최근 수정 시각 : 2024-03-10 21:50:03
상위 문서: 웨스턴오스트레일리아
1. 개요2. LGAs(Local Government Areas)2.1. Metropolitan LGAs2.2. Non-metropolitan LGAs 3. Suburbs4. 외부 링크 웨스턴오스트레일리아 주의 하위 행정구역을 정리하는 문서.
2. LGAs(Local Government Areas)
2.1. Metropolitan LGAs
- Armadale, City of | 알마데일
- Bassendean, Town of | 바센딘
- Bayswater, City of | 베이스워터
- Belmont, City of | 벨몬트
- Cambridge, Town of | 케임브리지
- Canning, City of | 캐닝
- Claremont, Town of | 클레어몬트
- Cockburn, City of | 콕번
- Cottesloe, Town of | 코트슬로우
- East Fremantle, Town of | 이스트 프리맨틀
- Fremantle, City of | 프리맨틀
- Gosnells, City of | 고스넬스
- Joondalup, City of | 준달럽
- Kalamunda, City of | 카라문다
- Kwinana, City of | 퀴나나
- Melville, City of | 멜빌
- Mosman Park, Town of | 모스만 파크
- Mundaring, Shire of | 문더링
- Nedlands, City of | 네드랜즈
- Peppermint Grove, Shire of | 페퍼민트 그로브
- Perth, City of | 퍼스
- Rockingham, City of | 로킹엄
- Serpentine–Jarrahdale, Shire of | 세르펀타인-자라데일
- South Perth, City of | 사우스 퍼스
- Stirling, City of | 스터링
- Subiaco, City of | 서비아코
- Swan, City of | 스완
- Victoria Park, Town of | 빅토리아 파크
- Vincent, City of | 빈센트
- Wanneroo, City of | 와너루
2.2. Non-metropolitan LGAs
- Albany, City of
- Ashburton, Shire of
- Augusta–Margaret River, Shire of
- Beverley, Shire of
- Boddington, Shire of
- Boyup Brook, Shire of
- Bridgetown–Greenbushes, Shire of
- Brookton, Shire of
- Broome, Shire of | 브룸
- Broomehill–Tambellup, Shire of
- Bruce Rock, Shire of
- Bunbury, City of | 번버리
- Busselton, City of
- Capel, Shire of
- Carnamah, Shire of
- Carnarvon, Shire of
- Chapman Valley, Shire of
- Chittering, Shire of
- Christmas Island, Shire of
- Cocos, Shire of
- Collie, Shire of
- Coolgardie, Shire of
- Coorow, Shire of
- Corrigin, Shire of
- Cranbrook, Shire of
- Cuballing, Shire of
- Cue, Shire of
- Cunderdin, Shire of
- Dalwallinu, Shire of
- Dandaragan, Shire of
- Dardanup, Shire of
- Denmark, Shire of
- Derby–West Kimberley, Shire of
- Donnybrook–Balingup, Shire of
- Dowerin, Shire of
- Dumbleyung, Shire of
- Dundas, Shire of
- East Pilbara, Shire of
- Esperance, Shire of
- Exmouth, Shire of
- Gingin, Shire of
- Gnowangerup, Shire of
- Goomalling, Shire of
- Greater Geraldton, City of
- Halls Creek, Shire of
- Harvey, Shire of
- Irwin, Shire of
- Jerramungup, Shire of
- Kalgoorlie–Boulder, City of | 칼굴리
- Karratha, City of
- Katanning, Shire of
- Kellerberrin, Shire of
- Kent, Shire of
- Kojonup, Shire of
- Kondinin, Shire of
- Koorda, Shire of
- Kulin, Shire of
- Lake Grace, Shire of
- Laverton, Shire of
- Leonora, Shire of
- Mandurah, City of | 만두라
- Manjimup, Shire of
- Meekatharra, Shire of
- Menzies, Shire of
- Merredin, Shire of
- Mingenew, Shire of
- Moora, Shire of
- Morawa, Shire of
- Mount Magnet, Shire of
- Mount Marshall, Shire of
- Mukinbudin, Shire of
- Murchison, Shire of
- Murray, Shire of
- Nannup, Shire of
- Narembeen, Shire of
- Narrogin, Shire of
- Ngaanyatjarraku, Shire of
- Northam, Shire of
- Northampton, Shire of
- Nungarin, Shire of
- Perenjori, Shire of
- Pingelly, Shire of
- Plantagenet, Shire of
- Port Hedland, Town of
- Quairading, Shire of
- Ravensthorpe, Shire of
- Sandstone, Shire of
- Shark Bay, Shire of
- Tammin, Shire of
- Three Springs, Shire of
- Toodyay, Shire of
- Trayning, Shire of
- Upper Gascoyne, Shire of
- Victoria Plains, Shire of
- Wagin, Shire of
- Wandering, Shire of
- Waroona, Shire of
- West Arthur, Shire of
- Westonia, Shire of
- Wickepin, Shire of
- Williams, Shire of
- Wiluna, Shire of
- Wongan–Ballidu, Shire of
- Woodanilling, Shire of
- Wyalkatchem, Shire of
- Wyndham East Kimberley, Shire of
- Yalgoo, Shire of
- Yilgarn, Shire of
- York, Shire of
3. Suburbs
Suburb | 우편번호 | LGA | 비고 |
City Delivery Centre | 6000 |
Perth | 6000 |
Perth GPO | 6000 |
Perth | 6001 |
Highgate | 6003 |
Northbridge | 6003 |
East Perth | 6004 |
Kings Park | 6005 |
West Perth | 6005 |
North Perth | 6006 |
Leederville | 6007 |
West Leederville | 6007 |
Daglish | 6008 |
Shenton Park | 6008 |
Subiaco | 6008 |
Subiaco East | 6008 |
Broadway Nedlands | 6009 |
Crawley | 6009 |
Dalkeith | 6009 |
Nedlands | 6009 |
Nedlands DC | 6009 |
Claremont | 6010 |
Claremont North | 6010 |
Karrakatta | 6010 |
Mount Claremont | 6010 |
Swanbourne | 6010 |
Cottesloe | 6011 |
Peppermint Grove | 6011 |
Mosman Park | 6012 |
Floreat | 6014 |
Jolimont | 6014 |
Wembley | 6014 |
City Beach | 6015 |
Glendalough | 6016 |
Mount Hawthorn | 6016 |
4. 외부 링크