- ice and fire
- Ice and Fire
- 틀:마인크래프트/모드
- 틀:마인크래프트/문서가 있는 모드/유니버설
- Lycanites Mobs/추가되는 몹
- Alex's Caves
- 불과 얼음
- Alex's Caves/몹
- Farmer's Delight
- Ice and Fire: Dragons/드래곤
- Ice and Fire: Dragons/아이템
- Ice and Fire: Dragons/추가되는 몹
- 마인크래프트/모드
- L_Ender's Cataclysm
- Scape and Run: Parasites/추가되는 몹 및 생물군계
- Scape and Run: Parasites/추가 예정인 몹
- Mowzie's Mobs
- Fossils and Archeology
- Alex's Mobs