최근 수정 시각 : 2024-09-14 11:48:11

성균관대학교 글로벌창업대학원 수업과목

(각 2학점)
  • Study on Startup Organization (스타트업조직연구)
  • Global Digital Marketing 4.0 (글로벌디지털마케팅4.0)
  • AI, Bigdata, IoT and technology commercialization (AIBI기술사업화)
  • Global competency enhancement for startup (글로벌역량강화)
  • The Start-up Theory Of Social Venture (소셜벤처창업론)
  • Start-up team building (스타트업팀빌딩)
  • Startup & 4th Industrial Revolution Semina (기술창업과4차산업세미나)
  • Commercialization of Patented Technology (특허기술사업화)
  • Entrepreneurship Policy Research (창업정책연구)
  • Marketing Strategy for Startup (기술창업마케팅전략)
  • Analysis of The Fourth Industrial Revolution and Technology Trends (4차산업혁명과기술트렌드분석)
  • Frainchise Business (프랜차이즈창업론)
  • SKKU Entrepreneurship Capstone2 (창업융합캡스톤디자인2)
  • Technology Commercialization (기술사업화)
  • Strategy of M&A and IPO (기업공개와M&A전략)
  • Technology valuation (기술가치평가)
  • SKKU Entrepreneurship Capstone1 (창업융합캡스톤디자인1)
  • SKKU Field Experience Program (SFEP)
  • Venture Growth Strategies (벤처성장전략)
  • Patent Law & Strategy (특허법률과전략)
  • New Product Development (신제품개발론)
  • Business Model Development (비즈니스모델개발론)
  • Method of Consulting (컨설팅 방법론)
  • Entrepreneurship (기업가정신)
  • Advanced Management of Startup (창업경영학특론)
  • Startup and Engineering (창업과 공학)