Stag | Crimson Emperor (메이지) | Herdbeast Hoof Rotting Leather Hardy Antler Micro Deer Crimson Emperor Crate Crimson Emperor |
Greenroot Janustrap (메이지) | Venus Flytrap 파일:external/vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/Strangling_Root.png Strangling Root Greenroot Janustrap | Janustrap (메이지) | Flycatcher Janustrap Root Janustrap |
Sakura Owl (딜러) | Tiny Feathers Java Sparrow Sakura Moss Sakura Owlet Sakura Owl | Wildwood Owl (딜러) | Tiny Feathers Wildwood Moss Wildwood Owlet Wildwood Owl |
Bamboo Phytocat (딜러) | Bamboo Shoot Bamboo Cluster Phytocat Toy Bamboo Leaves Bamboo Phytocat | Leafy Moth (딜러) | Cruncy Moth Legs Fragile Moth Wings White Cabbage Butterfly Leafy Moth |
레어 드롭 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Arcane Runestone | Earth Runestone | Wind Runestone | Bloodscale Chest Guard | Bloodscale Shoulder Guards | Bloodscale Tail Guard | Blue and Green Flair Scarf | Blushing Pink Rose | Cleaver | Dented Iron Belt | Dented Iron Gauntlets | Dented Iron Helmet | Dented Iron Pauldrons | Dented Iron Tail Cuffs | Dew Laden White Rose | Firebreather Cape | Forest Green Leg Wraps | Gladewalker Cape | Green Highnoon Hank | Pretty Pink Neck Bow | Simple Copper Bracelets | Simple Pearly Bracelets | Tropical Birdskull Headdress | Veteran's Eye Scar | Veteran's Leg Scars | Veteran's Shoulder Scars | Yella Highnoon Hank | Bolster | Boulder Bolt | Concentration | Congeal | Contaminate | Contuse | Eliminate | Envenom | Fossilize | Freezing Slash | Frigid Bolt | Gust Slash | Haste | Jungle Slash | Leaf Bolt | Pestilent Slash | Rally | Reflect | Regeneration | Rock Slash | Sear | Shock | Shock Bolt | Shred | Vile Bolt | Ward | Zephyr Bolt | Berserker | Minor Health Potion | Exotic Arcanist Idol | Furry Icewarden Puppet | Heavy Earthshaker Idol | Playful Windsinger Puppet | White Knight | Broadleaf Pack | Leafy Pack | Canvas Sack | Rusted Treasure Chest | Unhatched Arcane Egg | Unhatched Earth Egg | Unhatched Fire Egg | Unhatched Ice Egg | Unhatched Plague Egg | Unhatched Wind Egg | Remove Gene: Primary | Scroll of Renaming | Vista: Woodland Path |
3.3. Scorched Forest
몬스터 | 아이템 | 몬스터 | 아이템 |
Banded Owlcat (딜러) | Tiny Feathers Common Sparrow Forest Field Guide White-Masked Dustbug Scorched Forest Crate Banded Crate Banded Owlcat Crate Banded Owlcat | Red-Winged Owlcat (딜러) | Tiny Feathers Owlcat Journal Red-Winged Dewbug Redwing Crate Red-Winged Owlcat |
Clown Charger (딜러) | Herdbeast Hoof Pincushion Urchin Clown Charger Fin Vampire Eel Clown Charger | Death's Head Stag (메이지) | Fragile Moth Wings Herdbeast Hoof Rotting Leather Fragile Antler Dwarf Fawn Death Head Crate Death's Head Stag |
Crowned Bonepriest (메이지) | Bonepriest Venom Giant Desert Centipede Bonepriest Crate Crowned Bonepriest | Umberhorn Qiriq (딜러) | Umbral Catfish Umberhorn Crate Umberhorn Qiriq |
Extinguished Jackalope (딜러) | Extinguished Bunny Extinguished Jackalope Pelt Extinguished Jackalope | Searing Jackalope (딜러) | Searing Bunny Searing Jackalope Pelt Searing Jackalope |
Rambra (딜러) | Rambra Horn Songbird Mimic Rambra Crate Rambra | Zeeba (딜러) | Zeeba Horn Zebra Cricket Zeeba Crate Zeeba |
Smoke Gyre (딜러) | Bottled Embers Miniature Potash Peach Smoke Gyre Crate Smoke Gyre | Steam Gyre (딜러) | Jar of Vapors Wisp Fruit Steam Gyre |
Centaur Archer (메이지) | Decorative Centaur Quiver Thick Meat Strips Centaur Archer | Wintermane Bowman (메이지) | Leather Centaur Quiver Dried Jerky Wintemane Bowman |
Painted Centaur (딜러) | Expertly-Crafted Spear Centaur Ration Pouch Painted Centaur | Wintermane Spearman (딜러) | Ebon-Edged Spear Centaur Nut Mix Wintermane Spearman |
레어 드롭 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Azure Highnoon Hank | Bloodscale Bracers | Bloodscale Greaves | Bloodscale Shoulder Guards | Cleaver | Crown of Bones | Dented Iron Boots | Dented Iron Helmet | Dented Iron Pauldrons | Dented Iron Tail Cuffs | Firebreather Cape | Navy Wing Wraps | Pretty White Neck Bow | Romantic Red Rose | Shabby Waistcoat | Simple Copper Wing Bangles | Tropical Birdskull Armband | Tropical Birdskull Headdress | Tropical Birdskull Legband | Tropical Birdskull Necklace | Veteran's Eye Scar | Veteran's Leg Scars | Veteran's Shoulder Scars | Yella Highnoon Hank | Blazing Slash | Blinding Slash | Bolster | Boulder Bolt | Contaminate | Disorient | Drown | Eliminate | Enamor | Flame Bolt | Fossilize | Gust Slash | Hydro Bolt | Mana Bolt | Pestilent Slash | Rally | Regeneration | Sear | Shock | Shock Bolt | Shroud | Vile Bolt | Ward | Wave Slash | Zephyr Bolt | Discipline | Berserker | Scholar | Minor Health Potion | Ruby Ring | White Pawn | Broken Penny Jar | Unhatched Arcane Egg | Unhatched Plague Egg | Remove Gene: Primary | Vista: Scorched Forest |
3.4. Sandswept Delta
몬스터 | 아이템 | 몬스터 | 아이템 |
Carmine Serthis (메이지) | Coral Snake Delta Orchid Carmine Serthis | Opheodrys Serthis (메이지) | Emerald Ratsnake Fragrant Orchid Opheodrys Serthis |
Crowned Bonepriest (메이지) | Bonepriest Venom Giant Desert Centipede Bonepriest Crate Crowned Bonepriest | Greatshell (딜러) | Slimy Tusk Greatshell Fin Greatshell |
Fan Scorpion (딜러) | Ashfall Prickler Fisher's Companion Barbed Tail Fan Scorpion | Peacock Scorpion (딜러) | Azure Lure Peacock Scorpion Tail Peacock Crate Peacock Scorpion Crate Peacock Scorpion |
Fuiran (딜러) | Shiny Anole Dustbowl Ivy Fuiran Hide Fuiran Crate Fuiran | Nightsky Fuiran (딜러) | Cave Gecko Black Tulip Corpsemaker Ivy Nightsky Fuiran Hide Nightsky Crate Nightsky Fuiran |
Iridescent Scaleback (딜러) | Reflective Fish Scales Chimera Fangs Iridescent Cloth Iridescent Scaleback | Scaleback (딜러) | Dusky Mealworm Sand Creeper Fractured Tusk Crumbling Leather Chimera Fangs Shimmering Cloth Scaleback |
Serthis Alchemist (메이지) | Toxindiver Powerful Serthis Potion Serthis Alchemist | Serthis Potionmaster (메이지) | Scalescarab Unstable Serthis Concoction Serthis Potionmaster |
Shadow Serpent (딜러) | Olive Sea Snake Shadow Serpentskin Shadow Crate Shadow Serpent | Shattered Serpent (딜러) | Dust Slither Snakeskin Shattered Crate Shattered Serpent |
Storm Seeker (딜러) | Scroll Case Seeker Orb Squall Seeker Storm Seeker |
레어 드롭 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ice Runestone | Shadow Runestone | Water Runestone | Bloodscale Bracers | Bloodscale Greaves | Bloodscale Shoulder Guards | Bloodscale Tail Guard | Bloodscale Wing Guard | Cleaver | Crown of Bones | Dented Iron Boots | Dented Iron Gorget | Dented Iron Pauldrons | Dented Iron Tail Cuffs | Firebreather Cape | Forest Green Chest Wrap | Green Highnoon Hank | Romantic Red Rose | Tropical Birdskull Armband | Tropical Birdskull Legband | Tropical Birdskull Necklace | Veteran's Eye Scar | Veteran's Leg Scars | Veteran's Shoulder Scars | Aid | Blazing Slash | Blinding Slash | Bolster | Boulder Bolt | Bright Bolt | Concentration | Congeal | Dark Bolt | Disorient | Eliminate | Enamor | Envenom | Fossilize | Haste | Jungle Slash | Leaf Bolt | Mana Bolt | Mist Slash | Pestilent Slash | Rally | Reflect | Regeneration | Shock Bolt | Shred | Shroud | Ward | Wave Slash | Zephyr Bolt | Discipline | Berserker | Scholar | Scratch | Minor Health Potion | Lost Gladekeeper Sackdoll | Smoldering Flamecaller Puppet | Sopping Tidelord Sackdoll | Glimmerscale Basket | Unhatched Arcane Egg | Unhatched Fire Egg | Unhatched Light Egg | Unhatched Lightning Egg | Unhatched Shadow Egg | Unhatched Water Egg | Unhatched Wind Egg | Vista: Sandswept Delta |
3.5. Forgotten Cave
몬스터 | 아이템 | 몬스터 | 아이템 |
Ancient Fungus (메이지) | Ancient Fungus Spores Ancient Mushroom Ancient Crate Ancient Fungus | Dwarf Truffle (메이지) | Dwarf Truffle Spores Dwarf Mushroom Dwarf Truffle Crate Dwarf Truffle |
Blue Dragon Reef Snail (메이지) | Nymph Greater Leech Bluespine Slug Dragon Coral Blue Dragon Crate Blue Dragon Reef Snail | Crimson Reef Snail (메이지) | Nymph Wetland Vampire Spineback Slug Reefsnail Egg Crimson Reef Crate Crimson Reef Snail |
Blueband Duelist (딜러) | Duelist Hilt Blue Racer Blueband Duelist | Venomblade Assassin (딜러) | Venomblade Hilt Amelanistic Racer Venomblade Assassin |
Bramble Guardian (딜러) | Blue Entoloma Pulsating Pendant Bramble Crate Bramble Guardian | Parasitic Fungus (딜러) | Emetic Russula Softly Glowing Pendant Parasitic Fungus |
Centaur Berserker (딜러) | Darkwood Titan Berserker's Belt Centaur Berserker | Swiftfoot Slayer (딜러) | Goliath Beetle Swiftfoot Warrior's Belt Swiftfoot Slayer |
Citrine Cave Jewel (딜러) | Citrus Lionfish Bioluminescent Tail Citrine Crate Citrine Cave Jewel | Emerald Cave Jewel (딜러) | Venomspite Invader Glowing Tail Emerald Crate Emerald Cave Jewel |
Cursed Bat (딜러) | Cursed Batling Cursed Tuft of Fur Cursed Crate Cursed Bat | Runic Bat (딜러) | Runic Batling Runed Tuft of Fur Runic Crate Runic Bat Crate Runic Bat |
Deepmine Aardvark (딜러) | Subterranean Termite Potted Deepmine Fungi Deepmine Aardvark | Peacevine Aardvark (딜러) | Drywood Termite Potted Peacevine Peacevine Aardvark |
Corpse Cleaner (딜러) | Vial of Mysterious Toxin Bark Centipede Corpse Cleaner Crate Corpse Cleaner |
레어 드롭 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ice Runestone | Nature Runestone | Bloodscale Bracers | Bloodscale Greaves | Bloodscale Shoulder Guards | Blushing Pink Rose | Cleaver | Dented Iron Boots | Dented Iron Gorget | Dented Iron Helmet | Dented Iron Tail Cuffs | Elaborate Sandwastes Socks | Midnight Cape | Nomad's Sandwastes Sash | Tropical Birdskull Armband | Tropical Birdskull Headdress | Tropical Birdskull Legband | Veteran's Shoulder Scars | Blazing Slash | Blinding Slash | Bright Bolt | Bolster | Boulder Bolt | Concentration | Congeal | Contaminate | Dark Bolt | Disorient | Drown | Eliminate | Enamor | Enfeeble | Envenom | Fossilize | Haste | Hydro Bolt | Flame Bolt | Freezing Slash | Gust Slash | Jungle Slash | Mist Slash | Pestilent Slash | Reflect | Rock Slash | Rune Slash | Sear | Shock | Shock Bolt | Shroud | Thunder Slash | Vile Bolt | Zephyr Bolt | Ambush | Discipline | Berserker | Scholar | Scratch | Minor Health Potion | Sopping Tidelord Sackdoll | Broken Penny Jar | Rusted Treasure Chest | Unhatched Arcane Egg | Unhatched Earth Egg | Unhatched Fire Egg | Unhatched Ice Egg | Unhatched Light Egg | Unhatched Lightning Egg | Unhatched Nature Egg | Unhatched Plague Egg | Unhatched Shadow Egg | Unhatched Water Egg | Unhatched Wind Egg | Scroll of Renaming | Vista: Forgotten Cave |
3.6. Bamboo Falls
몬스터 | 아이템 | 몬스터 | 아이템 |
Baku (딜러) | Blackberry Baku Tusk Puddlehopper Small Ribcage Baku Crate Baku | Dreameater (딜러) | Sour Spinach Dreameater Tusk Dreamwaker Dreameater Crate Dreameater's Crate Dreameater |
Carmine Serthis (메이지) | Coral Snake Delta Orchid Carmine Serthis | Opheodrys Serthis (메이지) | Emerald Ratsnake Fragrant Orchid Opheodrys Serthis |
Ethereal Trickster (메이지) | Crumbling Relief Moonglow Foxtail WispBug Ethereal Crate Ethereal Trickster | Trick of the Light (메이지) | Intact Parchment Wispy Foxtail Rainwater Stink Bug Light's Trick Crate Trick of the Light Crate Trick of the Light |
Gale Wolf (딜러) | Feverfew Zephyr Sparrow Skein of Silky Yarn Gale Wolf | Umbra Wolf (딜러) | Umbra Parthenium Duskrat Umbral Yarn Umbra Wolf |
Hainu (딜러) | Granny Smith Apple Woodland Acorn Hainu Collar Hainu Crate Hainu | Red-Breasted Hainu (딜러) | Blood Acorn Hainu's Eye Black Hainu Collar Jasper Red Crested Crate Red-Breasted Hainu |
Mantled Foo (딜러) | Forester Squirrel Stolen Mantle Mantled Foo | Tigerblood Foo (딜러) | Tigereye Squirrel Intricate Weaving Tigerblood Foo |
Tengu (메이지) | Light's Breath Crowntail Wanderer Ornamental Sash Fishscale Basket Tengu Crate Tengu | Wandering Surge Priest (메이지) | River Warden Crowntail Surgling Ceremonial Sash Fishscale Basket Wandering Surgepriest |
Fungalhoof Qiriq (딜러) | Fairy Ears Armored Catfish Fungalhoof Crate Fungalhoof Qiriq |