- 틀:JD Gaming
- 2021 League of Legends Pro League Summer/포스트시즌
- 틀:2022 League of Legends Pro League Spring 포스트시즌 진출팀
- 틀:JDG Intel
- 틀:JD Gaming/리그 오브 레전드
- 틀:LPL 1500킬 달성 선수
- 틀:LCK 1500킬 달성 선수
- DWG KIA/리그 오브 레전드/전적
- 2023 League of Legends Pro League Spring 정규시즌 순위표
- 2023 League of Legends Pro League Spirng/1주차
- 틀:LCK 2,000킬 달성 선수
- 틀:LCK 1,000킬 달성 선수
- 2023 League of Legends Pro League Spring/5주차
- 2023 League of Legends Pro League Spring/6주차
- 2023 League of Legends Pro League Spring/7주차
- 2023 League of Legends Pro League Spring/8주차
- 2023 League of Legends Pro League Spring/9주차
- 2023 League of Legends Pro League Spring/10주차
- 2023 League of Legends Pro League Spring/4주차
- 2023 League of Legends Pro League Spring/2주차
- 2023 League of Legends Pro League Spring/1주차
- 틀:2023 League of Legends Pro League Spring 정규시즌 순위표
- 틀:LPL 2022 시즌/팀