<rowcolor=white> 학과, 학부, 연구소 홈페이지 건축조경학부 (Department of Architecture and Landscape) 영화사진학부 (Department of Film & Photography) 순수미술학부 (Department of Fine Art) 공연예술학부 (Department of Performing Arts) 창의산업학부 (Department of Creative Industries) 비평역사학부 (Department of Critical & Historical Studies) 인문학부 (Department of Humanities) 언론출판미디어학부 (Department of Journalism, Publishing and Media) 3D디자인학부 (Department of 3D Design) 패션학부 (Department of Fashion) 그래픽디자인학부 (Department of Graphic Design) 일러스트레이션애니메이션학부 (Department of Illustration Animation)
<rowcolor=white> 학과, 학부, 연구소 홈페이지 교육학부 (Department of Education) 응용인간과학부 (Department of Applied and Human Sciences) 생체분자과학부 (Department of Biomolecular Sciences) 화학제약과학부 (Department of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences) 약학부 (Department of Pharmacy) 조산학부 (Department of Midwifery) 간호대학 (School of Nursing) 사회복지학부 (Department of Social Work and Social Care)
<rowcolor=white> 학과, 학부, 연구소 홈페이지 컴퓨터과학부 (Department of Computer Science) 네트워크디지털미디어학부 (Department of Networks and Digital Media) 기계공학부 (Department of Mechanical Engineering) 항공우주비행기공학부 (Department of Aerospace and Aircraft Engineering) 토목공학측량건설관리학부 (Department of Civil Engineering, Surveying and Construction Management) 지리지질환경학부 (Department of Geography, Geology and the Environment)